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Thread: It's been a while gents...but I can use your advice

  1. #1

    It's been a while gents...but I can use your advice

    Hey guys, been a long time since I posted. I basically turned into a fat f*ck in the last year; not going to the gym as much and pumping myself full of HMG, HCG, and clomid to increase my sperm production. In the end, the fertility doc said we should do IVF because even after an aggressive treatment, my count was still low and time is running out. IVF is very expensive but thankfully I got the VA to pay for ALL OF IT.

    Anyway, my wife SHOULD be pregnant by next month, and I can't wait to start test again lol. Thing is, I don't want to be too eager to jump on just in case the IVF fails and we have to fertilize more eggs. But, if I were to start test and take HCG whilst on it (unlike I did 3 years ago which dropped me to zero), I should maintain the swimmers I have now, right? Also, I wouldn't take a huge dose, prob 200mg per week of pharmgrade cyp... I've gained like 40 lbs of fat so I really can't take being this way anymore. Any time I try to diet, I feel like a pregnant woman. I even got a new gym membership to motivate me to go.

    I was thinking if not test then what could I take? MK 677 I keep hearing about; some say stacking with cjc? I have access to GH source which Palumbo recommended me. It is from China but thats where I got my HMG and HCG from and those products worked fantastically; but GH I know could be a diff story.

    Anyway, do you guys things its safe for me to start taking test and hcg without shutting me down totally again? Or should I go the peptide route for now?


  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    I wouldn’t take anything extra if I was trying to get my wife pregnant, especially not “research chemicals” with who knows what in them. Dave Palumbo got his wife pregnant 3 times at over 50 and that guy was a fucking juice head. He said on one of his shows if you shoot him an email he will send you his pregnancy protocol. (Don’t know his email)

    I was under the impression that if you stayed on HCG you would remain fertile, at least that’s what an endo told me. Did you not take HCG before, and then you got on it later?

  4. #4
    Yes I did email him over a year ago and been on that protocol. But due to my situation, we have to do IVF so I dropped the protocol I was on. I did just buy a bottle of MK677 from Mike Arnold Labs after reading its the best out there.. .i don't see how MK could do any damage

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Haha you’re already ahead of me. I wouldn’t want to take something that could mutate the viable sperm I have left. You never know, it might be something in the additives. I mean I would sacrifice a few months of looking like shit to have a healthy kid.

  6. #6
    Of course, and that's what I did, but now the egg retrieval is soon so I should be home free in a month or two

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I wouldn't even entertain the thought of adding test. Mk just doesn't make sense. If you think you look fat now, it isn't going to get better with MK added thats for sure. But it will definitely help with sleep, increasing hunger and packing on muscle in the long haul.

    If I gained 40lbs of fat and was in your situation, the 3/4 compounds I would consider would be T3 or T4, clen and HGH. If running something like T3 and clen I think then MK wouldn't be too bad of an idea but I just think the water weight gain might make matters worse if you already are feeling fat.

  8. #8
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    I would focus on fertility and worry about the rest later. You got plenty of time to hop on gear, peptides, and all that jazz later. Once she's pregnant, you'll have 9 months to body recomp so the baby sees a jacked dad from Day1
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    I wouldn't even entertain the thought of adding test. Mk just doesn't make sense. If you think you look fat now, it isn't going to get better with MK added thats for sure. But it will definitely help with sleep, increasing hunger and packing on muscle in the long haul.

    If I gained 40lbs of fat and was in your situation, the 3/4 compounds I would consider would be T3 or T4, clen and HGH. If running something like T3 and clen I think then MK wouldn't be too bad of an idea but I just think the water weight gain might make matters worse if you already are feeling fat.
    I do have some clen and I don't see how the MK will make me fatter if I do a cut. I've been eating like total crap for a while now so I plan on fixing that part. If MK is a GH secretagogue it should enhance lypolosis. Either way, I'm going to try it for a 30 day period. This brand is apparently the best on the market.

