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Thread: Stop AAS all together or start anew?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Stop AAS all together or start anew?

    Just found a folder with my old photos when I did Test P and gotta say
    I miss my old body! Damn!

    Now I haven't been the smartest as some of you know and it ended up in Power PCT.
    Got most (not all) of myself back, but I can see some difference in fat, energy and the
    ability to get aroused.
    Don't get me wrong, it's good, but I miss the old feeling!

    I'm still very interested in training, but I have never tried fighting for a comp or modelling
    career, but many think I would fit in and recommend me to try.
    This messes with my head and decision, go all in or go safe.

    Never done a heavy cycle either, which makes me "curious" what can be achieved^^

    Would love some opinions what you guys feel regarding this.
    I'm fully aware that I need to consider TRT/ HRT if I go down the AAS path.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Keep blasting and cruising as long as you're responsible and safe about things I see no problem

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727AZ using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    Just found a folder with my old photos when I did Test P and gotta say
    I miss my old body! Damn!

    Now I haven't been the smartest as some of you know and it ended up in Power PCT.
    Got most (not all) of myself back, but I can see some difference in fat, energy and the
    ability to get aroused.
    Don't get me wrong, it's good, but I miss the old feeling!

    I'm still very interested in training, but I have never tried fighting for a comp or modelling
    career, but many think I would fit in and recommend me to try.
    This messes with my head and decision, go all in or go safe.

    Never done a heavy cycle either, which makes me "curious" what can be achieved^^

    Would love some opinions what you guys feel regarding this.
    I'm fully aware that I need to consider TRT/ HRT if I go down the AAS path.

    Not sure what your history is brother, but if your physical and mental health are solid and you know what you’re up against in terms of recovery, then feel confident you can do it. It’s a lifestyle for sure and if you think getting back on can help you accomplish your goals, go for it.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    This messes with my head and decision, go all in or go safe.

    what is safe in your opinion?

    It's a very personal choice made on the bases of what you want to achieve. Many many of my friends are natty for life and they look and feel awesome but their growth has stopped but no matter what I tell them they are happy with what they have as natty. Do I look different from them, heck yeah, but that matters to me, not to them. They have made choice for themselves and so did I knowing what I am getting into. I don't know your age but I didn't start till I was 30 to hit my max natty and beyond lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    hows your diet , training programming, and consistency ? drugs are awesome and work great, but they don't work for shit without the diet and training aspect dialed in

  6. #6
    If you think you're a handsome guy you should try to be a model. It all starts at the first step. Why don't you try to get over your old physique?
    You'll have enough time to focus on your projects in 2020.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thanks guys! I have my mental and my physical health with me and it's all stable (though I am weird)

    Safe is just a normal living for me - work, eat, train, sleep, no aas

    - Diet is healthy, but not optimal for growth.
    - Training is finally on point and I know what I answer too, but I feel certain that I need help if I do another cycle on that part
    since I can go much harder and should go harder (benefit of recovery).
    - I can't live without the gym, so I guess that count as consistency, though again, I need to get diet on point.
    - I have the luxury to sleep as much as I want now as well, but I answer best to 7-8 hours.

    I do think I'm handsome, but I'm too "humble" to feel/ live THAT handsome. I get loads of compliments and always have, but I don't see it that way.
    Something I gotta work on.
    I've started to go out of my comfort zone more and more with a more appreciative mindset.

    I use the work safe as in normal, but I hate living that way and always follow my own path.
    Might get some lash out from the vets here, but the age is what spooks me/ stresses me lol
    I'm starting to consider more what I do to my body, why, thinking about kids, should I work hard and save or invest all in one idea that may crash and so on...
    Going 32 now, so right in the middle of being a kid and becoming a man if that makes sense.

    If I would choose, hell yeah I would love to go all out!
    But since I haven't seen what the other side can offer, I hesitate

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    All depends if you can be 110% with nutrition, training, and sleep.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

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