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Thread: I need a volunteer - coaching for free

  1. #1
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    I need a volunteer - coaching for free

    I'm not sure where to post this but will start here

    I have an experiment , mainly diet related, that I would like to conduct. now obviously I can't just conduct it on a paying client thats paying me to help give them the best results possible. I have to only go with what I know works. I would be short changing them trying out "theories" on them.

    but if I have a volunteer and mutual agreement then that leaves us both with a clear conscience..

    so 12 weeks of coaching. but its based on non traditional dieting strategies. and I can't guarantee any results. its just an experiment.

    so heres a couple factors needed for the volunteer.

    - this is for a 'lean bulk' or putting on muscle . not for a cut
    - must be enhanced already. I don't want any newb gains that are going to skew the results
    - must be in a good financial position to be able to purchase a lot of the high quality foods this diet will have
    - must be in a good position to be able to phase cycle and rotate in different compounds (hopefully you have a good stash or have good connects already)
    - must be able to commit to it for 12 weeks and not fall back into your own old ways of doing things
    - you can't be a picky eater. you got to eat whats in the diet. thats the whole point of the experiment

    - if you've been on a heavy blast for 12+ weeks already then no its probably not a good time to do this
    - if you've been just cruising for awhile and your ready to step things up a notch then yes this is a good time

    the DIET and the AAS protocols are going to be quite different then traditional .. not going to go into to many details now. but your diet is going to be designed around certain micro nutrients (not macros) to correspond with certain AAS.. your going to be rotating compounds (not a traditional cycle) and your nutrition is going to be based on feeding those compounds to ultimately enhance muscle growth (with a big focus on maintaining insulin sensitivity)..
    your training will be modified as well

    I can do this experiment without insulin use. but if your already an insulin user or open to using it .. thats a bonus for sure. as driving nutrients is a big part of this whole thing
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 10-16-2019 at 04:33 PM.

  2. #2
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    oh yeah ,, and you should be totally comfortable being a pin cushion and pinning short esters daily as well as taking orals . with compound rotation like this there won't be a whole lot of long esters

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Damn GH at 6'2'' 240lbs I would absolutely love to do this but I've been blasting heavy for the past 3 months so not the best idea probably

  4. #4
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    oh yeah ,, another thing . blood work. super important. will need blood work before, during and after . so you need to live in a state with easy access to private blood work

  5. #5
    If they are in GearHeaded hands, they will be in good hands!!!
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 10-16-2019 at 06:21 PM.

  6. #6
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    just to clarify .. there are no "chicken and rice" meals in this diet . also your AAS usage is going to make no sense to you (but it will to me) . you gotta trust that process

  7. #7
    Are carbohydrate sources starchy, fibrous vegetables?

    What are the sources of protein that will be used in this diet , bro ?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Are carbohydrate sources starchy, fibrous vegetables?

    What are the sources of protein that will be used in this diet , bro ?
    carbs are going to be 100% timed only . they are not part of the diet as a whole , they are entered in at critical times only . mainly oats and potatoes.

    protein sources .. mainly Steak, ground bison, Salmon, and Lamb .. fat sources are mainly going to be almonds, avocados, olives, nut butters, etc.. veggies are going to be all over the place based on micro nutrients. fruits will be utilized as well.

    you won't be having pre set meals with just 6oz of steak 6x per day . each meal is going to have its own purpose based on micro nutrient needs at the time and drugs used that day and training for that day.. some meals may include only 4oz of salmon as protein and other meals may include 12oz of steak..
    the whole thing is based on micro nutrition rather then macro nutrition and cals only

  9. #9
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    your going to be 'bulking' on far less calories then a traditional bodybuilder diet .. we are going to fuel the growth with micro nutrients primarily and not macros

  10. #10
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    whoever does this .. we will create a log so that everyone here can follow along and learn and grow themselves .. thats why whoever does this, you have to commit to the process

  11. #11
    Fuck this sounds so interesting. I wish I could do it

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Great opportunity for someone, I would be interested, but I need to get back to meat and potatoes before getting to any advanced protocols.

  13. #13
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    GH’s final words...... It’s a process, you have to trust it! LOL

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  14. #14
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    No source checks
    Sounds very interesting for sure, gonna take someone very dedicated tho.

  15. #15
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    You need a rich kid with no job and a lot of faith.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    You need a rich kid with no job and a lot of faith.
    That is, he is wanting a Guinea Pig for his experiments.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    You need a rich kid with no job and a lot of faith.
    Not at all.

    Charger is a senior citizen that still works and is receiving training from Gearhead
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  18. #18
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    senior citizen. lol

    made me laugh windex

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Not at all.

