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Thread: Can gear migrate from injection site?

  1. #1
    Madkong is offline New Member
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    Sep 2019

    Can gear migrate from injection site?

    This may be a dumb question, but 2 days after deltoid injection a hard lump appeared under the skin about 2-3" below the injection point, right at the point where the deltoid muscle meets the tricep/bicep muscle, where it's basically just bone, not much muscle there, could this be the gear migrating? I'm on the 4th week and this is the first time I've gotten any sort of lump.

    It could be completely unrelated, but because it's near the site I feel I had to ask if it's possible for that to happen? Also because a couple of hours after injection I hit a deltoid/tricep/chest workout, so I figure it's either gear related or an injury possibly, but I've never known a lump to form from a muscular pull or anything of that nature?
    Last edited by Madkong; 09-23-2019 at 10:24 AM.

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    yes it can especially if your injection volume is high . I often have front delt injections migrate into the upper bicep. and tricep injections migrate near the elbow. its nothing to worry about
    HoldMyBeer likes this.

  3. #3
    Madkong is offline New Member
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    Sep 2019
    Thanks again for the response GH! Damn I just need your cell number bro! Ok definitely good to know, anything I can do to help it along or just wait it out? I'm doing 280mg inj. So not a crazy volume

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Lol , well lots of guys do have my cell phone. I pretty much run my entire business and coaching through text message . luckily my computer links to my phone and I can just type out texts most the time,, as I get upwards of 50 texts per day sometimes.. a lot more during contest season. and having clients from all over the world (Germany, uK, India, and all over the US) you can imagine the time zone challenge. couple weeks back I was up at 3am chatting with a client from the other side of the world

    well if it gets sore , do NOT ice it . use heat instead. this will promote blood flow and help things move along. also do not not train a muscle group because of this , the blood flow from training again will help speed things up

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