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Thread: switching compounds during cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    switching compounds during cycle

    I know adding a compound at a certain point in a cycle is pretty normal, but I had someone who I believe knows what they are talking about tell me a cycle that seems very different... Im having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that they suggested going with 2 compounds for 3 weeks, then switching to 2 different compounds for 6 weeks, then finishing up with a cut stack for the last 3 weeks. Of course there is also antiE and HCG included along with pct at the end. Can you really benefit from changing compounds that often in a cycle? They are all short ester except for the first 3 weeks is cyp...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Layout the cycle, I’d have to see it first but it doesn’t sound optimal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    That would make sense if you're blasting long esters in huge amounts for 3 weeks but if it has to be a sensibly planned cycle with the intent of making use of some properties of certain compounds. Like redz said, lay it out here so we can comment about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    I’m currently doing this during my bulk. I’m not necessarily switching compounds. In about week 8 I upped my deca and added npp and tren. I’m loving the results. I’ll likely change again around week 12 to start drying out a little after running a “wet” androgenic phase.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Layout the cycle, I’d have to see it first but it doesn’t sound optimal.
    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    That would make sense if you're blasting long esters in huge amounts for 3 weeks but if it has to be a sensibly planned cycle with the intent of making use of some properties of certain compounds. Like redz said, lay it out here so we can comment about it.
    week 1 - 3 Mon/Weds/Fri - 1mL Test C & 1mL dhb
    week 4 - 9 Mon/Weds/Fri - 1mL Andropean & .5 Ment Ace
    week 10-12 Mon/Weds/Fri - 1mL Cut Mix (Test P100/Tren A100/Mast P100)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Please specify the dosages in mg/ml, using mL only doesn't mean anything since the concentration of the solutions may differ.
    Anyway, your proposed cycle doesn't seem logical to me. And I would avoid mixes wherever possible.
    There is no point of switching from cypionate to 5 different esters of testosterone in the week 4 and introduce an estrogenic compound such as ment.
    You are trying to incorporate both bulking and cutting in the same cycle, that can be done but your approach is not the best one here.
    I don't know your stats very well but here is my take at optimizing your cycle:

    Week 1-4
    Test Cyp

    Week 4-8
    Test Cyp

    Week 8-12
    Test Cyp (would keep the dosage close to TRT here)
    Tren Ace
    Mast P
    (You could keep DHB here)

    But still, there are better ways to do this with different compounds or within longer duration.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    Please specify the dosages in mg/ml, using mL only doesn't mean anything since the concentration of the solutions may differ.
    Anyway, your proposed cycle doesn't seem logical to me. And I would avoid mixes wherever possible.
    There is no point of switching from cypionate to 5 different esters of testosterone in the week 4 and introduce an estrogenic compound such as ment.
    You are trying to incorporate both bulking and cutting in the same cycle, that can be done but your approach is not the best one here.
    I don't know your stats very well but here is my take at optimizing your cycle:

    Week 1-4
    Test Cyp

    Week 4-8
    Test Cyp

    Week 8-12
    Test Cyp (would keep the dosage close to TRT here)
    Tren Ace
    Mast P
    (You could keep DHB here)

    But still, there are better ways to do this with different compounds or within longer duration.
    I agree it sounded off, but I thought the guy who mentioned it to me was good with gear, thats why I came here to ask. Sorry for not mentioning the mg it slipped my mind, basically normal dosages Cyp at 300, Ment Ace 100, DHB 100, the tren/mast/test mix was all 100 each. I understand the thought behind not using a mix, the price on it was amazing though.

    Basic stats: 33y/o
    5'8" 220 lbs
    as far as body fat % goes I googled body fat pics ( and id say im the 10%-14% picture as far as shoulders arms chest go, but ive been having some weird bloat issue with my stomach the last 2 months or so where it looks big but its solid. (No I am not on growth)
    Been lifting for probably 8 years
    My goals would be to trim a little body fat if possible but the main focus is putting on size and strenth. I really want to get my chest and shoulders and traps full and popping while getting this bloat issue under control and having a flat stomach.
    Cycled for a little while a few years back then went off for awhile. Been cycling again for about a year now and am currently just cruising with 1mL andro 275 x 2 per week

  8. #8
    The thing about AAS use is the results can differ with each individual. Some times you have to find out how things work by experimenting yourself.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    "compound rotation" is an advanced cycle protocol mainly for guys that are on gear year round, or at least blast and cruise. its not ideal for someone who does short cycles and PCTs after every one . guys who are on gear year round all the time have 'de sensitization' issues with drugs and compound rotation strategies can really keep them making gains .
    a new user or someone who only does a cycle or two per years is going to be plenty sensitive to all AAS and doesn't really need to rotate compounds that often.

    I've listed quite a few examples on this site of compound rotation cycles. I do it myself quite often. I've also explained the science of it on how different steroids are all unique in gene and dna expression to the cell and by rotating we are basically "plug and playing" in different information to the cells and helping continue with up regulating growth .

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