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Thread: Mast in pill form?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Washington Coast

    Mast in pill form?

    I found a company selling mast in pill form. Is this even possible?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Poysfxom View Post
    I found a company selling mast in pill form. Is this even possible?
    Superdrol is essentially masteron in pill form, however it acts a lot differently due to being c17aa.

  3. #3
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    I've heard of people refer to Proviron as such as well, though that's not correct. They have some similarities but that's it.

    Nothing I've tried really matches up to the real deal injectable Masteron.

  4. #4
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    Don't try to substitute the real deal with "masteron" pills. I have done Masteron in the past and there's no reason to try and find it in pill form cause it won't even work

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Superdrol is essentially masteron in pill form, however it acts a lot differently due to being c17aa.
    The side effects are FAR greater with Superdrol, I get essentially none with Masteron.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    The side effects are FAR greater with Superdrol, I get essentially none with Masteron.
    I agree with this, and I’m not saying that one is a substitute for another by any means. I just think that must have been what he meant by oral Masteron, because on paper they’re essentially the same thing.

    Likewise on paper dianabol is just oral Equipoise, but in reality Dianabol is the shit, and equipoise is really only good for oiling a squeaking door hinge.

    I’m up in the air about superdrol, but you can’t beat Masteron for anything. It’s like putting amsoil in your car. It just takes everything and makes it better. It’s the perfect addition to almost any other compound, and it’s always my go to ancillary.

  7. #7
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    Thanks. I'm on 200mg weekly TRT from dr along with 2.5mg daily finasteride, libido didn't change much. What's best, mast, proviron or both to supplement the test for libido boost?
    Last edited by Poysfxom; 02-04-2020 at 10:26 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poysfxom View Post
    Thanks. I'm on 200mg weekly TRT from dr, libido didn't change much. What's best, mast, proviron or both to supplement the test for libido boost?

    Anecdotal, but proviron at 50 mgs ED has been awesome for my libido. Are you taking an AI with your TRT and have you had your estrogen levels checked? My estrogen balance is essential to my drive. Also check your SHBG and feee test scores as well. Proviron will help with both. Also consider trolling the TRT boards as well or posting there

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poysfxom View Post
    Thanks. I'm on 200mg weekly TRT from dr along with 2.5mg daily finasteride, libido didn't change much. What's best, mast, proviron or both to supplement the test for libido boost?
    couple of things

    - keep in mind that its ESTROGEN that is responsible for and controls the male sex drive , not test or dht
    - androgens play a role in the erection process, but the libido (in the brain) is dictated by estrogen primarily

    - Proviron is NOT anabolic in muscle tissue. its only purpose is to lower SHBG.. SHBG is a binding protein that binds DHT out of the blood steam (it also binds some test and estrogen, but primarily dht). by lowering SHBG you free up more of these hormones in the blood stream to be utizlied

    - Masteron on the other hand IS an anabolic androgenic steroid. its very anabolic in muscle tissue. plus like proviron it also has the ability to lower SHBG . on top of that it also blunts progestin receptors , which in turn makes you less sensitive to negative estrogenic side effects.
    Mast is probably one of the best all around compounds anyone could use

  10. #10
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    Suggestions on cycling mast? Newbie here.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poysfxom View Post
    Thanks. I'm on 200mg weekly TRT from dr along with 2.5mg daily finasteride, libido didn't change much. What's best, mast, proviron or both to supplement the test for libido boost?

    Assume the Fina is for BPH? If so, be careful adding DHT's to the mix as the fina won't have any effect on them as it does your testosterone.
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  12. #12
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    Estrogen last blood work was 32

  13. #13
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    I take Cialis 5mg daily for ed, but it definitely helps with urine flow! Thought the fin lowered DHT levels?

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poysfxom View Post
    I take Cialis 5mg daily for ed, but it definitely helps with urine flow! Thought the fin lowered DHT levels?
    Cialis is one of the healthiest things a man can take. It helps with urine flow slightly as it will also help with symptoms of BPH and has been approved by the FDA for about 10 years for this purpose. Yes, fina lowers dht which more directly will help with bph. Fina at a low dose (1 mg) is used for hair loss. Above that it's normally just for BPH as it's a Type 2, 5-Alpha Reductase Blocker which reduces conversion of T to DHT by up to 70 %. It is very effective and works at much higher doses of T as well, not just TRT doses.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Cialis is one of the healthiest things a man can take. It helps with urine flow slightly as it will also help with symptoms of BPH and has been approved by the FDA for about 10 years for this purpose. Yes, fina lowers dht which more directly will help with bph. Fina at a low dose (1 mg) is used for hair loss. Above that it's normally just for BPH as it's a Type 2, 5-Alpha Reductase Blocker which reduces conversion of T to DHT by up to 70 %. It is very effective and works at much higher doses of T as well, not just TRT doses.
    That's why I cut my 5mg fina in half. I read here that that dose would be beneficial in both regards.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poysfxom View Post
    That's why I cut my 5mg fina in half. I read here that that dose would be beneficial in both regards.
    I know some people that take that dose and works out great for them

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