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Thread: Gyno seemed to appear after being off gear for 3 years, please help?

  1. #1

    Gyno seemed to appear after being off gear for 3 years, please help?

    Hey, guys,

    I’ve been off all gear for well over 3 years now.

    When I used, I would used test p and var. I would run for 6-9 weeks and always use aromasin and hcg I’m cycle, and I would always use clomid and nolva for PCT.

    But, for some reason, I feel like I’ve had a minor flare up in gyno. Under my left nipple, there’s a decent size lump, and it’s a bit tender to touch. I’d by lying if I said that I wasn’t concerned.

    I’ve never been a fat guy, and I’ve never had a shitty diet. So, I’m not sure what’s happening here, or if it’s even gyno, but it sure seems like it.

    I got my blood work about 5 months ago. My test serum was 530, free test 12.5 and estrodial 25.4.

    Anyways, I’m please asking if any of the vets here can help me out as I’m a bit unsure on what to do. I know there ralox, letro and all of that other stuff, but I want to make sure that I’m not causing more damage here, and I also noticed that RUI isn’t selling stuff anymore?

    I would appreciate any advice, guys.

    Thank you very much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Run some Nolvadex(like 20mg a day)

    for a bit, till it goes away

    I just had mine(gyno) removed, even Nolvadex stops working after a while - for some

  3. #3
    Hey, man, thanks for a quick reply.

    I figured I’d try that. I used to get my liquid peptides from RUI, but I guess they went under.

    I’m sorry In advance if I’m breaking rules, but Is there a reputable site that sells liquid nolva or ralox?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Quote Originally Posted by mhswhite500 View Post
    but Is there a reputable site that sells liquid nolva or ralox?

    I wish I could tell u

    Usually I only do HG India meds - but, now - I dunno

    + All the research chem places have been crap. . . . RUi just went under, didn't it?

  5. #5

    Yeah, man, RUI went under a little while ago. I guess they got investigated about selling “non research” stuff. So, I’m at a dead end.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Quote Originally Posted by mhswhite500 View Post

    Yeah, man, RUI went under a little while ago. I guess they got investigated about selling “non research” stuff. So, I’m at a dead end.

    Dang, didn’t know

    RN, I can get juice(since no one is on) but, I can’t get ancillaries or dick meds

  7. #7
    I would get some blood work before you jump on anything and see what's causing your problem first.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I wish I could tell u

    Usually I only do HG India meds - but, now - I dunno

    + All the research chem places have been crap. . . . RUi just went under, didn't it?
    they ended like 3 yrs ago, same name, diff ppl. i know....
    miss the old days...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    OP, it can happen even to those that have not run gear before. i agree on low dose nolva for a lil bit to see, but also blood work in future and possibly looking at taking gyno out if its a big concern

  10. #10
    Thanks for your input, man. I appreciate it.

    I’m going to run the nolva at the 40/40/20/20

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mhswhite500 View Post
    Thanks for your input, man. I appreciate it.

    I’m going to run the nolva at the 40/40/20/20

    Honestly if it's not pct and for this, 20mg ed for 5 weeks you could go. but I would get bloods to actually see if e2 etc is off balance. do you eat a lot of canned foods or things with BPA? I feel this may play a role, also in off developments during puberty. it can be soo many things tbh.
    but low dosed nolva is a simple thin to try and then give a few weeks after stopping and see how you are.
    Good luck man

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