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Thread: Energy boost

  1. #1

    Energy boost

    I am a 43 year old man with two kids, wife, house, demanding job and so on. I really want to be able to get more hours at the gym, but finding it a lot more difficult.

    Consider I have read up on numerous articles and posts. I am also fully aware of the importance of diet, sleep and so on. I am not looking for advices to why I should not search for a chemical solution but merely advices on what solution to go for.

    HRT is not easy in Norway, so consider that is not an option.

    What would you recommend as a “kickstart”. Is the only viable option Test? I would like a (semi)long-term option.

    I am hoping for some constructive feedback and not only someone stating the obvious that there is no “magic pill”😊

  2. #2
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    you have many options. you don't need TRT per se. get your hands on some Primobolan, Var, etc.. I'm sure its not hard to 'self medicate", but I have no clue what the access and legality to such things are in Norway.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo_Might View Post
    I am a 43 year old man with two kids, wife, house, demanding job and so on. I really want to be able to get more hours at the gym, but finding it a lot more difficult.

    Consider I have read up on numerous articles and posts. I am also fully aware of the importance of diet, sleep and so on. I am not looking for advices to why I should not search for a chemical solution but merely advices on what solution to go for.

    HRT is not easy in Norway, so consider that is not an option.

    What would you recommend as a “kickstart”. Is the only viable option Test? I would like a (semi)long-term option.

    I am hoping for some constructive feedback and not only someone stating the obvious that there is no “magic pill”��
    Are you able to get any blood work done? I would do that first before I jumped on anything.

  4. #4

    What panels

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    Are you able to get any blood work done? I would do that first before I jumped on anything.
    What panels should i Ask for and can i order this at my regular doctor?

  5. #5
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    you should be getting general blood work done 1-2x per year anyhow..

    having said that, I personally don't think blood work is at all necessary prior to running a small cycle.

    what is blood work going to magically tell you , at all , in regards to running a cycle or not !?

    nothing you see on that blood work is likely going to influence you in regards to deciding to jump on some gear or not, let alone would it ever dictate what your cycle should consist of.

    yes get bloodwork and doctor check ups multiple times per year and check your health parameters..
    but the whole idea of AAS use, and constant chronic blood work all the damn time is totally overblown at this point guys.
    that seems to be the answer for anything and everything now days "get bloodwork"..

    I have deca dick, get bloodwork . my nips are tender, get bloodwork . my dick is too hard, get bloodwork . my dick isn't hard enough, get bloodwork . I'm going bald, get bloodwork. my wife is ugly, get bloodwork . my pussy hurts, get bloodwork .

    whatever, 90% of you guys get blood work and it tells you basically nothing. your numbers are all totally normal anyhow, and if they are off, you don't even know what it means let alone what to do about it.
    then you just throw it in a file.. continue on with your life as usual. and then go get more of the same bullshit blood work 4 months later.

    its over rated imo. most things can simply be diagnosed by how you feel and how your performing.
    if your taking deca and your dick stops working , then obviously the problem is a lack of DHT, lack of estrogen and androgen load, and an elevation of progestin.
    do you really need bloodwork to tell you what is already obvious. probably not.
    blood work is not the end all be all and is surely not needed for starting a cycle..

    ok, thats my morning rant.
    I'm sick of seeing "get bloodwork" posted over and over and over again and thats the only advice given and its lazy and doesn't mean shit.. 10 bucks says the people that constantly tell other people "get blood work" probably have not gotten their own blood work done in 5+ years

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo_Might View Post
    I am a 43 year old man with two kids, wife, house, demanding job and so on. I really want to be able to get more hours at the gym, but finding it a lot more difficult.

    Consider I have read up on numerous articles and posts. I am also fully aware of the importance of diet, sleep and so on. I am not looking for advices to why I should not search for a chemical solution but merely advices on what solution to go for.

    HRT is not easy in Norway, so consider that is not an option.

    What would you recommend as a “kickstart”. Is the only viable option Test? I would like a (semi)long-term option.

