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  1. #1
    ns9797 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    T4 replacement therapy with or without t3

    I’m on 50mcg t4 replacement therapy for low t4 high TSH and low normal t3 levels. My question is should I use t3 with my prescribed t4 or more t4 to get my thyroid kicked into more fat burning mode since t4 converts into t3?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I would just recommend upping your t4 but it is not as simple as it seems....

    once your body senses you have enough T4 it will stop producing it so you may have to take 200mcg just to get above a natural normal level
    how much do you weigh?

    Are you getting regular bloodwork?
    How long have you been on 50mcg?

  3. #3
    ns9797 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Been on t4 for about a little over a week now. Weight is around 170-173 at 5’0. I get blood work about every 6 months with my check up. Or sometimes I’ll get blood work sooner if I feel something ain’t right. I’m already on hrt for both test and gh and now t4.
    Also am a easy gainer both for muscle and fat so I have a hard time dropping but can keep muscle on easy. And again t4 is usual always on the low end normal but this time below normal. Along with low end normal t3 and high TSH

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