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Thread: New Cycle Question and Suggestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    New Cycle Question and Suggestions

    Okay so i've done a few cycles... usually small, short... long PCT. I probably should just blast and cruise cause gear keeps leading to me having more kids (had three since dabbling with gear). That's another story.

    Anyway, i have been off for at least a year and would like to use:


    I'm 43 and have good muscle, strong as an ox but always battling fat (especially when not on).

    Any dosage suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Some do high tren low test some do high test low tren.
    I do 300 tren e , 250 test e , 500 mast e and 750 eq.
    Idk if you have ever used tren a but it can fuck with your head by fucking with your sleep. You might just flip the fuck out because some body is chewing loudly or a car cut you off. Tren also takes the water out of your body so hands face n feet will get scaley unless you use hand lotion every few hours . It also screws with your respiratory system. So you'll get winded earlier
    As far as fat issue clean up the diet download a calorie counter .

    Honestly test mast Eq will lean you out if you're on a calorie deficit
    Mast 500
    Eq 600
    Run that 16 weeks
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727AZ using Tapatalk
    Last edited by bomb_r2; 12-06-2019 at 04:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by MBDN313 View Post
    Okay so i've done a few cycles... usually small, short... long PCT. I probably should just blast and cruise cause gear keeps leading to me having more kids (had three since dabbling with gear). That's another story.

    Anyway, i have been off for at least a year and would like to use:


    I'm 43 and have good muscle, strong as an ox but always battling fat (especially when not on).

    Any dosage suggestions?
    Which of the compounds have you used before and at what disease? Also what are your goals for the cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    What is your current bf and height/weight right now?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Goals really just fat loss and training. I didn't lose ANY strength over the past year, which is a bit surprising except for the fact that PCT then post PCT i gained fat so i guess that preserved muscle i gained from cycles.

    I do martial arts and that's my primary focus, even as i get older because training a lot every day keeps me feeling good (i feel like absolute shit when i don't do martial training even if i still lift). In that context, tren fucked with me before with getting winded and light headed during training sometimes, but i dropped the dose and it was okay. Also did keep me up at night which was actually kind of great because i got a lot done and have a lot of kids. Was a couple of years ago when i used it. I was on edge more and tried to step outside of myself a bit and remind myself "it's the tren" (my wife reminded me when i failed to remember).

    Haven't use Eq before but used the other three.

    Used deca before which was great for everything and made joints feel strong but didn't lose anything and gained (which is fine, i didn't gain fat, but i did after on PCT a bit). I'm 220, 5 foot 11. Haven't had body fat measured in past year since last cycle so no idea but it's higher and i am not super stoked.

    Anyway, good advice. I appreciate your all's time and experience.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Well, tren test and mast will likely make you hornier than ever in your life. Its killer horny... Dirty mind... Smell an old ldys feet and want to lick them kinda nasty to me.

    I would advise 400 wk each at most.

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