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Thread: PIP on first cycle

  1. #1

    PIP on first cycle

    How’s it going guys, I’ve been using the search bar and found a lot of good info but still thought I would ask just to get some opinions on what’s going on. I’m 29, 6’ tall, 205 and about 15ish percent body fat. I wanna say I jumped the gun and should have stuck to a test only cycle but a buddy of mine got me a bottle of a stack test e 200, boldenone cyp 150, and tren 100 all in one bottle, not sure if I can say the brand or not but I been pinning 1 ml once a week. First 2 were on my glutes and no pip just some lumps but I read that I maybe have not gone deep enough and that they would go away, no redness or heat. 3rd pin I tried on my quad, went in smooth no pain no blood. First day no pain, I’m on my 3rd day now and still limping, the pain is slowly going away but it’s still swollen, red and hot but I’ve had no fever so I’m not really sure if it’s virgin muscles or that something bad is happening..any comments would be gladly appreciated, thanks!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarzn View Post
    How’s it going guys, I’ve been using the search bar and found a lot of good info but still thought I would ask just to get some opinions on what’s going on. I’m 29, 6’ tall, 205 and about 15ish percent body fat. I wanna say I jumped the gun and should have stuck to a test only cycle but a buddy of mine got me a bottle of a stack test e 200, boldenone cyp 150, and tren 100 all in one bottle, not sure if I can say the brand or not but I been pinning 1 ml once a week. First 2 were on my glutes and no pip just some lumps but I read that I maybe have not gone deep enough and that they would go away, no redness or heat. 3rd pin I tried on my quad, went in smooth no pain no blood. First day no pain, I’m on my 3rd day now and still limping, the pain is slowly going away but it’s still swollen, red and hot but I’ve had no fever so I’m not really sure if it’s virgin muscles or that something bad is happening..any comments would be gladly appreciated, thanks!
    Ok. Couple things here.

    1st cycle and you’re running multiple new compounds pinning virgin muscle (you already know that though)

    But with all those compounds, that blend adds up to 450 mgs - that’s a high concentration blend that would give PIP

    Boldenone Cyp is a compound that is notorious for PIP just on its own

    Split that into two injections for more even hormone blood levels

    You might have “test flu” your body is reacting to something that it’s never had before (exogenous hormone in oil) so some people’s body reacts to fight that off.

    You also might have an infection at that quad injection. Keep an eye on it and if it’s still bad after 5-7 days it’ll be time to go to the ER

    Post a picture of the injection site and go ahead and post the name of the UGL.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
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    a 450mg per ML solution, that includes bold cyp and tren , plus virgin muscle .. umm yeah your going to have PIP this entire cycle !

    I wouldn't mess with that blend . go get yourself a bottle of test e dosed at 200-250mg per ml and some VAR or Winny tabs and run that as a first cycle. not that blend.. you can get by pinning just 1ml of test per week and run 50mg of Var per day , and your set. you should get plenty out of that from a first cycle and not have debilitating PIP

    of course make sure you don't have an infection first .. what is your pinning protocol ? did you swab the vile and injection site? what length and gauge pin did you use ?

  4. #4
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    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    It’s probably just virgin muscle pip being first cycle...I wouldn’t panic just yet especially if the pain is subsiding...

  5. #5
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	177131
    Thanks for all the input! I wasn’t expecting a smooth sail but started getting concerned after the swelling and the redness. Worked out legs yesterday and to be honest it didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would and still go it in pretty good but still red, swollen and hot. I attached a pic I’ll get some better ones when I get home. The gear is eurochem megamass 450. As far as pinning protocol I swab the top of the bottle and quad, draw with an 18g and pin with a 22g fairly slow the stuff is thick. Buddy I got it from swore by it. If I was to want to come off of it and run something else should I taper off and run a shorter pct?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarzn View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	B5AF8F6D-CF54-493A-B900-EE45CEF5E83C.jpg 
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ID:	177131 Buddy I got it from swore by it. If I was to want to come off of it and run something else should I taper off and run a shorter pct?
    you don't need to do anything to come off of it . just start pinning Test e or test cyp in its place and your good to go . test in and of itself at low to moderate doses isn't super anabolic though, thats why I recommended adding an anabolic to it like Var to increase the anabolic load of your cycle.

