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Firstly, people are telling me the only thing necessary is Test, and if I feel symptoms coming on, add in an AI. That PCT is a play, HCG unnecessary.
This goes completely in the face of the guidelines posted here.
So what gives?
s well, what are the side effects I can reasonably expect to encounter if I take 400mg a week of Test E? Balding, more ody hair, sleep changes, acne? What else, what about organ issues like liver, heart issues? Psychological issues?
I have migraine issues and vasospasms that cause angina, due to a bad mediction reaction, so there's that. I'd like to be muscular for once in my life... not just ripped and hard, but have some julian edelman style arms, some size on my legs, etc.
As well, once I start doing gear, will I basically be reliant upon it for as many years as I want to be built, or does any of that muscle built in a cycle have a propensity to stay longterm if you work out hard? I'm not sure that cycling for 10 years sounds like a great idea to me.