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ID: 176510](https://forums.steroid.com/attachment.php?s=6b41e962a42053c5b5605f684fcb2037&attachmentid=176510&d=1555959059&thumb=1)
44, 6’3”, 250 lbs.
BF has been between 10-14% last 6 months. Last time was 12% (6 weeks ago).
Been on TRT for 2 years at 100 mgs a week which keeps my levels at around 1000. HCG - 500 x 2.
Never needed an AI or had an issue with prolactin. Can get labs regularly with my GP.
Cycle history has been mostly test. Did one test/deca cycle 20 years ago and have done 2 test/tren cycles about 2 years ago. Test was at 200, tren at 500.
Second one I bailed at 7 weeks, work was killing me and the insomnia and sweats got to be too much.
Am I lean enough for a Mast? Thinking I can be by week 4 for sure.
Currently have been thinking about running a recomp with test, tren and Mast prop.
1st rodeo with Mast and not sure if I have enough? I have 3 ten ML bottles of 100 mg per ML. Plenty of everything else.
Proposal is this...
Week 1-12 - test at 500
Week 1-12 - tren at 300
Weeks 4 - 12 - Mast at 125 mgs EOD
(Photos are fucking horrible, lol. Apologies for doubles and being crooked, technology is not my friend). Just wanted to give a visual for the help.