    I am hoping for some constructive feedback and not only someone stating the obvious that there is no “magic pill”
    A lot of the better HRT protocols around here consist of a blend of test, Primobolan, nandrolone, HGH, and Anavar. Just depends on what your access to these things are.

    150mg of test a week & 200-300mg of primobolan is a great place to start.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you should be getting general blood work done 1-2x per year anyhow..

    having said that, I personally don't think blood work is at all necessary prior to running a small cycle.

    what is blood work going to magically tell you , at all , in regards to running a cycle or not !?

    nothing you see on that blood work is likely going to influence you in regards to deciding to jump on some gear or not, let alone would it ever dictate what your cycle should consist of.

    yes get bloodwork and doctor check ups multiple times per year and check your health parameters..
    but the whole idea of AAS use, and constant chronic blood work all the damn time is totally overblown at this point guys.
    that seems to be the answer for anything and everything now days "get bloodwork"..

    I have deca dick, get bloodwork . my nips are tender, get bloodwork . my dick is too hard, get bloodwork . my dick isn't hard enough, get bloodwork . I'm going bald, get bloodwork. my wife is ugly, get bloodwork . my pussy hurts, get bloodwork .

    whatever, 90% of you guys get blood work and it tells you basically nothing. your numbers are all totally normal anyhow, and if they are off, you don't even know what it means let alone what to do about it.
    then you just throw it in a file.. continue on with your life as usual. and then go get more of the same bullshit blood work 4 months later.

    its over rated imo. most things can simply be diagnosed by how you feel and how your performing.
    if your taking deca and your dick stops working , then obviously the problem is a lack of DHT, lack of estrogen and androgen load, and an elevation of progestin.
    do you really need bloodwork to tell you what is already obvious. probably not.
    blood work is not the end all be all and is surely not needed for starting a cycle..

    ok, thats my morning rant.
    I'm sick of seeing "get bloodwork" posted over and over and over again and thats the only advice given and its lazy and doesn't mean shit.. 10 bucks says the people that constantly tell other people "get blood work" probably have not gotten their own blood work done in 5+ years
    I assume most of the guys that get bloodwork done every ten minutes is because their insurance covers it. At $200 a pop, I can’t see doing it more than a couple times a year. My money is better spent on food, supps, bills, or sitting in my bank account.

    $200 is a 100ius of HGH
    or 6 vials of Testosterone
    or 2 vials of Primo
    or 4 bottles of Anavar
    or 4 Jugs of protein powder
    etc. etc. etc.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    I assume most of the guys that get bloodwork done every ten minutes is because their insurance covers it. At $200 a pop, I can’t see doing it more than a couple times a year. My money is better spent on food, supps, bills, or sitting in my bank account.

    $200 is a 100ius of HGH
    or 6 vials of Testosterone
    or 2 vials of Primo
    or 4 bottles of Anavar
    or 4 Jugs of protein powder
    etc. etc. etc.
    yep , I think its totally over blown,, I respect Stan Efferding,, but why the heck he has gotten supposedly 10,000 blood tests in his life is beyond me.

    look we already know that the hormones we take are going to likely lower HDL, raise Hematocrit, raise androgen levels.. this is a given. why the heck do we need to see it printed out of a piece of paper every other month

  9. #9
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you should be getting general blood work done 1-2x per year anyhow..

    having said that, I personally don't think blood work is at all necessary prior to running a small cycle.

    what is blood work going to magically tell you , at all , in regards to running a cycle or not !?

    nothing you see on that blood work is likely going to influence you in regards to deciding to jump on some gear or not, let alone would it ever dictate what your cycle should consist of.

    yes get bloodwork and doctor check ups multiple times per year and check your health parameters..
    but the whole idea of AAS use, and constant chronic blood work all the damn time is totally overblown at this point guys.
    that seems to be the answer for anything and everything now days "get bloodwork"..

