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Thread: DHB and when to use...

  1. #1
    djnuffsaid is offline Junior Member
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    DHB and when to use...

    So I've been doing some research on DHB (1-testosterone cypionate aka Dihydroboldenone) and I like what I have found out so far. It seems that it is actually known to be a distant relative of EQ and has similarities to Primo. I've also read that 200mg of DHB is similar to about 500mg of Primo. On top of all of that, it does not aromatize!

    If this is the case why don't you see more people running DHB?

    When would it be a good idea to include DHB?

    Also, can anyone provide just some more general information on DHB and/or some pros/cons?


  2. #2
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have never taken it before so this isn't first hand experience but I know a couple Pro's running this during their strength phases. Some prefer superdrol but others can't handle it and go 1-test route.

    Pros - size, strength and endurance increases with no water retention. Good pumps. Burns fat even when diet is not 100%.

    Cons - possible lethargy and bad mood although this doesn't seem to be common. Hot and sweaty but not as bad as tren sweats.

    This is all "bro science" meaning these are user reported effects but they are all fairly trust worthy sources. 3 open pro's and a classic pro.
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  3. #3
    i_SLAM_cougars is offline Banned- for my own actions
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    Anytime is a good time to run DHB. It’s my favorite thing.

    The only reason everyone isn’t running it all the time is because they can’t get it or they don’t know about it.

    It is a little on the androgenic side compared to primo, but I’d say only as androgenic as test. Nothing like Tren or Mast.
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  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    so the reason DHB is related to Primo and EQ .. DHB is , well, a "DHB derived" steroid .. just like Primo and Stenbolone are. DHB is a metabolite of EQ (Eq is a testosterone derivative that does not convert to DHT, it converts to DHB)..

    DHB is both a strong anabolic and a strong androgenic . Primo and EQ on the other hand are pretty damn anabolic and not very androgenic. this could be good or bad depending on your situation..

    when I ran Stenbolone (very similar to DHB) awhile back I was running it during an anabolic only phase. it however was much too androgenic for what I was wanting at that time. it felt like low dose tren . my idea was that I might as well just run Tren then.

    DHB is twice as anabolic as test, but also twice as androgenic . which again can be a very good thing depending on what your looking for .

    DHB is notorious for having bad PIP and also crashing very easily .. the main benefit of DHB, imo, is that its essentially an androgenic anabolic , much like Tren, but without being Progestinic..
    fits perfectly in an anabolic/androgenic phase of a cycle

  5. #5
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    so the reason DHB is related to Primo and EQ .. DHB is , well, a "DHB derived" steroid .. just like Primo and Stenbolone are. DHB is a metabolite of EQ (Eq is a testosterone derivative that does not convert to DHT, it converts to DHB)..

    DHB is both a strong anabolic and a strong androgenic . Primo and EQ on the other hand are pretty damn anabolic and not very androgenic. this could be good or bad depending on your situation..

    when I ran Stenbolone (very similar to DHB) awhile back I was running it during an anabolic only phase. it however was much too androgenic for what I was wanting at that time. it felt like low dose tren . my idea was that I might as well just run Tren then.

    DHB is twice as anabolic as test, but also twice as androgenic . which again can be a very good thing depending on what your looking for .

    DHB is notorious for having bad PIP and also crashing very easily .. the main benefit of DHB, imo, is that its essentially an androgenic anabolic , much like Tren, but without being Progestinic..
    fits perfectly in an anabolic/androgenic phase of a cycle
    Dhb is 200:100 (if I remember correctly), why is it twice as androgenic? Or another way to put it, why do the stats lie sometimes when it comes to gear?
    Someone said DHB was fairly hepatotoxic, I thought it was pretty mild like eq or primo, thoughts?
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  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Dhb is 200:100 (if I remember correctly), why is it twice as androgenic ? Or another way to put it, why do the stats lie sometimes when it comes to gear?
    Someone said DHB was fairly hepatotoxic, I thought it was pretty mild like eq or primo, thoughts?
    yes on paper its basically equal to test.. but in practical experience (from what I've heard as well as my own experience using Stenbolone, another DHB) it seems to be quite a bit more androgenic then test mg per mg. on 350mg of Sten I felt like I was running tren .

    Maybe this is because DHB does not aromatize, so you don't have the estrogen conversion there off setting the androgens plus you then have more of the drug available to be androgenic (eg., 300mg of DHB is all going to be androgenic, where as 300mg of test a lot of that is being converted over to estrogen)

  7. #7
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Also DHB is going to lower SHBG which will then result in more androgenic activity and effects in the body

  8. #8
    djnuffsaid is offline Junior Member
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    This was the exact type of information I was looking for. Thanks guys

  9. #9
    Family_guy's Avatar
    Family_guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djnuffsaid View Post
    So I've been doing some research on DHB (1-testosterone cypionate aka Dihydroboldenone) and I like what I have found out so far. It seems that it is actually known to be a distant relative of EQ and has similarities to Primo. I've also read that 200mg of DHB is similar to about 500mg of Primo. On top of all of that, it does not aromatize!

    If this is the case why don't you see more people running DHB?

    When would it be a good idea to include DHB?

    Also, can anyone provide just some more general information on DHB and/or some pros/cons?

    I included it at the end of my last cycle at only 300mg/week and I loved it. Strength was amazing. I wouldn’t say it’s twice as androgenic as test but it’s certaikly more androgenic. It makes you look hard as hell and vascular too.

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