    as for PCT . its the same game plan. nothing changes based on what your running or not running

  7. #7
    If it's red, hot and swollen that sounds like an infection. You want to go to Doctors soon as possible and get on Antibiotics. Trust me, the longer you leave it the more chance you'll have to have your leg opened up and drained.

  8. #8
    Sounds good thanks brother ima see if I can get some to finish off my 10 weeks, then start on pct to get the most out of my first.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by InfectedSquirrel View Post
    If it's red, hot and swollen that sounds like an infection. You want to go to Doctors soon as possible and get on Antibiotics. Trust me, the longer you leave it the more chance you'll have to have your leg opened up and drained.

    Damn that’s no good...if I wake up and it hasn’t gotten any better ima have to get it checked out..if it is an infection any idea what could have caused it..I was as clean as could possibly be

  10. #10
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    I don't think its an infection.. after years of gear use and thousands of injections (I generally like to do daily injections when on a heavy blast, sometimes multiple injects per day), I've never got an infection. however I've ran new compounds, harsh compounds, and experimenting with various virgin muscle groups, and have had some bad PIP that lead me to believe I was developing an infection,, but never did happen. after 4 days or so the pain went away and was always fine.

    edit - I should correct myself. actually the first steroid injection I ever did was at 17 years old and I ended up in the hospital for two weeks with a bad infection. however all my AAS use as a responsible adult that knew what he was doing, no infections

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I don't think its an infection.. after years of gear use and thousands of injections (I generally like to do daily injections when on a heavy blast, sometimes multiple injects per day), I've never got an infection. however I've ran new compounds, harsh compounds, and experimenting with various virgin muscle groups, and have had some bad PIP that lead me to believe I was developing an infection,, but never did happen. after 4 days or so the pain went away and was always fine.

    edit - I should correct myself. actually the first steroid injection I ever did was at 17 years old and I ended up in the hospital for two weeks with a bad infection. however all my AAS use as a responsible adult that knew what he was doing, no infections
    Reading that definitely gives me some peace at mind, ima give it another day see how it feels if it hasn’t changed much ima go ahead and get it checked out and get some blood work while I’m there just to see how everything is looking..any way it could be the gear I’m using as well, that the quality was bad possibly?

  12. #12
    It's just a PIP mate, nothing to worry (you probably won't be doing legs today

    , checkout some good IM injection techniques especially

    - try injecting slowly
    - go deep enough
    - allow alcohol swab to dry off
    - warm up the gear before injecting

    And ensure you are administering a clean injection -imp

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by InfectedSquirrel View Post
    If it's red, hot and swollen that sounds like an infection. You want to go to Doctors soon as possible and get on Antibiotics. Trust me, the longer you leave it the more chance you'll have to have your leg opened up and drained.
    If its red hot and swollen that is PIP.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarzn View Post
    Damn that’s no good...if I wake up and it hasn’t gotten any better ima have to get it checked out..if it is an infection any idea what could have caused it..I was as clean as could possibly be

    "The classic signs and symptoms of a bacterial infection are based on four Roman words; Rubor, Calor, Turgor, and Dolor. Which means Redness around the site of infection, Heat, Swelling, and Pain. These are generic inflammatory processes that also mimic the signs and symptoms of injection site reactions."

    Inflammatory response causes the heat, swelling, stiffness, and pain that infections can.

    Its your bodys response to something foreign being introduced.

    If you were to go to a doctor they would say, "Infection!"

    Then they would slap you with broad range antbiotics not really knowing and the inflammotory response would go away on its own unaffected by the antibiotics.