    Charger is a senior citizen that still works and is receiving training from Gearhead
    lol , he even got the senior citizen discount rate .

    either way though, no one works harder then Charger , no matter the age. most 20 year olds can't keep up with him or out work him

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by djnuffsaid View Post
    Damn GH at 6'2'' 240lbs I would absolutely love to do this but I've been blasting heavy for the past 3 months so not the best idea probably
    you can come off and cruise for 4 weeks, then start up again. the cycle plans for the first phase of this are not very heavy . its more diet and training focused to start

  21. #21
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    I wasn't referring so much to the drugs as I was to the strict diet and schedule. I know for me, when I'm at work for ~ 9 hours, I can get maybe 1.5 meals in. Sure you could say a protein shake is a meal or whatever, but then you're just that asshole at work gassing it up and leaving your shakes everywhere. Think about it, many of us leave at 6:30-7 to get to work, and then get back around 6. So you have from 6-11 let's say. That's 5 hours to dedicate to nothing but bodybuilding? It's why I said a rich kid with no job and a lot of faith - because unless your job is to sit and watch paint dry or you're by yourself all the time, it's just not feasible to follow this experiment to the T, the way Gear intends. Unless you want to cheat here and there and pretend that you're doing it by the book, but then you're screwing up the experiment. I'm curious to hear what the premise of this experiment is...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I wasn't referring so much to the drugs as I was to the strict diet and schedule. I know for me, when I'm at work for ~ 9 hours, I can get maybe 1.5 meals in. Sure you could say a protein shake is a meal or whatever, but then you're just that asshole at work gassing it up and leaving your shakes everywhere. Think about it, many of us leave at 6:30-7 to get to work, and then get back around 6. So you have from 6-11 let's say. That's 5 hours to dedicate to nothing but bodybuilding? It's why I said a rich kid with no job and a lot of faith - because unless your job is to sit and watch paint dry or you're by yourself all the time, it's just not feasible to follow this experiment to the T, the way Gear intends. Unless you want to cheat here and there and pretend that you're doing it by the book, but then you're screwing up the experiment. I'm curious to hear what the premise of this experiment is...

    this is a valid point and is very much a part of life .. BUT this has been known for 50+ years in bodybuilding. we all already know you shouldn't be missing meals and missing workouts . you should hit your macros and get your nutrition in every day. wither your a pro or a just a gym rat. we all already know we should be doing this.
    SO.. there is nothing unique about my "experiment" that makes this principle any harder then it already is. in fact just the opposite, I have scheduled times of fasting that will be happening in this experiment

  23. #23
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    Charger has a full time career, has a wife and kids, referees little league football games on the side , AND still manages to food prep and get his 6 meals a day in , two workouts a day in , plus cardio , etc.. and he is in his 50s . so it can be done.

    BUT there is nothing in this "experiment" of mine that even requires that much dedication . so I'm not sure why its automatically assumed that its more work then what standard bodybuilding already is to begin with . in fact, less is more, is one of the main tenants behind my experiment (bulking on way less food and focusing mainly on micro nutrition)

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    this is a valid point and is very much a part of life .. BUT this has been known for 50+ years in bodybuilding. we all already know you shouldn't be missing meals and missing workouts . you should hit your macros and get your nutrition in every day. wither your a pro or a just a gym rat. we all already know we should be doing this.
    SO.. there is nothing unique about my "experiment" that makes this principle any harder then it already is. in fact just the opposite, I have scheduled times of fasting that will be happening in this experiment
    I can't argue with that, my biggest problem has always been the diet, not necessarily the workouts. I enjoy working out, but I don't enjoy limiting myself or preparing the food. Thank god I live by a Chipotle so I'm not tempted by the Wendy's and Taco Bell right down the street... not that Chipotle is perfect, but hey, it's rice, chicken/steak, beans, and some hot sauce. Can't be that bad. I am running my own Chipotle experiment with my current "cruise/cycle." I still want to know about what the experiment entails, or what theory you are trying to prove/disprove. I hope someone with real dedication signs up so we can watch the show.

    Edit: Saw your second post after posting mine; yes he may have a wife and kids, but maybe his wife does his cooking/cleaning/washing. Some of us have to do all of that ourselves. My grandpa was a hard working man but couldn't make a sandwich if his life depended on it. Not saying the same is true for Charger, but just pointing out the obvious with. Also, I'm not insinuating Charger is a grandpa... lol.. I've seen his physique, so congrats to you and him for his success.
    Last edited by Test Monsterone; 10-17-2019 at 06:59 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I can't argue with that, my biggest problem has always been the diet, not necessarily the workouts. I enjoy working out, but I don't enjoy limiting myself or preparing the food. Thank god I live by a Chipotle so I'm not tempted by the Wendy's and Taco Bell right down the street... not that Chipotle is perfect, but hey, it's rice, chicken/steak, beans, and some hot sauce. Can't be that bad. I am running my own Chipotle experiment with my current "cruise/cycle." I still want to know about what the experiment entails, or what theory you are trying to prove/disprove. I hope someone with real dedication signs up so we can watch the show.

