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Thread: Continuing Bulk After Cycle

  1. #1

    Continuing Bulk After Cycle

    I’m finishing up my first cycle in about a month while bulking and I’m trying to plan the start of my cut. I’m following the plan on the “My First Cycle” post with the 500 mg/wk of test with AI, and the clomid/nolvadex PCT. I’ve had great results and have had minimum side effects (I prepared for the worst so it is a nice surprise). I’m wondering if it’d be better to start my cut directly after my last injection or maybe after PCT, since my hormones will be all wonky for a few weeks and it might be good to lose some fat to reduce side effects. Alternatively, if I continue my bulk I’m thinking it would be easier to retain muscle. What are your guys’ thoughts?

    Also, do you recommend petering off the weekly injection amount as I approach the end of the cycle? If I’m doing 500 mg/wk now maybe lower it over the next 4 weeks to just 250 mg/wk? I’ve seen some literature on this idea but people don’t really talk about it much.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    do not cut immediately after a bulk.

    your body needs to get acclimated to the gains.

    do not cut during PCT.... a deficit is bad for hormones.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    do not cut immediately after a bulk.

    your body needs to get acclimated to the gains.

    do not cut during PCT.... a deficit is bad for hormones.
    I agree completely. During pct, your hormones will be sub optimal. During this time, your body is highly stressed and trying to recover. Cutting during this time will add unnecessary stress to the body.

  4. #4
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    What are your stats? It might be smart to keep bulking, you do a cut now its out the window meaning muscle gained unless you have been blasting and cruising awhile which i dont think you have. I have been bulking for 3 years, will probably bulk 3 more honestly before I ever do a cut cycle a real strictly cutting cycle but that’s just me

  5. #5
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    bulk then immediately cut , then bulk then cut, etc.. is the best way to spin your wheels and go no where in this sport. you should bulk until you've put on the ideal amount of muscle to achieve the look you want .. this usually takes about 3-5 years of primarily bulking.

    lets say you want to look like a mens physique guy like Sadik .. he's 188 pounds when super lean. in order to look that muscular he had to bulk to a still lean and muscular 235 pounds. that probably took him about 6+ years of bulking.
    if he would have began 'cutting' right away when first getting started, he'd of never made it. he'd still be 145 pounds, albeit very lean.

    same with Arash Rhabar .. he supposedly spent 18 years bulking BEFORE ever cutting down and getting on stage. he competes at 215 pounds, and his non competitive weight is around 245.

    what are your stats

  6. #6
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    Putting on 3 lbs of muscle with 1/4 lb of fat is way better than cutting 3 lbs of fat and losing 1/4 muscle
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    What are your stats? It might be smart to keep bulking, you do a cut now its out the window meaning muscle gained unless you have been blasting and cruising awhile which i dont think you have. I have been bulking for 3 years, will probably bulk 3 more honestly before I ever do a cut cycle a real strictly cutting cycle but that’s just me
    I appreciate your advice. I’m 6’0” and 195 lbs. I’ve been lifting for 5 years, following the idea of a bulk for 3-5 months, maintenance for a month or two, then cut for a few months before bulking again. I got the idea when I first started working out and never questioned it. I’ve honestly never heard of a long term bulk, I normally go pretty hard so I’m forced to quit a few months in because I put on too much fat. I’m coming off the bulk cycle so I’m not jumping into a cutting cycle, I would just do a few months of running and dieting as my “cut”. I’ll have to look into the logistics and specifics of a long term bulk, it’ll be interesting trying to maintain a decent bod while eating more than your daily caloric need.

    It definitely seems everyone’s saying to just keep the bulk, I was just concerned about hormones and my health and high estrogen levels so I wanted to confirm with the experts first lol. You have any thoughts on petering out my test dosage toward the end of the cycle?
    Last edited by scarlod; 12-26-2019 at 11:29 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by scarlod View Post
    You have any thoughts on petering out my test dosage toward the end of the cycle?
    I don’t know nearly as much as the other posters who’ve commented in this thread, but I haven’t really seen much of people reducing dose toward the end of cycle unless test is reduced slightly with the adding of another compound. My understanding is you’re still going to be shut down at this point whether you’re on 500mg or 250. Shutting yourself down just to come close to a TRT dose doesn’t make a lot of sense.

    I’d just finish your cycle, let the test leave your system, then begin your repair.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by scarlod View Post
    I appreciate your advice. I’m 6’0” and 195 lbs. I’ve been lifting for 5 years, following the idea of a bulk for 3-5 months, maintenance for a month or two, then cut for a few months before bulking again. I got the idea when I first started working out and never questioned it. I’ve honestly never heard of a long term bulk, I normally go pretty hard so I’m forced to quit a few months in because I put on too much fat. I’m coming off the bulk cycle so I’m not jumping into a cutting cycle, I would just do a few months of running and dieting as my “cut”. I’ll have to look into the logistics and specifics of a long term bulk, it’ll be interesting trying to maintain a decent bod while eating more than your daily caloric need.

    It definitely seems everyone’s saying to just keep the bulk, I was just concerned about hormones and my health and high estrogen levels so I wanted to confirm with the experts first lol. You have any thoughts on petering out my test dosage toward the end of the cycle?
    No need to taper your test dose down thats bro science shit. Finish it out. Main thing to do when you come off is keep eating clean in a surplus and keep the intensity high in the workouts as u would as close to can say on cycle.

    Depends on what your goals are. I say bulk and bulk more bc thats my goal, im trying to be a big and lean dude. Not everyone is gonna try to be a 250lb bodybuilder. If your happy looking “fit” then you wont have to bulk as long. But the muscle grows when you bulk, without the growth when you cut you will look like shit plain and simple. It’s something you will have to learn as you go and find yourself. Mold yourself into how you’re wanting to look is what im saying

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