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I don't believe that to be accurate.
look at 20+ year old females .. they have very high estrogen compared to the rest of the population yet generally have the lowest blood pressure and rare rare chance of having a negative cardiac event , while 20 year old men do suffer from high blood pressure and die of heart attacks.
if estrogen was the cause of high blood pressure, then this would be the opposite.
you know the women that do suffer with high blood pressure and cardic events ? those that are past menopause and their estrogen levels have plummeted .. hmm, interesting. so younger women that have high estrogen don't have blood pressure issues and no cardiac events ,, while men and women with low estrogen do.
another thought.. the reason TRT for olden men is healthy and beneficial rather then them going untreated and having low test levels , is to get the health benefits from the estrogen.
older men with low T levels are at greater health risks of heart disease . the Testosterone itself doesn't help that , its the test converting to estrogen that does.
estrogen plays a big role in nitric oxide production and relaxing the vascular system.. if anything , having low estrogen levels will raise blood pressure and cause heart the disease , not the other way around
and on a side note .. you know what else is a blood pressure issue . AI drugs like arimidex . look into it.. its listed as a warning and negative side effect for women being treated with breast cancer.
the combination of low estrogen and taking AI drugs is much bigger health risk