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Thread: Using Metformin on Refeeds/Cheat meals.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Using Metformin on Refeeds/Cheat meals.

    I've heard mixed things about this, some people swear by it others says it doesn't work. For example taking 1g of metformin after eating a massive cheat meal that includes fast digesting carbs like ice cream, or taking 500mg with meal 1 on a refeed as well as 1g before bed? Any experinces or benefits? I've been told metformin acts as a "filter" and prevents around 20-30% of the carbohydrates and fats being absorbed. Quite curious on how it works and if that's the case.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    That’s not how it works, and if metformin did prevent absorption, it would defeat the entire purpose of a refeed.

    Most of metformin’s benefits on carbohydrate utilization ramp up over time. It’s not a “just take this when eating like an asshole and you’re good” type of medication. It’s effects on the microbiome also take time to occur, which is why people usually have fucked up gastro stuff happening for a few weeks when starting it, only to have it go away later.

  3. #3
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    Gallow is right . Metformin does not work that way

    the simplest way to think about it is that its limiting your livers ability to store glucose and thus lowering total blood sugar levels over time (A1C). this is exactly why it helps diabetics and their A1C goes down over time . this is accomplished through various mechanisms of action and altering the gut biome is one of them

    you can't just take 1g of Metofrmin randomly on a cheat meal day and think its going to magically store your food as muscle glycogen.. it takes time to work and when it does work its not working by shuttling carbs into muscle tissue rather then fat tissue. again its just effecting your liver storage of glucose

    for bodybuilding purposes .. yes Metformin can have benefits. especially for guys running HGH or guys that are on a multi year long bulk. lowering your blood sugars is beneficial to your health , and both HGH and perma bulking will raise blood sugars

    side note - Metformin is considered an anti aging drug. reason for this is because running high blood sugars will accelerate aging and disease. lower blood sugars will slow this down

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    for the effects your looking for and having that cheat meal . I would consider taking Alpha Lipoic Acid with that meal at 1200mg and chromium picolanate at 1mg

    humalog works damn good as well if your wanting to go the insulin route

  5. #5
    I cant tolerate METFORMIN at any dose, it tears my stomach apart. I will probably try BERBERINE in the near future.

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