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Thread: Blood donation got me again

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Blood donation got me again

    Man... So last time I went to donate my blood they denied me because I lived in Eastern Europe for more than 5 years during the 80's. Now I'm banned for life with that company.

    I decided to donate with the Red Cross this time. Apparently they don't have a building, they just set up shop wherever they can get in. The location today was supposed to be this Dave & Busters type of place (gaming, bowling, etc.), but when I get there, the guy in the front tells me they switched it to a Hyatt hotel. I go to the Hyatt, wait to be seen, then the fun begins. The lady takes my blood pressure, it's 170/105. She's like "we can't take donations if your diastolic is over 100, so we'll move on with the rest of the steps and take it again in a couple of minutes." Well, a couple of minutes later it's 158/102. So once-a-fucking-gain I can't donate blood! Son of a bitch!

    On top of that, I'm driving home thinking my blood pressure monitor must be broken because there is literally a 40 point difference in readings between what I got at Red Cross and what I get at home. I take my blood pressure at home and it's a decent 130/65. Wait 20 minutes and it's 118/55. I'm just concerned that if being a little bit anxious makes my blood pressure 170/105, how high is it when I'm shoulder pressing 250 lbs??? No wonder I feel like I'm going to die after deadlifts.

    I'm dropping the test Prop after next injection and I'll continue the 750 mg/week of EQ and 125 of test E. That should help with the blood pressure some... but I still need to donate. She said my hemoglobin is 17.5 (on a scale of ~ 13-20), which is ok for now. Physically I feel fine and my cardio is better than before.. so who f*ckin knows.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Just drain the blood yourself. Problem solved.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    New England
    I feel your pain. I got jammed up twice at the Red Cross because my blood pressure was too high. It seems like a stupid rule. If they drew blood it would lower my BP. Isn't that a good thing? Both times during my winter cycle running EQ. It was in the 190/110 range. It's never been anywhere near that high before. I attribute it to the EQ which I was running at 800mg/wk. I've run almost everything else including Tren and never been higher than 150s/80s.

    Personally, I think EQ sucks. Didn't do a damn thing for me besides raise my BP. I'm apparently not Estrogen sensitive so I'll just run a gram of Test a week before I run EQ again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Just drain the blood yourself. Problem solved.
    I’m not on that level yet. Still a few levels to play and bosses to beat. Btw got some dim in the mail today. Going to see if it helps with the acne too.

    Quote Originally Posted by HDThunder View Post
    I feel your pain. I got jammed up twice at the Red Cross because my blood pressure was too high. It seems like a stupid rule. If they drew blood it would lower my BP. Isn't that a good thing? Both times during my winter cycle running EQ. It was in the 190/110 range. It's never been anywhere near that high before. I attribute it to the EQ which I was running at 800mg/wk. I've run almost everything else including Tren and never been higher than 150s/80s.

    Personally, I think EQ sucks. Didn't do a damn thing for me besides raise my BP. I'm apparently not Estrogen sensitive so I'll just run a gram of Test a week before I run EQ again.

    Yeah I’m not sure why there is a limit on blood pressure, maybe they’re afraid it’ll squirt out lol. I’m thinking the same thing about EQ as you. I have more acne and no other physical changes except more vascularity.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2018
    I went to donate the other day. Waited fucking 20 minutes while (literally) half the staff was sitting around talking and eating the free food for the donors. I finally get seen and was told the process would take another hour. These fuckers get paid for this? Takes 5 minutes to draw the blood with my veins as big as they are. No wonder they're always struggling to get blood donations.
    I'm buying a kit online and doing it myself

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina
    I have resolved with my cousin who is a nurse; every about 4 months, he comes here to my home and do the work. Many ppl do it by themselves but it could be hard especially if your blood is too much thick. A baby-aspirin 1-2 days before the draw, could be useful. After the draw, i integrate with iron vials ( 100mg/vial ED ) for 1 month.
    Last edited by Slacker78; 05-31-2019 at 05:33 AM.

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