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Thread: Question for Gearheaded

  1. #1

    Question for Gearheaded

    I read your previous response in a thread about compounds like EQ and Deca and how enzymes affect the conversion rate. So with EQ, if someone were interested in running a trt dose of test (200/wk) with say 600/wk of EQ, judging from your previous answer, what benefits would you see from this cycle? and I'm assuming minimal to zero estro issues because of the EQ minimizing or eliminating the estro conversion?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    EQ minimizing or eliminating estrogen? Dont think I ever heard him say that. Though I would expect similar estrogen sides/results as a 200mg trt regiment.

    You didn't ask me of course but GH has been very busy lately.

    Also might add you should try the pm function in the future as usually when a new member tries to ask a question directly to another in the open, (particularly GH) it is usually an old member that has a bone to pick.

    Not meaning any of this rude sir and welcome to the board. Glad to have you!
    Last edited by Obs; 04-25-2019 at 09:44 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Smith54 View Post
    I read your previous response in a thread about compounds like EQ and Deca and how enzymes affect the conversion rate. So with EQ, if someone were interested in running a trt dose of test (200/wk) with say 600/wk of EQ, judging from your previous answer, what benefits would you see from this cycle? and I'm assuming minimal to zero estro issues because of the EQ minimizing or eliminating the estro conversion?
    Your getting EQ (boldenone) confused with masterone (drostanolone).

    EQ does convert at half the rate of testosterone, as well as being slightly progestenic. Test is 100:100 androgenic: anabolic, were EQ is 50:100 androgenic: anabolic.

    Masterone will pretty much take care of most of the E2 conversion on that low dose test as well as free up some bound test by lowering SHBG.

    and the bit of e2 not covered by masteron is needed anyway.

    This is basically what he'll tell you, as I've picked his brain lots regarding mast

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Also that much EQ in the presence of test will kind of play off each other and cause a slight spoke in e2 more than if either compound was ran alone at the doses your mentioned.

    If you're particularly sensitive to e2 conversion as I am EQ will hold a bit of water, not as much as 500mg of test or dbol will, but it's noticable. But that's also a positive aspect of EQ, your muscle is 75% H2O

  5. #5
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    You can rack up 50 posts pretty easy and then PM him if he doesn't reply.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  6. #6
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    I correspond with new members with no posts.
    You can probably pm him now.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I correspond with new members with no posts.
    You can probably pm him now.

  8. #8
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    Just post whore a bunch of “lmao”! I would have said lol but it has to be 4 characters. That will get you to 50 posts quick.

    Just giving you a hard time man

  9. #9
    This is the post from GH on 4/7.

    yes EQ has anti estrogen properties through an enzymatic process. this process takes time to build up.. but the longer your on EQ the more anti estrogenic effects you get.
    however depending on your goals you may not want or desire these anti estrogen effects (as estrogen in the presence of elevated androgens is extremely anabolic , increases IGF production, HGH output, and hepatic HDL production). its kinda hard to put on muscle when your E levels are low. sometimes adding a compound like Dbol or Ment just to get additional estrogen conversion can be beneficial to a cycle,, let alone thinking of taking an AI and hindering estrogen from the start.

    its all person and context dependent. theres a time and a place to keep estrogen in the normal range. theres a time and a place to let it skyrocket and enhance muscle growth. it really depends on the situation .

    but AI's are not generally "needed" by any means . and in fact some people will go so far as to say they are dangerous and unhealthy and should't even be part of a TRT protocol let alone a cycle (I personally still see a use for them in various situations).

    check this vid out for more info

    even if your estrogen sensitive and prone to gyno . theres a whole heck of a lot of ways to run AAS with no need for an AI .. as 80% of the steroids available for us to use don't even convert to estrogen in the fist place, and as previously stated some of them are anti estrogenic .
    its generally only the "test only cycles " crowd that see a need for AI's . but for guys that run mainly anabolics, AI's are never generally needed.

    Last edited by GearHeaded; 04-08-2019 at 12:58 AM.

    Obs: Thanks for the welcome. Just to clarify, I'm a new member, I don't have any bone to pick, GH seems very knowledgeable so I thought I would direct this to him with welcome input from the other members which is why I started a thread and not a pm. Someone said something about 50 posts, is this a thing before you are allowed to do something? Let me know, not trying to skirt the rules.

    Couch: I'm not confusing EQ for Masteron, I've just never heard of EQ being anti estronogenic like GH says, which is very interesting and sounds kind of ideal.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    the 50 post rule before gaining pm privileges has always been a rule since the beginning of the board... what obs is referring to is that there seems to be a problem with the board letting some new members post pms right away...this rule is supposed to protect the new member from scammers believe it or for the snarky comments buy some members there are always personality/protocol conflicts amongst members who cant seem to agree to disagree...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    the 50 post rule before gaining pm privileges has always been a rule since the beginning of the board... what obs is referring to is that there seems to be a problem with the board letting some new members post pms right away...this rule is supposed to protect the new member from scammers believe it or for the snarky comments buy some members there are always personality/protocol conflicts amongst members who cant seem to agree to disagree...
    Got it, thanks for the info.

  12. #12
    What's your take on this EQ thread?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Smith54 View Post
    What's your take on this EQ thread?
    I’ve never tried eq so I can’t give my opinion except I too would agree with what gearheaded said to you as true/fact...

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    I’ve never tried eq so I can’t give my opinion except I too would agree with what gearheaded said to you as true/fact...
    Agreed, I just became a member, but I've been on the sidelines for a while and he seems like the one to go to for answers. Thanks for the input.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Smith54 View Post
    Agreed, I just became a member, but I've been on the sidelines for a while and he seems like the one to go to for answers. Thanks for the input.
    there are plenty of knowledgeable members here but gearheaded takes the time to answer your questions and even tell you why/how he came to his conclusion base on real word experiences/knowledge of his own and his clients...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Ok so either EQ has anti estrogenic properties, or it converts at 50% the rate of testosterone, or when it interacts with testosterone, there can be a spike in Esteogen caused by EQ. Which is it?

