Well, its finally starting to show. After years of wondering weither or not I would inherit my dads hair loss trait the answer is starting to show.
My barber noticed enough hair thinning to make a comment. It seems that the thinning has really gotten worse over the last month. This was right when I started addding winny into my test cycle. I dont see any hair falling out on my pillow or in the sink but it the scalp is just starting to show through.
I'm not interested in taking propecia (because of the libido problems I've heard about), I dont have the patience for Rogain and a hair transplant is out of the question! Personally I would rather be bald than have someone slice one peice of scalp and place it somewhere else.
Has anyone ever experienced hair thinning on winny or test and actually had some of the hair density return once they got off of their cycle? I would really welcome any good news but have my razor at the ready, just in case.