Man... So last time I went to donate my blood they denied me because I lived in Eastern Europe for more than 5 years during the 80's. Now I'm banned for life with that company.
I decided to donate with the Red Cross this time. Apparently they don't have a building, they just set up shop wherever they can get in. The location today was supposed to be this Dave & Busters type of place (gaming, bowling, etc.), but when I get there, the guy in the front tells me they switched it to a Hyatt hotel. I go to the Hyatt, wait to be seen, then the fun begins. The lady takes my blood pressure, it's 170/105. She's like "we can't take donations if your diastolic is over 100, so we'll move on with the rest of the steps and take it again in a couple of minutes." Well, a couple of minutes later it's 158/102. So once-a-fucking-gain I can't donate blood! Son of a bitch!
On top of that, I'm driving home thinking my blood pressure monitor must be broken because there is literally a 40 point difference in readings between what I got at Red Cross and what I get at home. I take my blood pressure at home and it's a decent 130/65. Wait 20 minutes and it's 118/55. I'm just concerned that if being a little bit anxious makes my blood pressure 170/105, how high is it when I'm shoulder pressing 250 lbs??? No wonder I feel like I'm going to die after deadlifts.
I'm dropping the test Prop after next injection and I'll continue the 750 mg/week of EQ and 125 of test E. That should help with the blood pressure some... but I still need to donate. She said my hemoglobin is 17.5 (on a scale of ~ 13-20), which is ok for now. Physically I feel fine and my cardio is better than before.. so who f*ckin knows.