Ok first of all... I get it... What are you doses? What AI are you taking? Caber etc? Need that to help you. A lot of people don't know that Deca/Tren down regulate dopamine receptors. Yes, there are real medical studies. I know what you're feeling. Been there. Drop the tren asap. It fucks w/ you mood all kinds. I would keep the test and 2x the deca. I want to make sure you are not over lowering your estrogen. Low estrogen will make you ridiculously depressed.
Here's a few supplements to get. Get L-Tyrosine & Phenylalanine & L-Dopa. Take 2000mg of Tyrosine and Phenylalnine on a empty stomach with about 150mg of L-Dopa. You can get all those on Amazon and have them tomorrow. They are dopamine precursors and that's what your lacking.
There's a great prework out thats natural w/ a little caffine and all those in them I use as well pre-workout ( I take the above supplements before breakfast).
Let me know how your feeling in after. I think it'll change your life.
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