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Thread: Hormone Panel BW 6-months post-cycle: Need help making sense of this!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Hormone Panel BW 6-months post-cycle: Need help making sense of this!

    I'm 6-months off cycle and 4 months off PCT, but I'm having trouble making sense of this bloodwork. My LH and Estradiol are high, but my test, free test, and SHBG seem fine.

    For background, I stupidly blasted and cruised for a full year even though I had no previous issues with recovering T-levels. (I'm an idiot --> we can address that another time)

    Test: 629.8 ng/dl (range: 264-916)
    Free Test: 20.7 pg/ml (range: 8.7-25.1)
    *LH: 14.3 miu/ML (range: 1.7-8.6)
    FSH: 11.1 miu/ML (range: 1.5-12.4)
    *Estradiol: 111.0 pg/ml (range: 7.6-42.6)
    SHBG: 37.8 nmol/L (range: 16.5-55.9)
    Currently, the only thing I supplement that may have an effect on these hormones is DHEA.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Coffeehead View Post
    I'm 6-months off cycle and 4 months off PCT, but I'm having trouble making sense of this bloodwork. My LH and Estradiol are high, but my test, free test, and SHBG seem fine.

    For background, I stupidly blasted and cruised for a full year even though I had no previous issues with recovering T-levels. (I'm an idiot --> we can address that another time)

    Currently, the only thing I supplement that may have an effect on these hormones is DHEA.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    What exactly is your concern? I’d almost guarantee that your estradiol is high because of the DHEA. It’s essentially a weak estrogen that gets converted into estradiol and can definitely skew labs.

    As far as your LH, it’s not that far out of range. Could be a number of things from your HPTA not being reset, your testes not fully recovered yet or even infertility (I doubt that’s the case, elevated LH can be an indicator is all). I’d ditch the DHEA and run labs again in two months I’d hire still concerned. Are you symptomatic from elevated estradiol?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    What exactly is your concern? I’d almost guarantee that your estradiol is high because of the DHEA. It’s essentially a weak estrogen that gets converted into estradiol and can definitely skew labs.

    As far as your LH, it’s not that far out of range. Could be a number of things from your HPTA not being reset, your testes not fully recovered yet or even infertility (I doubt that’s the case, elevated LH can be an indicator is all). I’d ditch the DHEA and run labs again in two months I’d hire still concerned. Are you symptomatic from elevated estradiol?
    No side effects to speak of at that moment. The elevated LH and Estradiol just caught me off guard. I was more prepared for low free test of high SHBG, especially considering how irresponsible I was with my last year of cycling.

    So, it sounds like there is nothing really to be concerned about? Even if the LH was the worst case scenario, I already have two kids and don't plan to have any more. Infertility wouldn't be the worst thing in the world...

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