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Thread: Hair Loss/winnyand Success Stories

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    B.C. Vancouver

    Hair Loss/winnyand Success Stories

    Well, its finally starting to show. After years of wondering weither or not I would inherit my dads hair loss trait the answer is starting to show.

    My barber noticed enough hair thinning to make a comment. It seems that the thinning has really gotten worse over the last month. This was right when I started addding winny into my test cycle. I dont see any hair falling out on my pillow or in the sink but it the scalp is just starting to show through.

    I'm not interested in taking propecia (because of the libido problems I've heard about), I dont have the patience for Rogain and a hair transplant is out of the question! Personally I would rather be bald than have someone slice one peice of scalp and place it somewhere else.

    Has anyone ever experienced hair thinning on winny or test and actually had some of the hair density return once they got off of their cycle? I would really welcome any good news but have my razor at the ready, just in case.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    B.C. Vancouver

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    winny was the worse for me on hair

    winny is also the most worthless steroid IMHO as well. id rather take andriol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i am starting to have my hair thin out aswell with the winny i am running right now. i like the pumps and vascualirty though, Billy Bathgate, I might have to consider andriol....Bumdart420, I am with you on the hair transplants...not to interested in that

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    this one time i ran fina test and winny at pretty high doses and i went from being 20 years old to 30 in 6 weeks... damn near lost all my hair in the front.. but i looked good from the forehead down! the thing i like about juice is.. it makes the old look young and the young look old.. if you stay on for life youll be dick clark

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    B.C. Vancouver
    Has anyone had any hair density come back after discountinuing use of Winny?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bumdart420
    Has anyone had any hair density come back after discountinuing use of Winny?

    everything i've read, bumdart, is that hair loss if one of the very few gear side effects that is permanent unfortunately. i've heard that dbol, winny, primo, and test are the worst ones for hair loss. my hair is naturally a little thin and i belive there was someone on my mother's side that was bald so i'm going to stay away from those as that i mentioned. except for test, i want to take sus in a stack. we'll see what that does to my hair. i don't think sus is as bad for the hair as single ester test's.

    there are some shampoos that apparently are helpful in stoping the dht conversion on the scalp while on a cycle. nizoral and a couple others. do a search for it.

    also, saw palmetto is a good supplement to take while on a cycle b/c it apparently deminishes dht floating around in the system that can affect hair loss and prostate enlargement. of course, propecia would help that too but you said you don't want to take that. i think i heard that green tea supplements help somehow too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    SF Bay Area
    I've been taking propecia for three years, mostly to prevent/delay inheriting my father's hairline. In that time I have never had a problem with my libido, or anything that affected my sexual functions.

    Propecia is not covered under insurance, but if you buy in three month dosages from places like Costco (requires prescripition, but dermatologists practically hand them out on street corners) you can get them for about $45.00 a month.

    So if hair loss is a concern I would recommend Propecia, but if you don't mind being bald, then why waste the money?

    I can't speak specifically about its affect during a cycle, but hopefully I will be able to let everyone know shortly.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I've read two comments about not wanting to inheret Dad's won't! Male baldness come from the X chromosome (mother's) baldness comes from Mom's side of the family. If your Mom's Dad is bald then you have a good chance of being bald and vice versa.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I think it's gonna be a while until I start losing my hair. Sorry guys

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    B.C. Vancouver
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    I've read two comments about not wanting to inheret Dad's won't! Male baldness come from the X chromosome (mother's) baldness comes from Mom's side of the family. If your Mom's Dad is bald then you have a good chance of being bald and vice versa.
    I sure hope your right cause every thing I read about hair loss says it comes from both sides of the family. Appearantly, if anyone on the mothers or fathers side has MPB than theres a greater chance you will get it too. I also understand that the whole "skips a generation" is not true. It is still not known who will get the MPB gene. Two brothers that come from the same family can have one brother with lots of hair while the other goes bald.

    This is the info I have come across repeatadly but this info also comes from sites that are selling hair products.

    This still goes back to my intial question: Has anyone had hair go thinner while on a cycle and had the density come back afterward? Has anyone here who has tried Propecia have any of their hair grow back?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I also heard it is from your mom's dad. My mom's dad has nice thick hair even today at the age of 70+ but my dad is bald. Me I have naturally thick thick hair, that it is hard for me to grow my hair out because it just looks like an afro, but you never know it may thin out.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    The hair is gone for good. On the positive side, it was probably goign to fall out anyway. The drugs just speed up the process. At least you gained some muscle out of it this way!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    Try This Product Called Nioxin Its A Kinda Shampoo You Can Get It From Any Salon. It Wont Bring Back The Hair You Lost But It Should Save Whats Left

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