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Thread: Dhb and tren...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Dhb and tren...

    Since tren is a lot of times ran as an androgen in a cycle and paired with an anabolic such as deca, would dhb be a good compound to run with tren? I’m not looking to run this I’m simply intrigued by the science of stacking compounds. Thanks for any info.

  2. #2
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    Feb 2014
    I don’t see a problem with it. I’m pretty sure DHB is an excellent compound to run with any compound.

  3. #3
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    DHB on paper is going to more technically be considered a pure anabolic.. so stacking an anabolic with Tren is definitely going to be beneficial.
    however I will say from my experience with Stenbolone (very similar to DHB and on paper has the same numbers and ratios) that it is also very androgenic.
    so much so that it actually feels like your running a low dose of Tren.

    so I probably won't be running Stenbolone again. reason being is that if I feel like I want to be on a low dose of Tren, then by golly I'm just going to run Tren.
    If I want a 'pure anabolic' to add to my Tren cycle then I'll just run a tried and true actual anabolic like Primo, Eq, or Var

    I've not run DHB. but if its anything like Stenbolone (again on paper very similar compounds and both are dhb derived) its going to provide your cycle with more androgenic load then what a pure anabolic would . if thats something you like and are looking for during whatever phase of your cycle, then that makes sense.

    just so your aware. an Androgen is something you can 'Feel' kicking in and stimulating the CNS . an Anabolic cannot be felt as its only up-regulating protein synthesis at the cellular level (you can't 'feel' proteins being built .. you can however 'feel' androgen receptors being stimulated in the brain)..

    this is why some guys think that Primo or Eq are weak steroids .. because they can never 'feel' those steroids working. umm, well your not supposed to feel anything because these drugs are not androgenic, then mostly purely anabolic. again you can only 'feel' the androgenic properties of drugs, not the anabolic properties.

  4. #4
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    May 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    DHB on paper is going to more technically be considered a pure anabolic.. so stacking an anabolic with Tren is definitely going to be beneficial.
    however I will say from my experience with Stenbolone (very similar to DHB and on paper has the same numbers and ratios) that it is also very androgenic.
    so much so that it actually feels like your running a low dose of Tren.

    so I probably won't be running Stenbolone again. reason being is that if I feel like I want to be on a low dose of Tren, then by golly I'm just going to run Tren.
    If I want a 'pure anabolic' to add to my Tren cycle then I'll just run a tried and true actual anabolic like Primo, Eq, or Var

    I've not run DHB. but if its anything like Stenbolone (again on paper very similar compounds and both are dhb derived) its going to provide your cycle with more androgenic load then what a pure anabolic would . if thats something you like and are looking for during whatever phase of your cycle, then that makes sense.

    just so your aware. an Androgen is something you can 'Feel' kicking in and stimulating the CNS . an Anabolic cannot be felt as its only up-regulating protein synthesis at the cellular level (you can't 'feel' proteins being built .. you can however 'feel' androgen receptors being stimulated in the brain)..

    this is why some guys think that Primo or Eq are weak steroids .. because they can never 'feel' those steroids working. umm, well your not supposed to feel anything because these drugs are not androgenic, then mostly purely anabolic. again you can only 'feel' the androgenic properties of drugs, not the anabolic properties.
    Very good info. As always, thanks for the great response.

  5. #5
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    OP - see my post here for more information on androgen vs anabolic

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    OP - see my post here for more information on androgen vs anabolic
    I can’t belibe you of all people still hasn’t run DHB!!! I really really liked it a lot. Your right though i felt like it was actually more androgenic than Test even though it has the same rating.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    DHB on paper is going to more technically be considered a pure anabolic.. so stacking an anabolic with Tren is definitely going to be beneficial.
    however I will say from my experience with Stenbolone (very similar to DHB and on paper has the same numbers and ratios) that it is also very androgenic.
    so much so that it actually feels like your running a low dose of Tren.

    so I probably won't be running Stenbolone again. reason being is that if I feel like I want to be on a low dose of Tren, then by golly I'm just going to run Tren.
    If I want a 'pure anabolic' to add to my Tren cycle then I'll just run a tried and true actual anabolic like Primo, Eq, or Var

    I've not run DHB. but if its anything like Stenbolone (again on paper very similar compounds and both are dhb derived) its going to provide your cycle with more androgenic load then what a pure anabolic would . if thats something you like and are looking for during whatever phase of your cycle, then that makes sense.