    I don’t think we should just take someone’s word for something just because they appear knowledgeable. Even doctors change their beliefs and modify their protocols as they gain experience and knowledge. I’m glad we can ask questions and discuss answers. Just wish this forum had more than 5 members participating at any one time lol.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    da states
    Trust but verify comes to mind

    There are so many variables.

    The only truth is your truth: meaning do a run, Get early bloods, mid bloods, late bloods and see what it does for you

    Here's my fav personal example. my limited web-driven knowledge said:
    EQ is weak n does nothing
    Tren is strong n destroys marriages

    So I did a test/EQ run & turned into an asshole, damaging my marriage.

    Then I did a test/tren run & turned into Casanova to the point that wifee thought I was cheating cuz I was suddenly so over the top romantic!

    Go figure :-/

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Ok so either EQ has anti estrogenic properties, or it converts at 50% the rate of testosterone, or when it interacts with testosterone, there can be a spike in Esteogen caused by EQ. Which is it?

    I don’t think we should just take someone’s word for something just because they appear knowledgeable. Even doctors change their beliefs and modify their protocols as they gain experience and knowledge. I’m glad we can ask questions and discuss answers. Just wish this forum had more than 5 members participating at any one time lol.
    Well I'm running EQ right now and I see nothing in line with it stopping aromatase activity.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Smith54 View Post
    This is the post from GH on 4/7.

    yes EQ has anti estrogen properties through an enzymatic process. this process takes time to build up.. but the longer your on EQ the more anti estrogenic effects you get.
    however depending on your goals you may not want or desire these anti estrogen effects (as estrogen in the presence of elevated androgens is extremely anabolic , increases IGF production, HGH output, and hepatic HDL production). its kinda hard to put on muscle when your E levels are low. sometimes adding a compound like Dbol or Ment just to get additional estrogen conversion can be beneficial to a cycle,, let alone thinking of taking an AI and hindering estrogen from the start.

    its all person and context dependent. theres a time and a place to keep estrogen in the normal range. theres a time and a place to let it skyrocket and enhance muscle growth. it really depends on the situation .

    but AI's are not generally "needed" by any means . and in fact some people will go so far as to say they are dangerous and unhealthy and should't even be part of a TRT protocol let alone a cycle (I personally still see a use for them in various situations).

    check this vid out for more info

    even if your estrogen sensitive and prone to gyno . theres a whole heck of a lot of ways to run AAS with no need for an AI .. as 80% of the steroids available for us to use don't even convert to estrogen in the fist place, and as previously stated some of them are anti estrogenic .
    its generally only the "test only cycles " crowd that see a need for AI's . but for guys that run mainly anabolics, AI's are never generally needed.

    Last edited by GearHeaded; 04-08-2019 at 12:58 AM.

    Obs: Thanks for the welcome. Just to clarify, I'm a new member, I don't have any bone to pick, GH seems very knowledgeable so I thought I would direct this to him with welcome input from the other members which is why I started a thread and not a pm. Someone said something about 50 posts, is this a thing before you are allowed to do something? Let me know, not trying to skirt the rules.

    Couch: I'm not confusing EQ for Masteron, I've just never heard of EQ being anti estronogenic like GH says, which is very interesting and sounds kind of ideal.
    I didnt figure you had a bone to pick.
    As ghetto said the board apparently has an issue regarding the 50 post rule. I usually get 1-5 pms from new members a week with 2 posts or less.

    I dont recall GH ever saying Eq was anti estrogenic but he did teach me quite a bit abou mast counteracting estrogen side effects.

    Something non estrogenic does not convert to estrogen. Something anti estrogenic would counteract estrogen.

    I dont think anyone was being snarky or smart assed btw. We are a friendly bunch except for one.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    Trust but verify comes to mind

    There are so many variables.

    The only truth is your truth: meaning do a run, Get early bloods, mid bloods, late bloods and see what it does for you

    Here's my fav personal example. my limited web-driven knowledge said:
    EQ is weak n does nothing
    Tren is strong n destroys marriages

    So I did a test/EQ run & turned into an asshole, damaging my marriage.

    Then I did a test/tren run & turned into Casanova to the point that wifee thought I was cheating cuz I was suddenly so over the top romantic!

    Go figure :-/
    amazing the way we all vary.
    This is why I stopped with the Q&A almost entirely.
    I give my experience. Other than that I know nothing about what it will do to the next guy and I dont believe anyone who says they do. Its a crash course.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I didnt figure you had a bone to pick.
    As ghetto said the board apparently has an issue regarding the 50 post rule. I usually get 1-5 pms from new members a week with 2 posts or less.

    I dont recall GH ever saying Eq was anti estrogenic but he did teach me quite a bit abou mast counteracting estrogen side effects.

    Something non estrogenic does not convert to estrogen. Something anti estrogenic would counteract estrogen.

    I dont think anyone was being snarky or smart assed btw. We are a friendly bunch except for one.
    Lmao! Except for one! No doubt. A certain zen master maybe?

    Honestly though Obs is right. We have an awesome group of guys here

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Lmao! Except for one! No doubt. A certain zen master maybe?

    Honestly though Obs is right. We have an awesome group of guys here
    I’ve never been called a Zen master. I like it.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I’ve never been called a Zen master. I like it.
    I couldn’t think of any title more fitting for you!

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    I couldn’t think of any title more fitting for you!
    Zen master blaster.

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