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Thread: Anadrol added to my TREN/TEST/MAST cycle.... YAY OR NAY why or why not?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Wow this is way deeper than my knowledge. IMO though I would only run Tren first 6 weeks and rotate compounds. I have found that my body can only take about 6 weeks of Tren @ 400mg/wk.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    having said all that bullshit rant .. you all can also die of hypokalemia , having too LOW blood potassium (start cramping and eventually your heart, a muscle, also cramps and you die).. the same class of drugs, diuretics, that are potassium stripping can cause this.
    the anecdote is much easier to come by though if this happens
    I believe this is what happened to the Paul Dillett one year at the Arnold Classic. Dude’s whole body cramped up and he froze in pose like a statue. Like six guys had to carry him off the stage like a mannequin.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    having said all that bullshit rant .. you all can also die of hypokalemia , having too LOW blood potassium (start cramping and eventually your heart, a muscle, also cramps and you die).. the same class of drugs, diuretics, that are potassium stripping can cause this.
    the anecdote is much easier to come by though if this happens
    I believe this is what happened to the Paul Dillett one year at the Arnold Classic. Dude’s whole body cramped up and he froze in pose like a statue. Like six guys had to carry him off the stage like a mannequin.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orange county, CA
    Wow thanks for all the information you guys... some of this means I need to go back and re-read because I'm not quite on this level to understand quite everything that was said... ( i wish I was so I guess I just need to keep reading and learning)

    I just came back here to tell you guys I ended up doing the anadrol for about 20 days.... I got tired of taking it at that point even though the strength gains were incredible!!! I used it twice a day 8 hour split. the first 3-4 days though I used 80mg doses all 2 hours pre-workout.

    I am approaching the end of my TEST/TREN/MAST cycle... I have switched to test e ester... I was on prop. I'm currently finishing week 12 of mast 700mg/week tren a - 350mg ew test e 300mg ew (daily injections of the prop/ace)

    All that talk above about 'death' etc... like having TOO much potassium or TOO little potassium scares me lol... I guess coming to an end of my cycle will be good.. I've been using letro because I feel some lumps starting under my nipples.... Do you think .25 daily is good to combat? Also once I come off the tren and mast... I'm still going to be running 300mg test e ew to cruise into next year.... Should I take anything for a 'pct' for coming off the other two compounds? Thanks guys, I hope i didn't need to open a new thread to ask these questions!


  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'll just add to this that elevated Hemoglobin/Hematocrit from gear use is usually not that concerning at all (its actually a positive side effects of PEDs) unless it is accompanied by elevated (above normal) blood Platelet count as well .
    No you don't need to go run out and donate blood and jump off your cycle just cause your Hemo was 51 , as long as your blood platelet count was normal.
    That is what the research seems to suggest now; that is, in the absence of elevated platelet or ferritin levels, elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit are not much concern. The traditional view, the one taught to general practitioners today, is that these extra RBCs thicken the blood and increase clot and stroke risk. Either way, hydration can mitigate such risks. Now certain cancers and diseases can elevate hemoglobin so it should not be ignored altogether, but from androgen use probably not much concern. The problem, of course, with AAS users is that many have high BP and plaque build up in the arteries, esp those using oral androgens. These are detrimental to cardiac and renal health and should be taken care of.

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