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Thread: Help me, HCG true or false

  1. #1

    Help me, HCG true or false

    Hi guys
    I am italian,
    I bought everything for my first plan from an european importanti website.
    I try to test HCG with a pregnant test. The result was HCG no presente.
    I wrote the source and he answer that is R-HCG ( recombinant) and is normal to have a negative pregnant test, is made in lab and not from pregnant woman urine.
    What do you think about ?

  2. #2
    fake, bro!

  3. #3
    Welcome to the forum. There are a variety of different nationalities in this forum.

    Here you will find;

    Europeans, Canadians, Americans, Indians, Argentines, I'm Brazilian.

    I love Italy, it's a beautiful country ... One day I hope to enjoy this beautiful country in Europe

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik77 View Post
    Hi guys
    I am italian,
    I bought everything for my first plan from an european importanti website.
    I try to test HCG with a pregnant test. The result was HCG no presente.
    I wrote the source and he answer that is R-HCG ( recombinant) and is normal to have a negative pregnant test, is made in lab and not from pregnant woman urine.
    What do you think about ?
    I think it might be fake, you can always send it to a lab for analysis to know what you're really getting

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Double post
    Last edited by JohnnyBreeze; 02-01-2020 at 03:45 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Super User 4 View Post
    I think it might be fake, you can always send it to a lab for analysis to know what you're really getting
    No need to spend that kind of money. Check out the following.

    Three things could have happened, you had bad r-HcG that was real, you had faked r-HcG, or you had a bad pregnancy test kit. Do you remember if the test showed a result for the "control"? They all have them, and if you don't see a line or whatever indicates the control, it means your test was bad. I've included a link to a study which used r-HcG that showed there were zero negative tests using three different test brands when the r-HcG was diluted down to the manufacturers' minimum threshold for the test. They even used men's urine to dilute the r-HcG for this study. This is an incredibly low concentration of HcG (0.025 IU/ml). You couldn't have diluted your r-HcG that low. So for for example, if you had a bottle of 2500 IU of HcG, you would have to have diluted it with over 100 liters of water to get a negative result.

    Also, tests that require you to either pee on them or dip in urine require more liquid than a test that you drop a small amount of liquid on. I would redo the test. If you can only get pee on or dip tests, then I would draw out around 500 IU and dilute it with around 100 or so ml in a small (thin) container, which would allow you to submerge the entire part of the test that needs to get wet. You can then dip the test in it (even if it's a pee on test) and get accurate results. Just make sure to follow the instructions for the amount of time to leave the test in the liquid. If it's a a pee on test, then leave it in the liquid for as long as the instructions say to pee on it. If you can get a drop on test, you can just use your r-HcG directly from the bottle you diluted it in. Make sure you see the control mark. You will then have a good test to see if it's either bad, faked, or real.

    Hope this helps, here's the link to the study. Comparative analysis of the accuracy of urinary hCG tests in vitro

    Also, you can look at this thread for pictures of two different tests so you can see what the control marks look like. Myself and another member did this a few days ago. The other member thought his HcG was bad at first, but he had no control line, so it was the test that was bad. It does happen from time to time.
    Last edited by JohnnyBreeze; 02-01-2020 at 06:57 PM. Reason: misspellings / add more info

  7. #7
    thank you all guys
    the pregnancy test was in control panel and it worked. I will try a new pregnancy test and let you know. the source replied and sent me several lab tests on their hcg. my doubts are that i bought several products from them and i don't know if i still trust.
    You are really a nice group.

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