I'm 6-months off cycle and 4 months off PCT, but I'm having trouble making sense of this bloodwork. My LH and Estradiol are high, but my test, free test, and SHBG seem fine.
For background, I stupidly blasted and cruised for a full year even though I had no previous issues with recovering T-levels. (I'm an idiot --> we can address that another time)
Currently, the only thing I supplement that may have an effect on these hormones is DHEA.Test: 629.8 ng/dl (range: 264-916)
Free Test: 20.7 pg/ml (range: 8.7-25.1)
*LH: 14.3 miu/ML (range: 1.7-8.6)
FSH: 11.1 miu/ML (range: 1.5-12.4)
*Estradiol: 111.0 pg/ml (range: 7.6-42.6)
SHBG: 37.8 nmol/L (range: 16.5-55.9)
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!