I use 25g 1" needle to pin IM. I have noticed a few time a tiny bit will kinda leak out. Is this normal or I am not doing it right. Also I pin quads only.
I use 25g 1" needle to pin IM. I have noticed a few time a tiny bit will kinda leak out. Is this normal or I am not doing it right. Also I pin quads only.
Try z-track method
Also try air-lok and leave pin in for anoit 10 seconds after injection. Also don't flex, relax as you pull it out. And pull it out slow.
As above, or you could just use 1 & quarter inch to get nice and deep in the muscle. It is no bid deal that a small amount of oil comes out after your pin, it does not really happen if your deep enough.
I never got a leak out of my quads and I pin with a 25 gauge 5/8” needle. I’m pinning 1.5-2 ml of oil on cycle each time.
Z track, i let the pin stay in place for 10-20secs without flexing, remove pin, then use an alcohol pad to press down on and massage the site for 20 secs.
The only time i ever noticed leakage was when i first began and was tensed up and was probably still pushing the plunger as i was taking the pin out.
Z track method works very well to prevent even blood from coming out
The amount that leaks out is miniscule.
I just press with an alcohol pad for a bit.
Z track is impossible on many places I pin such as arms, delts, and lats.
*though many might slide bicep skin with their outer hand and pin I cannot pin these places while doing that. My fingers are pretty messd up.*
Last edited by Obs; 04-28-2019 at 11:57 PM.
Sub Q'd a shot of base yesterday. My leg hurts like a mother
In most cases Sub-Q sucks.
Only time I really didn't mind sub q was when injecting pharmacom test p 50. It's solvent free
Still , Sub-Q is possibly going to cause a local sterile abcess, where your body kind of quarantines the foreign substance by encapsulating is in fluid preventing absorption in a timely manner
Abcess sucks.
The one I drained itched so bad it hurt.
When I drained it it just hurt lol
Alright, y’all talked me out of it
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