Has anyone tried this? Is it any better than yk11 injectable. For the past year I have been abusing steroids I have done many cycles in the past year all on 200mg trt 1st (lgd/rad140/s4) 2nd (tren enth 300mg) 3rd (400mg test/50mg dbol/300mg deca) 4th ( 300mg tren ace) 5th (500mg sust 50mg dbol) after all these cycles I have only put on around 25lbs of muscle I went from 155lbs skinny fat to 200lbs chubby I would say I have about 20lbs of fat on me I have honestly gone all out on the training and kept diet in a surplus and clean except the last cycle where I eat anything and everything this is when I put most of my fat on. Well what I'm getting at is surely training the way I train with the compounds I was taking surely I should of put alot more muscle on. I have recently done full bloodwork and everything came back good witch I suppose I'm lucky I know I'm probberly gonna get some hate for this thread I've been an idiot but last year missis left me for someone else after 8 years and kids I just had that f#@k it attitude and took my anger out on the weights. Now I got my head straight I can see how foolish I have been so for now I'm just sticking to my trt till march/April when I do I don't want to waste my time like I have done and take gh or a myostatin inhibitor if there is such a thing