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  1. #1
    Bigbadwolf250 is offline Associate Member
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    Any solid supps for lean mass fat loss during cruise

    Cruising at 200 test but wanted to see if you guys know of any good supps to I can add during the cruise. Added masteron to my cruise last time and loved it but want to give my body some what of a break.

    Looked into sarms but any good products out there from supp companies or are they all garbage. Been using redcon Halo and might be in my head but seems to make muscles Fuller. Anything else out there?

  2. #2
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sorry, I guess there's no better answer than diet, sleep, and exercise.
    However, if you're talking about AAS, many like anavar because it doesn't swell you up with water but does improve strength and recovery. And, tren can be used for almost anything.
    Then there are a whole host of things like andrenergics (asthma medications), clen and even something known to be really dangerous but I can't remember the name.
    Check out the non-forum section for AAS explanations and such.

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