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DHB on paper is going to more technically be considered a pure anabolic.. so stacking an anabolic with Tren is definitely going to be beneficial.
however I will say from my experience with Stenbolone (very similar to DHB and on paper has the same numbers and ratios) that it is also very androgenic.
so much so that it actually feels like your running a low dose of Tren.
so I probably won't be running Stenbolone again. reason being is that if I feel like I want to be on a low dose of Tren, then by golly I'm just going to run Tren.
If I want a 'pure anabolic' to add to my Tren cycle then I'll just run a tried and true actual anabolic like Primo, Eq, or Var
I've not run DHB. but if its anything like Stenbolone (again on paper very similar compounds and both are dhb derived) its going to provide your cycle with more androgenic load then what a pure anabolic would . if thats something you like and are looking for during whatever phase of your cycle, then that makes sense.
just so your aware. an Androgen is something you can 'Feel' kicking in and stimulating the CNS . an Anabolic cannot be felt as its only up-regulating protein synthesis at the cellular level (you can't 'feel' proteins being built .. you can however 'feel' androgen receptors being stimulated in the brain)..
this is why some guys think that Primo or Eq are weak steroids .. because they can never 'feel' those steroids working. umm, well your not supposed to feel anything because these drugs are not androgenic, then mostly purely anabolic. again you can only 'feel' the androgenic properties of drugs, not the anabolic properties.