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look at the pro bodybuilder Foud Abiad.. he had tricep tendon re-attachment surgery recently. he's been off cycle and just now getting back to the gym. but he's still a pretty massive 280 pounds without being on gear. its probably because he has gotten his body acclimated to that weight over time and he doesn't miss meals. he has used gear for 20 years, and over that time he's put on quality real tissue . thats hard to lose.
same with Dusty Hanshaw.. he says that most people can never tell when he's blasting gear or not. he's jacked 280 wither on or off. he says his training partner is the only person who will know because he will lose a couple reps on his foundational exercises.
of course I don't doubt that both of these guys are never really "off cycle",, I'm talking about when they are simply not blasting and just cruising on say 400mg of test (thats still off cycle for a lot of guys)..
also, the Super Natty, Mike O'hearn.. that dude is always a jacked lean 270 pounds. you can't really tell when he is upping the hormones or not.
I think thats a sign of having put on quality tissue over the years.
guys who are newer lifters and new to AAS usage,, you can almost always tell when they are on a cycle. they blow up, gain a bunch of puffy weight, get all flushed and red and round faced, break out everywhere, etc..