Hello guys which better for cuting ? Stanazolol or anavar?
Hello guys which better for cuting ? Stanazolol or anavar?
Stanazolol is the most used because it has a direct effect on cortisol blocking on adrenal glands. This means that you have a great shield on muscle catabolism induced by caloric deficit in cutting. Var is good too even it's effect on cortisol is more light and indirected but it has a great anabolic power and a great affinity on SHBG. Nothing prohibits to use them together taking advantage of synergic actions even is rare going in this way, as long as you know what are you doing, handle with consciousness the dosages, protected your liver and lipids with the good supplements and stay on them for max 6-8 weeks.
Start from here https://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-...rst-cycle.html
And just after you've well understood there, then moving to next thinking of cutting with AAS and so on.
diet and cardio, best cutting drugs available.
Anavar is probably the best oral steroid there is. It also helps with burning fat better than most others. Im a huge fan of var
Can I use only cycle anavar for Male or need some test mix?
You would think with all the threads like this (trying to avoid the pin) that a ugl would sell a no pin kit, which would be a bunch of test gel and anavar (or whatever oral).
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What would the ideal Test/Anavar/Wintstrol cycle look like?
Test 400mg week 1-10
Anavar 50mg ed week 1-8
Winstrol 50mg ed week 3-10
I've heard that to get the most out of anavar a 8 week cycle should be followed. Not sure if 6 weeks should be followed for winstrol or should it ideally be 8 weeks? I would think 6 weeks would be less liver taxing than 8 weeks which is why i've edited it to 6 weeks:
Test 400mg week 1-10
Anavar 50mg ed week 1-8
Winstrol 50mg ed week 5-10
What about AI's/HCG/PCT for this kind of cycle? What should it ideally look like?
Last edited by Mula; 04-28-2019 at 03:36 PM.
Why don't you stop thinking so'much about the drugs and focus on how you'll get enough protein in and how and when you're going to train. These small week2-3 or week 3-6 are going to make no difference. Your doing ten weeks do all three for ten weeks. Pretty easy.
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Neither are better for cutting bf unless you believe the theory that Anavar burns fat. I don't use Anavar so I don't know but the only steroid I've ever taken that has burned fat by itself is Tren. So no AAS is better for burning far. A good diet, enough cardio for you, discipline in your eating that is what burns fat.
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Give GW501516 (Cardarine) a shot.
I wouldn’t run an AI at all. Your only running 400mg/week of an aromatizing compund(Test) neither anavar or winny aromatize to estrogen.
Hcg I don’t see how you could go wrong with 250 IU 2x week.
Pct would be the standard clomid nolva pct. read the sticky’s brother it will lay it out for you
50mg a day of var or 35 or so of winny
Test is up to you
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