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Thread: tapering off test e

  1. #1
    5millionbucks is offline Junior Member
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    tapering off test e

    So say you have a 10-12 week cycle;I heard people like to taper with test prop after their last injection for the 2-3 weeks before they go into pct. If thats the case why don't people use an oral like dbol or anavar while the test e slowly leaves the body for those weeks while running hcg ?

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    long ester test like cyp and enanthate are self tapering.. the prop would just be added in at the end to keep higher stable blood levels as the long ester clears (which defeats the idea of tapering). adding prop or an oral at the end is the opposite of tapering off AAS.. however, I'm all for adding orals at the end of a cycle especially if your a guy that does PCT after every cycle (there is no benefit to a taper for you guys).

    the week from you last injection up until two days before you start a PCT, adding in an oral like Var is great.. however I would not run something like Dbol at the tail end. the reason why is that you want a non aromatizing oral going into PCT cause your going to need you estrogen to stay low for your HPTA to recover during pct

    if your on TRT or blast and cruise, well then don't bother with the above idea its pointless being your already in a position to run an oral any time you want 24/7/365 .. guys that PCT on the other hand need to capitalize on their limited time windows
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 06-03-2019 at 07:21 PM.
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  3. #3
    5millionbucks is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    long ester test like cyp and enanthate are self tapering.. the prop would just be added in at the end to keep higher stable blood levels as the long ester clears (which defeats the idea of tapering). adding prop or an oral at the end is the opposite of tapering off AAS.. however, I'm all for adding orals at the end of a cycle especially if your a guy that does PCT after every cycle (there is no benefit to a taper for you guys).

    the week from you last injection up until two days before you start a PCT, adding in an oral like Var is great.. however I would not run something like Dbol at the tail end. the reason why is that you want a non aromatizing oral going into PCT cause your going to need you estrogen to stay low for your HPTA to recover during pct

    if your on TRT or blast and cruise, well then don't bother with the above idea its pointless being your already in a position to run an oral any time you want 24/7/365 .. guys that PCT on the other hand need to capitalize on their limited time windows
    what about something like anadrol ? and say I did use dbol but added in an AI with nolva would that work? Then from their add the clomid for pct.

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