    just so your aware. an Androgen is something you can 'Feel' kicking in and stimulating the CNS . an Anabolic cannot be felt as its only up-regulating protein synthesis at the cellular level (you can't 'feel' proteins being built .. you can however 'feel' androgen receptors being stimulated in the brain)..

    this is why some guys think that Primo or Eq are weak steroids .. because they can never 'feel' those steroids working. umm, well your not supposed to feel anything because these drugs are not androgenic, then mostly purely anabolic. again you can only 'feel' the androgenic properties of drugs, not the anabolic properties.
    I had initially thought that primo was an anabolic, something like 80/30 anabolic/androgenic ratio. So I thought it was the opposite of mast (an androgen) which is about 30/80
    Upon a second look, they are both 30/80, and i kept wondering why my friend was asking why I had been "taking primo instead of mast because they were comparable but mast was cheaper."
    So... Which is it?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I had initially thought that primo was an anabolic, something like 80/30 anabolic/androgenic ratio. So I thought it was the opposite of mast (an androgen) which is about 30/80
    Upon a second look, they are both 30/80, and i kept wondering why my friend was asking why I had been "taking primo instead of mast because they were comparable but mast was cheaper."
    So... Which is it?
    Primo is a pure anabolic. Masteron is basically a pure androgen. In real world applications they’re not really comparable at all

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Primo is a pure anabolic. Masteron is basically a pure androgen. In real world applications they’re not really comparable at all
    ^ this .. on paper primo and mast are similar, but real world application they are a bit different. Primo has virtually NO androgenic effects, and its way more anabolic then what it shows on paper. Primo is one of the best muscle preserving AAS out there. its great for phase 1 or 2 of a contest prep or diet when calories are low. but I swap it out with Masteron at the end before actually getting on stage, because Masteron acts much more like an androgen. you want to run androgens before getting on stage to get a more dry and hard look , plus androgens are much better at causing aggression and fueling your workouts.
    again on paper they look similar, but in real world application they are much different.. which is also why a female can run Primo without issue but Masteron is a little bit more risky.
    also why Primo is something I could probably run 365 days a year if I could afford it ,, but Masteron being more androgenic I definitely prefer to cycle it

  10. #10
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    note - also something to keep in mind in 'real world application'.. pure anabolics, like primo and deca, are something that can be ran long term and you never really de-sensitize ,, they just keep up regulating protein synthesis. thats their job and they just steadily and slowly keep doing it.
    where as androgenic compounds seem to work great for the first 6-8 weeks, and then seem to lose their potency or you get some amount of de-sensitization going on.

    this is also why I recommend when coming off cycle and 'cruising' that you cruise on an anabolic and not an androgen. As the androgens are what you need to come off of and "re-senstize" to .
    its better to cruise on 150mg of test with 300mg of primo , then it is to cruise on 500mg of just test imo. the primo cruise has way less androgen load

  11. #11
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    ^ having said all that .. some guys are just simply not very in tune with their body and they can't tell wither a compound "feels" androgenic or not.
    women can definitely tell wither a compound is androgenic.

    the best way to think of it is that if you can actually "Feel" a steroid working, what your feeling is the androgenic effects. pure Anabolics simply build proteins over time and up regulate nitrogen retention, thats not something you can really "feel" ,, which is often times why guys think primo is weak, cause they don't "feel" anything (well its not androgenic so its not supposed to be 'felt').

    if you feel a little bit on edge, if you feel like a beast at the gym, if you feel cocky and aggressive, if you sweat more then normal, if you can't fall asleep as fast as normal, etc. etc.. these are all likely androgenic effects .
    also , androgens have a lot more faster acting cosmetic effects. in 2 weeks of running tren ace for example, your body can quickly transform. and no its not from any anabolic effects (takes way longer then 2 weeks to build quality tissue), its from the androgen effects and super compensation effects of glycogen retention happening at the same time water retention is going down .
    pure anabolic don't have near this same amount of cosmetic effect (again they are just slowly building proteins in the back ground and that takes time)

    if you get primo and you feel these things .. your shit is fake. its likely faked with test prop.

    you shouldn't feel anything on primo. perhaps a positive mental mind set is all .. your muscles should be staying fairly full and hard even if your dieting down some.
    thats it.
    thats why I like primo . to be honest, having ran a shit ton of cycles and gear and experiments over all the years , sometimes I get tired of 'feeling' like I'm on cycle. its actually a break and feels good to be "off cycle" ,, and thats how primo "feels" , it feels like your off cycle , even though your still slowly building muscle
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 09-12-2019 at 09:19 AM.

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