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Thread: First cycle test and deca

  1. #1
    frickjerry17 is offline New Member
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    First cycle test and deca

    First test and deca cycle
    Hello everyone. I am currently doing my first cycle. I'm 26 years old and have been lifting since I was 16. I am 6'7" and 238 lbs. When I first started lifting I weighed in at a very scrawny 168 lbs so I have put on 70 lbs of muscle mass with body fat staying relatively low. I can see my top abs so I'm somewhere around 12% BF give or take. I started taking test CYP 250 4 weeks ago. I'm currently finishing up week 4 and gains are starting to be recognized. Next week I am picking up 2 more bottles of test CYP 250 and one bottle of deca 300. I'm going to keep running the test at 500 mg a week split in between 2 shots and am going to start the deca at 300 mg one shot a week. I know I should have started the deca earlier but I couldn't get it until now. I can still run it for a total of 10 weeks finishing out with my test on week 15. Now my question to you guys is should I get 2 bottles of deca and preload it the first week or 2 at 600 mg or just get the one bottle and run it for 10 weeks and finish it as the same time as my test because after all the research I've done I've seen that it's highly advised to do it with test but it is a long acting ester and would be in my body for a few weeks after week 15 but then again deca is also long lasting and from what I've read I don't think I want deca in my system without test and definitely don't know if I want to go over 15 weeks when it comes to the test and I am also picking up an estrogen blocker next week with the test and deca to start taking every other day. What are your guys thoughts? Is adding the deca on the 5th week of my test cycle worth it at this point or would you guys point me in a different direction? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance guys

  2. #2
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Deca takes forever to kick in. I wouldn’t have any reservations running it out to 16 weeks with the test to give the deca a chance to kick in. I like long esters for longer runs any way.

    Lots of mixed anecdotes about “front loading”. It’s a personal choice. If it was me, I’d do it (doubling the deca dose the first week) you don’t want any 19 nors running without test, period.

    You have plenty to read up on bud, that much is obvious to me and your preparation leaves much to be desired. That said, I’ll save you my speech.

    Have your PCT in order

    Good luck!
    Dgs59 and Juced_porkchop like this.

  3. #3
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Some input:
    *dont preload pins, take your shot out when you plan to pin it IMO. )i know you meant front load but just saying, for front load up to you but i don't)
    *deca i would run min 14wks personally. I would rec test for 16 and deca for about 14 atleast. but i guess since you started late, atleast run test 2 or 3 weeks longer than deca IMO

    *I use only about 300mg deca ew, 400 should be enough and even 200mg ew is helpful imo.

    *have everything you need or plan to use before starting

    *do alot more research, as i sense it is needed

    *I would rec just do your test cycle and save the deca for next one.

    good luck!
    SampsonandDelilah likes this.

  4. #4
    xxblazenlowxx's Avatar
    xxblazenlowxx is offline Associate Member
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    I would also hold onto deca for my next cycle.

  5. #5
    *Admin* is offline AR Admin
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    Quote Originally Posted by frickjerry17 View Post
    First test and deca cycle
    Hello everyone.

    Thanks in advance guys

    Just letting you know I will be changing your username to frickjerry17 as we do not allow email addresses in names.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    as stated above...
    I would not recommend deca on your first cycle.

    500 test and no AI is the route I would recommend.
    I would recommend hCG .

  7. #7
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    I agree with the fellas. Save the Deca for next time, and experience TEST-ONLY for your first cycle.

    You'd be starting it late, and long esters take 4-6 weeks to FULLY kick in --- frontloading long esters is futile for the same reason. How do you frontload something that isn't going to work for month?

    You have enough experimentation with your diet, training, fluid levels, etc.

    Enjoy your inagural cycle, and definitely do more research.

    Best to you.
    Juced_porkchop likes this.
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  8. #8
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    I agree with the fellas. Save the Deca for next time, and experience TEST-ONLY for your first cycle.

    You'd be starting it late, and long esters take 4-6 weeks to FULLY kick in --- frontloading long esters is futile for the same reason. How do you frontload something that isn't going to work for month?

    You have enough experimentation with your diet, training, fluid levels, etc.

    Enjoy your inagural cycle, and definitely do more research.

    Best to you.
    This is bro science it doesnt take 4-6 weeks for long esters to work, and front loading absolutely does work. Even long esters start working in less than 24 hours after being injected. They will not reach peak levels for a little while, but they will absolutely be doing there job. Front loading helps reach peak level faster. Is it a good idea? Thats debatable, but it works.

  9. #9
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    This is bro science it doesnt take 4-6 weeks for long esters to work, and front loading absolutely does work. Even long esters start working in less than 24 hours after being injected. They will not reach peak levels for a little while, but they will absolutely be doing there job. Front loading helps reach peak level faster. Is it a good idea? Thats debatable, but it works.
    Agreed 100.

    I know there are peak plasma level charts/graphs posted to support that front loading helped reach peak levels faster. I’m just too lazy to hunt for them nor do I feel the need to support what I know to be true.

    No disrespect, but I disagree

    It’s anecdotal, but I’ve personally felt the effects from front loads as well when utilizing long esters...
    Juced_porkchop likes this.

  10. #10
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I meant to also say do test only your first go at least...

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