Hey there, ive posted this some weeks ago, but i want to make sure im doing the right way.
im 21, ive used dianabol for 5weeks, didnt lose anything(at least i think i didnt), but my diet wasnt that so so perfect, i had some cheat meals like 2 times a week.. but my calorie intake always was on point..
and i took clomiphene after cycle as pct, then i told to some guys what i did with my cycle, they said u made big mistake using clomiphene,for ur cycle it was not needed..
i felt that low testosterone after pct.. i had some pain in legs(quadriceps) it felt so tired in that spot..
so now i think im good but gonna wait some weeks more or some months(2 prob) to start this cycle
so this time im plaining to run Test Enatathe 2x250g weekly(im not scary of needles, but im scary shotting myself u know what i mean)
so.. The diet im thinking about:
meal1 - (breakfast)
100g Oats( with water or sometimes milk)
1scoop impact whey..(MyProtein)
after that meal gonna take multi-vitamin
meal2 - (before gym)
4egg whites 1 whole egg(scrambled)
or 4 eggs boiled..
with 2-3 slices black bread.
Shake Whey after gym.
meal3 - ( i will be on pause at work )
100g Rice and 150g chicken breast
100g Rice and 100g minced beef
gonna add some brokoli to this meal
meal4 - (gonna try to add more nutrients so it will be high calorie cuz this time im going to be still at work)
Oats- 80-100g
1spoon cocoa with zink in it)
sometimes gonna add 1 Banana
1spoon peanut butter
and Water
meal5 - ( after work )
pasta with tuna and myb light mayo
or integrated spagetthi with minced beef
and sometimes before bed Casein Protein
Water Intake gonna try 5liters per day
And gonna try to find AI to have it in hand
Guys i want some advices and what you think about this cycle and about this diet? i think im gonna go this time without pct and just ai on hand as said above,
what supplement should i take on cycle? give me ur opinion.
1st-beforedbol, 2nd-whilecycle, 3th-taken 3-4days ago..(see attached items)