Haha, nice to see some familiar faces!
Thought I’d drop in,
been awhile.
I see the OP (great work btw) was worried about his nuts.
Well yeah, I’m going to share what I think, and what my latest andrologist said.
First the andrologist, and this is some time ago so new research might have emerged since.
But he also based this on his experience with patients, with was pretty extensive.
He said, and I’ve read the same study; that very high testosterone levels alone can sustain sperm production. We are then talking about extremely high levels, since ordinary, tour testes has about 30-100x the level of test that the rest of your body has.
Thus; dosages in excess of 1500mgs weekly was his approximation, which some guys do, but doing those dosages for any length of time? Your nuts isn’t the only thing you need to worry about.
But I think all that is pretty much guess work really, if I were to draw any conclusions from it I’d rather say; short heavy cycles (with test) are better for your nuts than more moderate dose long cycles.
Then there’s the genetics thing, and then there’s what I call “fucked up squared law”.
Genetics mean some people are not that fertile to begin with, they might need some treatment with hcg etc just to reproduce naturally.
(And mind you, reproducing naturally when 20yo, and 30’ish yo might be two very different scenarios)
Then the “fucked up squared law”;
It pretty much means; you’d be amazed how many people survive and recover from things you’d never think.
In short;
Regarding your nuts; it’s the duration, (and some compounds might be particularly bad like tren, but IMO; they’re just very potent at shutting you down), not the dose which matters.
And the duration is individual; while you’ll be shutdown quickly after any AAS dose of note, how quickly you bounce back is individual, and it’s faster when you’re young.
Last thing about that; not everyone gets 100% shutdown, at least in terms of sperm production. However, that you didn’t get shut down when you were 20, doesn’t mean you won’t when 30 or 40.
The only rule there is that everyone will get LESS fertile on cycle; but hey, if you’re still having some sperm alive, and doing it like rabbits, we all know plenty examples of that.
Hcg is your friend if your doing long cycles though. Or any cycle basically.
Okay fellas, I talked to my friend who told me that clomid is redundant when using HCG in PCT, but this person has been cruising and blasting for over 8 years and obviously doesn't care about PCT and maybe has some outdated information.
big difference, not "redundant" at all (otherwise HCG with Clomid wouldn't be prescribed together by doctors). HCG mimics LH and thus directly stimulates the testes ,, Clomid on the other hand works on the brain (not the testes) as a selective estrogen receptor modulator to get the pituitary to produce actual LH itself . in order to restart your HPTA you need your brain to begin producing LH and FSH. ,, HCG does not do that at all. it has no effect on the brain, only the testes
This is the PCT protocol I just found:
Wks 1-2: HCG – 500iu/EoD, Nolvadex – 40mg daily
Wks 2-6: Nolvadex only– 20mg daily
Does this protocol make sense? I will be starting the PCT tonight. I am still waiting on the clomid unfortunately and do not know when it will arrive.
Last edited by jchc86; 01-11-2020 at 08:05 PM.
Instead of just calling something shit, try adding some context around it. For example “this is a bad idea because of x, y, z”.
“Consider adding x, y and z for this long”.
The idea of this place is to be a positive resource to each other. Calling something shit without an explanation goes against the principles
Like me calling your response total shit, without a reasonable explanation and an opportunity to correct it
OP, if memory serves sustanon is 3 weeks after your last injection. I don’t think your PCT is that far off.
Frankly, I can’t handle clomid and have PCT’d on a similar course as you have laid out.
It’s been 6 years since I’ve had to PCT so I’m hesitating to say you’re fine, because with time comes knowledge. I think you’re on the right track and I would just make sure to time it correctly after your last shot and run bloods to ensure you’re up and running again. If I remember this is your first cycle and it wasn’t heavy, I think you’ll bounce back just fine. Others will chime in soon enough. Maybe fucking Captain Jack Off will come back and throw more shade or knowledge
Just an update for you all. I completed my first two weeks of PCT, with 4 weeks to go. I have dropped from 228 lbs (which i was weighing consistently for the last 3-4 weeks of my cycle) down to 215-218 lbs, which I have weighed for the past 2 weeks. It sucks to lose that much weight, but before this first cycle, i had never weighed more than 208 in my life and I was usually weighing around 205 lbs or less, so i I am up 10 lbs.
My clomid never came, so I am only on tamoxifen and hcg. If it ever arrives, i will just keep it for the next PCT because i am FOR SURE cycling again. My balls are probably bigger than they've ever been in my life, so i know that hcg is working.
I have lost muscular strength and endurance. My muscles are still a lot bigger, my clothes still barely fit me anymore and i still cannot wear any of my dress pants. My joint pain has increased a bit, but it seems to be just back to it's normal range.
Last edited by jchc86; 01-26-2020 at 01:42 PM.
I'm going to be using 10 2mg vials of CJC 1295 DAC if my order comes through.
Last edited by jchc86; 01-26-2020 at 05:23 PM.
Sucks your clomid didnt come in, you gonna pull bloodwork to see where u are before you cycle again?
Omg, it finally arrived and I'm 3 weeks in to PCT. I will order early next time, but yeah, I will be getting my blood checked as soon as I'm done with the PCT for sure and I will post the results so you guys can see.
Good to know, thanks. 50 pills of 50 mg Clomid just arrived, as well as 10 2 ml vials of CJC-1295 DAC, which I will use twice a week for 5 weeks (I think that's a good dose??).
I am 3 weeks into pct, so i'm assuming I should just add in the clomid for the rest of my pct, which would be for 3 more weeks.
I can tell you guys right now, that the CJC 1295 is bunk shit. It is not fully dissolving in the bac water that came with it.
I did not feel the hot head rush that i felt when i used the one i got from my original source who has legit gear. This kind of nonsense is so predatory.
I'm guessing the clomid I believe is legit because it gave me a headache and i started getting mild depression right when i started taking it.
Last edited by jchc86; 02-05-2020 at 06:59 PM.
I can tell you right now that PSL is wack for sending me that garbage with a CJC-1295 DAC label. Whatever that is, it's not legit. I cant see why anyone would go through all that effort to make bunk product when they know people won't come back a second time.
Hey fellas! I'm back and ready to start my second cycle after a 6 month hiatus. I will be getting my pre-cycle weight and some posing pics. I'll be starting a new thread, but i want to run some ideas across and get some input so i can put together a good cycle.
Here's what i currently have available:
PCT Supplies: 2 cycles worth of Tamoxifen, Clomid and HCG
Test: 4 vials of Test Enth and 1 vial of Testo-D (Cypionate/Propionate/DHEA)
Other anabolics:
1 1/2 vials Masteron Prop.
2 vials Masteron Enth.
50x10mg tabs Superdrol
50x50mg Anadrol
80x10mg Anavar.
12 mg CJC 1295-DAC
So, I have 2 cycles worth, some of it being leftovers from my first cycle. I'm wondering what i should pick out of all this to run my second cycle. I plan on starting next week. Any thoughts?
Last edited by jchc86; 05-25-2020 at 07:39 PM.
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