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Thread: Switch to Primo from Deca? Cruise...

  1. #1

    Switch to Primo from Deca? Cruise...

    I am currently on 500mg deca with some test. Came off a ton of drugs recently and I am cruising until mid April when I begin my cut. I will be dropping deca down to 200mg a week once mid Feb hits.

    I am trying to keep my muscles full and maintain a solid weight before I cut. I feel I achieved a good weight to hover around and I moved away from the heavy drugs... I also had some minor issues which are subsiding as time goes on.

    My only reason to switch off deca before my cut is because I will be on tren when I cut. I wanted to give my body a break from the 19nor...

    I could switch to EQ as well, or just primo. Really doesn't matter much... Just wondering if I should move from the deca before tren hits.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    I am currently on 500mg deca with some test. Came off a ton of drugs recently and I am cruising until mid April when I begin my cut. I will be dropping deca down to 200mg a week once mid Feb hits.

    I am trying to keep my muscles full and maintain a solid weight before I cut. I feel I achieved a good weight to hover around and I moved away from the heavy drugs... I also had some minor issues which are subsiding as time goes on.

    My only reason to switch off deca before my cut is because I will be on tren when I cut. I wanted to give my body a break from the 19nor...

    I could switch to EQ as well, or just primo. Really doesn't matter much... Just wondering if I should move from the deca before tren hits.
    I don't think you need to come off Deca. Some people even use both Deca and Tren in advanced cycles. Despite both being 19nor, Deca is going to be anabolic-dominant whereas tren is androgen-dominant.

    You could do TRT + 100-150mg Deca + 300mg of Primo.

    Primo versus EQ ;

    Let's say Primo = $100/month and EQ $50/month
    For arguements sake Primo is "twice as good as EQ"

    Over the year what would contribute more to your progress - having a cruise twice as optimal (Primo) or saving $50/month to put towards a blast that may contribute more (EQ)
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I like deca and tren together. I also like deca and primo together (That was probably the most used combo in the IFBB in the 90s and 2000s).

    I think its unfair to think that Tren and Deca can't be ran together cause they are both 19 nors.. Deca is nandrolone, and Tren is a nandrolone derivative. thats like thinking you can't run test and eq together because test is test and eq is a test derivative.
    tren and deca are two very opposite and different drugs. what they have in common is their progestin activity and thats about it.

    I like running them together because Deca by itself is essentially an "anti androgen" and only works as an anabolic. deca converts to DHN, rather then DHT, and binds to receptors as an androgen but illicits zero androgenic activity. so essentially, over time you become 'anti androgenic' and 'feminized' (for lack of a better word) . when you add Tren do the mix, you get a super strong binding affinity to androgen receptors and you get 5x the androgenic activity of testosterone. So tren is a great way to add androgenic load to your deca cycle, without having to add in more test and estrogen load.
    and you don't necessarily need much estrogen load, because the progestin activity of the deca (and tren) is sensitizing you to estrogen to begin with (so your body can do more with less essentially)

    if you can afford it , primo is hands down far better then EQ imo. but again, just cause you may add in the primo doesn't mean you need to drop the Deca. I think both deca and primo are drugs that can be ran fairly long term and utilized in cruise phases as well.
    as for Tren though, I like to limit that to 6-8 weeks. so save the Tren for your on cycle cut phase .
    however, running low dose Tren, like 20mg per day, with a mild cycle can add a lot off androgenic load with very little total MGs

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I like deca and tren together. I also like deca and primo together (That was probably the most used combo in the IFBB in the 90s and 2000s).

    I think its unfair to think that Tren and Deca can't be ran together cause they are both 19 nors.. Deca is nandrolone, and Tren is a nandrolone derivative. thats like thinking you can't run test and eq together because test is test and eq is a test derivative.
    tren and deca are two very opposite and different drugs. what they have in common is their progestin activity and thats about it.

    I like running them together because Deca by itself is essentially an "anti androgen" and only works as an anabolic. deca converts to DHN, rather then DHT, and binds to receptors as an androgen but illicits zero androgenic activity. so essentially, over time you become 'anti androgenic' and 'feminized' (for lack of a better word) . when you add Tren do the mix, you get a super strong binding affinity to androgen receptors and you get 5x the androgenic activity of testosterone. So tren is a great way to add androgenic load to your deca cycle, without having to add in more test and estrogen load.
    and you don't necessarily need much estrogen load, because the progestin activity of the deca (and tren) is sensitizing you to estrogen to begin with (so your body can do more with less essentially)

    if you can afford it , primo is hands down far better then EQ imo. but again, just cause you may add in the primo doesn't mean you need to drop the Deca. I think both deca and primo are drugs that can be ran fairly long term and utilized in cruise phases as well.
    as for Tren though, I like to limit that to 6-8 weeks. so save the Tren for your on cycle cut phase .
    however, running low dose Tren, like 20mg per day, with a mild cycle can add a lot off androgenic load with very little total MGs
    Thanks for the replies... sounds like I am just going to keep the deca at low dose and introduce some primo as well alongside some TRT.

    I have ran tren and deca together, just not on a cut! Might just keep low dose throughout most of my cut then!

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