    Its common.
    Shoot less in a large muscle group.

    I have shot all over my body and not for site enhancement. Its because it sucks pinning inflammed areas so I find New spots.

    Not to mention when running a heavy concentrate or short esters like suspensions, propionates, bold ace, etc... It gets hard to find new ground and PIP can be debilitating with some of these especially if you keep hitting the same spot.

    Thosands of injections I had no infection.
    I have had pip basically lay up nearly every muscle group on my body though.

    I had one sterile abcess from a shot of sub Q water based suspension.
    A true abcess and you wont have to wonder. It will itch so bad you will feel like stabbing it with a scalpel would be a good relieving feeling because of the pressure and itching.

    Wish they would sticky MS's thread so I didnt have to keep digging it up.

    He made this thread because it is one of the most common complaints.

    We all experience it at some point.

    Dbags like me that run a lot encounter it constantly.

    I just put 1ml of ment in each tricep. If my arms are sore in the morning it will be expected.

    Also, I have had PIP so severy in my calf I could not extend it for over a month. No infection.
    Biceps for weeks, sometimes an ass cheek needs a month off.

    Benzyl alcohol is great at sterilizing and its in your gear. I could steep a terd in a vat of gear and filter it and you most likely would be fine to shoot it without infection just because of the BA.
    Last edited by Obs; 09-09-2019 at 12:03 AM.

  15. #15
    Thanks again for all of the help! Here’s an update on what’s going on. I ended up going to the doctor due to the swelling not going away and the doctor said the same thing most of you guys said, that it wasn’t an infection, it was my body reacting to something foreign and the body and possibly a little internal bleeding from the pin? Not sure about that part but that’s what he said. He prescribed me a few meds for inflammation and some for pain and said to just give it some time. As far as the swelling goes on my leg finally came down but moved down to my calf and ankle, a bit weird but still sticking it through and working out as regular. Finally back to walking normal also so that’s a good sign too. Ima try one more pin with a 1.5 needle on my glutes and see how that goes. First 2 went smooth except for some lumps but with the 1.5 needle that shouldnt be a problem from what I’ve read on here. Thanks again for the help..definitely had an “oh shit” moment and was thinking the worse.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarzn View Post
    Thanks again for all of the help! Here’s an update on what’s going on. I ended up going to the doctor due to the swelling not going away and the doctor said the same thing most of you guys said, that it wasn’t an infection, it was my body reacting to something foreign and the body and possibly a little internal bleeding from the pin? Not sure about that part but that’s what he said. He prescribed me a few meds for inflammation and some for pain and said to just give it some time. As far as the swelling goes on my leg finally came down but moved down to my calf and ankle, a bit weird but still sticking it through and working out as regular. Finally back to walking normal also so that’s a good sign too. Ima try one more pin with a 1.5 needle on my glutes and see how that goes. First 2 went smooth except for some lumps but with the 1.5 needle that shouldnt be a problem from what I’ve read on here. Thanks again for the help..definitely had an “oh shit” moment and was thinking the worse.
    You have a great doctor.
    Don't lose him.

  17. #17
    I don’t have a regular doctor I see and was actually my first time seeing this guy but he seemed pretty cool. Just warned me about the usual stuff u always hear and also said if I was going to keep doing it to take something for my liver as well so ima pick something up for that.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarzn View Post
    I don’t have a regular doctor I see and was actually my first time seeing this guy but he seemed pretty cool. Just warned me about the usual stuff u always hear and also said if I was going to keep doing it to take something for my liver as well so ima pick something up for that.
    Nearly all look straight for a broadrange antibiotic.
    You found something rare.

  19. #19
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    Aug 2019
    Why did he give you pain meds? Were they opioids?

    Also, I think you are just nervous because this is your first time. Once you go through a couple cycles you'll look back at this moment and have a chuckle IMO.
    Last edited by djnuffsaid; 09-09-2019 at 11:48 PM.

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