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Thread: Please review cycle for pre contest 48 yrs old

  1. #1
    perezmih is offline New Member
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    Post Please review cycle for pre contest 48 yrs old

    This is my 6th cycle, but my first pre contest 16 weeks, I take any suggestions, hit me hard, I am not sensitive. I am 5’10" 235 lbs solid. competition date is October 26th. Any add on or take off? Looking to bulk up some more, and then go straight with the diet and cutting.

    1-10 sustanon 750 wk
    1-5 deca 300 wk
    1-5 dbol 30 mg ed
    7-11 tren 75 mg eod
    12-16 masteron 300 mg
    12-16 anavar 30 mg ed
    1-16 arimidex .5 mg eod

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    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    I like your idea of wanting to fill out (bulk up) some at the start of this cycle.. however I'm not a fan of this cycle lay out (though I do like some of the compound choices).
    As a contest prep coach myself, I have a much different approach for con prep cycles then what you have going on here. you could probably use the search feature on this forum, or even google my name "gearheaded" and add in something like contest prep cycle, or phase cycling, compound rotation, etc.. and come across a lot of examples that I've given on how to properly lay out a contest prep cycle.. however these are just going to be basic examples only, with not a ton of specifics, as I lay out specifics dependent on clients needs I'm working with.

    in a following post I'll lay out one of my example con prep cycles so you can see the outline of how they work and can apply that to your own situation and hope that helps you out

  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    your going to want to break your cycle plan down into PHASES . and for contest prep you ALWAYS always want to end with an 'androgen phase'

    so for example
    weeks 1-6 can be your "volumization and retention" phase, where your trying to hold some water and increase blood and muscle volume
    this may overlap with an ''anabolic phase" which may go weeks 5-12.. this is where you primarily use anabolic based compounds to help you hold onto as much muscle tissue as you can as you begin the dieting phase of your con prep
    then you end weeks 12-16 with an "androgen" phase.. this is where you run high amounts of androgens to help dry you out and fill up glycogen stores (helps with a more cosmetic look for the stage).. its also during this phase that estrogen needs to come down some (whereas in your cycle plan your using an AI from day one, which is not what I'd advise as it can hinder growth)
    Family_guy and Charlie67 like this.

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