    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    I would focus on fertility and worry about the rest later. You got plenty of time to hop on gear, peptides, and all that jazz later. Once she's pregnant, you'll have 9 months to body recomp so the baby sees a jacked dad from Day1
    True. We are doing IVF where they take a sperm and inject it directly into the egg, so I no longer need millions upon millions, but you're right now point to risk even the slightest chance to be shut down again if this first round doesn't work for us.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    I do have some clen and I don't see how the MK will make me fatter if I do a cut. I've been eating like total crap for a while now so I plan on fixing that part. If MK is a GH secretagogue it should enhance lypolosis. Either way, I'm going to try it for a 30 day period. This brand is apparently the best on the market.

    True. We are doing IVF where they take a sperm and inject it directly into the egg, so I no longer need millions upon millions, but you're right now point to risk even the slightest chance to be shut down again if this first round doesn't work for us.
    MK677 increases ghrellin which increases hunger - that's why it can easily make you more fat.

    I don't see the point of risking years of work to use MK for 30 days. Even if the chance is less than 1% that it negative impacts you still seems silly and selfish.
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  11. #11
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    I also would not recommend MK for cutting . over the years I've had a few clients try using it during a cut and it did not go well and we had to pull it. its awesome for bulking and putting on size though

    personally I'd just focus on diet and training right now. then at some point maybe add 2iu of HGH, 40mcg clen, and 25mcg T3, to keep the cut going . or right now maybe 5mg Yohimbe with fasted cardio

  12. #12
    True, Ill just enjoy the fatness until body recomp. Then I'm jumping on EVERYTHING possible lol

  13. #13
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    Aug 2019
    Remember bud, 60%-70% of what we do is down to the diet. I think getting your diet on point and sticking to a strict regiment will be better for you than ANY gear you can put in your body. I know it sucks but you gotta pay to play.

  14. #14
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    Oct 2019
    What are your priorities. Losing some body fat or having children.

    You are asking the wrong people. Ask your spouse. If for some reason you can not ask her because this will expose your Test use it is a big no. If you are able to ask her and she is aware of the risks go with that answer.

    Seems extremely selfish to even consider the idea of Test use at this point in your life.

  15. #15

    Well despite everyone's advice I decided to take the MK anyway since I already ordered it. I didn't find any research stating that of any kind of GH secretagoues affecting fertility negatively. Also, my wife and I did IUI a few weeks ago and she may be pregnant as she is showing some signs like she was last time

    I have been doing 25mg on empty stomach while cutting cals (around 2500). I'm hitting the gym 5x a week BUT I'm still gaining lol. I'm 250 this morning now but I'm not fatter (although I am fat still). I think its mostly contributed to the fact that I am drinking more water than I usually do to aid in fat loss but it seems instead of flushing out extra water the MK is sending it into the muscle instead. I say this because the pumps have been great and I don't look fatter. If the MK works by increasing your own GH, which I can feel its doing, i don't see how the fat-loss mechanism would stall; espcially when I am in a deficit and also taking it on an empty stomach at night. Either way, I decided to experiment and I'll keep everyone posted on what happens with this one bottle of MK. 30 days taking it 25 ED.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Noname81 View Post
    What are your priorities. Losing some body fat or having children.

    You are asking the wrong people. Ask your spouse. If for some reason you can not ask her because this will expose your Test use it is a big no. If you are able to ask her and she is aware of the risks go with that answer.

    Seems extremely selfish to even consider the idea of Test use at this point in your life.
    Not going to add test, I was just thinking if simply adding 100mg or so would help but not worth it

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    So if you started taking HCG around the time you started TRT and you stayed on the HCG, you would retain your fertility?

  18. #18
    I believe so yes. The studies show that when starting TRT taking HCG at 1000ius a week (500iu 2x a week) help maintain what you have already. Problem was, I didn't have anything when I found out

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    What if you take a month off from HCG?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    What if you take a month off from HCG?
    Idk what would happen you'd have to give me more description of the scenario? If you're on HCG and then decided to take a month off? I think your level will just drop until you take it again, but sperm production is 72 days

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