    Edit: Saw your second post after posting mine; yes he may have a wife and kids, but maybe his wife does his cooking/cleaning/washing. Some of us have to do all of that ourselves. My grandpa was a hard working man but couldn't make a sandwich if his life depended on it. Not saying the same is true for Charger, but just pointing out the obvious with. Also, I'm not insinuating Charger is a grandpa... lol.. I've seen his physique, so congrats to you and him for his success.
    I agree . if you have Chipotle and thats helping you get your nutrition in for the day . then thats great.. I'd stick with it if its working

  26. #26
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    I wanna see this log!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayd85 View Post
    I wanna see this log!
    yeah me too ! we need someone to man up and jump on board 100% though .

    keep in mind guys 3 months of free coaching is a cost benefit that will cover a big chunk of your cycle cost . I'm still going to give you all the training programming (my shit is fairly advanced and extensive) on top of the diet programming, AAS phase cyling , and one on one daily coaching to make sure the gains are coming and everything is supervised and made optimal

  28. #28
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    believe me I'd be doing this experiment on myself if it wasn't for my current health issues and current family situation (I'm trying to get my son through nursing school .. I can't afford to feed myself lamb and salmon)

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah me too ! we need someone to man up and jump on board 100% though .

    keep in mind guys 3 months of free coaching is a cost benefit that will cover a big chunk of your cycle cost . I'm still going to give you all the training programming (my shit is fairly advanced and extensive) on top of the diet programming, AAS phase cyling , and one on one daily coaching to make sure the gains are coming and everything is supervised and made optimal
    If I wasn’t traveling so much right now I’d hop on it. I like different. As it is I’m having a hard time getting pins and perfect food because of flying and the damned Canadian border.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you can come off and cruise for 4 weeks, then start up again. the cycle plans for the first phase of this are not very heavy . its more diet and training focused to start
    Let me think about it and I'll get back to you. Can you PM me the gear we'd be using to I can see what I have in stock?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by djnuffsaid View Post
    Let me think about it and I'll get back to you. Can you PM me the gear we'd be using to I can see what I have in stock?
    well that would be a little bit hard to do .. I don't have 'fixed' gear protocols. so whoever volunteers I'm still going to design things around their individual needs and experiences. I have no pre set gear usage with this experiment. its going to be person dependent and designed around the individual. which is what I always do for clients.

    off the top of my head though .. I'm thinking a front load of EQ (2 injections week 1 and then your done for awhile) .. then Primo is going to be a main compound . test prop and low dose tren will be taken every single day. orals will be rotated based on the diet. growth factors will be rotated based on diet and training as well .
    so for example, Saturday and Sunday may be your "re-feed' days , and you'll take 50mg of anadrol those days only . Monday is off day and you may take a SARM for recovery . then rest of the week the diet may better support VAR.

    the diet and micro nutrients are to compliment the AAS usage.. there is no traditional drug cycles that are going to be used here. we are using the diet to feed micro nutrients to individual drugs to work better (and at lower dosages) .. its about efficiency

  32. #32
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    just to be clear here.. I'm not looking for someone to test drug protocols out on. not to brag but I'm pretty damn good with drug protocols already.. I'm looking for NUTRITION protocols as an enhancement to optimize an already optimized drug protocol . this is more about health and nutrition and optimizing bodybuilding practices

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    just to be clear here.. I'm not looking for someone to test drug protocols out on. not to brag but I'm pretty damn good with drug protocols already.. I'm looking for NUTRITION protocols as an enhancement to optimize an already optimized drug protocol . this is more about health and nutrition and optimizing bodybuilding practices
    If it was drugs you’d have 25 volunteers already. Wait... gotta eat right??? Oh...

  34. #34
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    Out of curiosity GH how are you going to measure the outcomes your looking for accurately? Would a new person that has never worked with you before potentially have a genetic response that could be drastically different from someone else?

    What would you be looking for in bloodwork?


  35. #35
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    GH I pmed you about this training this.

  36. #36
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    If I could run the gear with my liver and kidneys I would. I meet all the criteria except that. Man what an opportunity to be trained by you sir!!!

  37. #37

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post

    then rest of the week the diet may better support VAR.

    There you go... all the var haters to see the potential of the “female” AAS. LOL

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  39. #39
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    After a 4 week cruise I am interested. PM me with more details.

  40. #40
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    I need a volunteer - coaching for free

    This is an amazing opportunity for someone!
    I had a chance to work with GH last year and the opportunity not only led to an amazing cycle (gains!) but even more valuable was the enormous amount of knowledge I learned about the many facets of fitness, aas, nutrition,and last but not least how I respond to manipulation of those variables.

    With all of that being said I have a feeling the food/nutrition variable here is a tough one. Having access and being able to afford consuming 2-3 lbs of high QUALITY protein is a serious commitment for 12 weeks. Costco runs are not likely going to do this protocol justice.

    Something to keep in mind with this commitment as I mentioned previously if you factor in the huge benefit of things that can be learned and gained through this opportunity the cost of the nutrition commitment is tiny.

    I’m looking forward to following this.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by balance; 10-19-2019 at 09:44 PM.

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