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Thread: Solid thoughts;

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Lightbulb Solid thoughts;

    The purpose of this my topic is to bring you my current cycle that I am intending to do,aiming to burn body fat.
    Well, let's get down to business!

    A 16 week cycle!!!

    week 1 to week 4
    600mg of propionate of testosterone per week
    400mg of de NPP per week
    300mg of Masteron P (For support, because ( toNandrolone is a progestin and induces prolactin release and masteron can block prolactin receptors.)
    0,5 mg de Halotestin (Halotestin for me to be strong in the early weeks of calorie restriction diet, the NPP to make a more massive phase in this first phase of weight loss diet)

    week5 to week 8 Stage where veins begin to appear;that's why I'm going to come with trenbolone and a high dosage of masteron

    450mg of propionate of testosterone per week
    600mg of Masteron P of per week
    375mg of Acetate trembolone per week
    350g of Winstrol Depot per week
    40mg anavar every day

    week9 to week 12 (phase that the cosmetic effects begin to appear, because by this point the percentage of fat will already be lower)

    450mg of propionate of testosterone
    600mg of Masteron P of per week
    600 mg of Acetate Trembolone Per week
    350mg of Winstrol Depot per week
    30mg of Anavar every day

    week13 to week16 (Here I am finishing with 20 mg of Anavar (DHT) and fighting cortisol.

    450mg of propionate of testosterone
    600mg of Masteron P of per week
    600 mg of Acetate Trembolone per week
    20mg of Anavar every day
    Last edited by anabolictheviking; 01-23-2020 at 01:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Thats a good amount of gear!

    Is this your first go with tren?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    You mind adding to that goal of your cycle to better help you and critique this cycle? That's way more than you need to simply "burn body fat".

    If your halo is real theres no way you're running 50mg for 4 weeks unless you're so freak. I can barely handle 30mg for 3 weeks. I just don't think 50mg is necessary unless its underdosed.

    2 things I would change: 1) extend npp for 6 weeks instead of 4 and then switch to tren for the remainder. 2) don't taper down anavar. If you want 20mg to battle cortisol then sure thats fine but no need to have that 30mg period, stick to 40mg.

    I won't comment on your dosages because without knowing your stats and cycle history I can't really assess that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Unless you're prepping for contest, you don't need that much gear. You can burn fat with a lot less gear, if you need this amount of gear to burn fat, then something is definitely wrong with your diet.
    This is why I agree with the above post about adding your goal.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls

    Solid thoughts;

    Goals and weight , height ,training experience you have your diet planned perfectly..I’ve seen so many eat the sides of gear with no gains because of poor diet..

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-04-2020 at 01:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post

    If your halo is real theres no way you're running 50mg for 4 weeks unless you're so freak. I can barely handle 30mg for 3 weeks. I just don't think 50mg is necessary unless its underdosed.

    Halo is very aggressive with your liver. I will not run longer than 3 weeks. IMO 4 weeks is too long. IMO 50 is too much.
    I had bloods after running Halo- not good at all.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Halo is very aggressive with your liver. I will not run longer than 3 weeks. IMO 4 weeks is too long. IMO 50 is too much.
    I had bloods after running Halo- not good at all.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Not unless you want to die, lol.

  8. #8
    Why use all this?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    for someone thats a competitive bodybuilder , which I'm pretty sure the OP does compete .. he's not running that high of gear.

    add it up. in phase 1 (if he drops the halo) . he is only running like 1.3 grams total per week.. then through the cycle he moves up closer to like 2.1 grams per week.
    keep in mind that some competitors 'base' itself is 1.5-2 grams per week, with compounds added on top of that base.

    so starting with 1.3 grams total (base plus added compounds) is not really that high.

    note- of course the halo dose is way too high. unless your a few weeks out from a show, you should not need much more then 5mg per day (not 50 -- 50 may of been a typo)

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