    I have deca dick, get bloodwork . my nips are tender, get bloodwork . my dick is too hard, get bloodwork . my dick isn't hard enough, get bloodwork . I'm going bald, get bloodwork. my wife is ugly, get bloodwork . my pussy hurts, get bloodwork .

    whatever, 90% of you guys get blood work and it tells you basically nothing. your numbers are all totally normal anyhow, and if they are off, you don't even know what it means let alone what to do about it.
    then you just throw it in a file.. continue on with your life as usual. and then go get more of the same bullshit blood work 4 months later.

    its over rated imo. most things can simply be diagnosed by how you feel and how your performing.
    if your taking deca and your dick stops working , then obviously the problem is a lack of DHT, lack of estrogen and androgen load, and an elevation of progestin.
    do you really need bloodwork to tell you what is already obvious. probably not.
    blood work is not the end all be all and is surely not needed for starting a cycle..

    ok, thats my morning rant.
    I'm sick of seeing "get bloodwork" posted over and over and over again and thats the only advice given and its lazy and doesn't mean shit.. 10 bucks says the people that constantly tell other people "get blood work" probably have not gotten their own blood work done in 5+ years
    I'm not nearly as expert as GH, but I agree 100% with his take on blood work.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    I assume most of the guys that get bloodwork done every ten minutes is because their insurance covers it. At $200 a pop, I can’t see doing it more than a couple times a year. My money is better spent on food, supps, bills, or sitting in my bank account.

    $200 is a 100ius of HGH
    or 6 vials of Testosterone
    or 2 vials of Primo
    or 4 bottles of Anavar
    or 4 Jugs of protein powder
    etc. etc. etc.
    Love it...!!!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yep , I think its totally over blown,, I respect Stan Efferding,, but why the heck he has gotten supposedly 10,000 blood tests in his life is beyond me.

    look we already know that the hormones we take are going to likely lower HDL, raise Hematocrit, raise androgen levels.. this is a given. why the heck do we need to see it printed out of a piece of paper every other month
    I can't speak for Stan Efferding but I can share my perspective as I have done a zillion blood tests.

    I'm a very analytical minded person and I'm a stubborn+cranky old man when it comes to change. Despite being the product of an interracial marriage, I was not from the deep end of the gene pool. So for example everyone in my family has osteoporosis. Well the more data points I have the better I can see mineral levels change and adjust myself accordingly.

    Some people like to watch whatever on TV, Id rather fill in a spreadsheet.

    Granted, Canada is free + (essentially) unlimited bloodwork.

    Not saying you are wrong - just could be an OCD part of him. I think everyone in this sport has some level of OCD or specific "ticks".
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    I can't speak for Stan Efferding but I can share my perspective as I have done a zillion blood tests.

    I'm a very analytical minded person and I'm a stubborn+cranky old man when it comes to change. Despite being the product of an interracial marriage, I was not from the deep end of the gene pool. So for example everyone in my family has osteoporosis. Well the more data points I have the better I can see mineral levels change and adjust myself accordingly.

    Some people like to watch whatever on TV, Id rather fill in a spreadsheet.

    Granted, Canada is free + (essentially) unlimited bloodwork.

    Not saying you are wrong - just could be an OCD part of him. I think everyone in this sport has some level of OCD or specific "ticks".
    Nah I get that. If it was free it’d be a totally different story as OCD is in my nature as well

  13. #13
    If you have never done an AAS cycle or want to try getting on TRT I would at least do the basics just to see where your baseline testosterone levels stand naturally.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    If you have never done an AAS cycle or want to try getting on TRT I would at least do the basics just to see where your baseline testosterone levels stand naturally.
    Exactly!, nothing wrong with that at all.

    The op is like 90% of the board (work/life) he stated a energy boost. Going with his age and hectic life there is nothing wrong with getting some simple bloods done to check your health is there ????.

    So the normal pressure of work/life is just taking it's toll on the man, or he could be a wee tad low on test going by his age, but maybe not!.

    So what does he do ? Take Red bull (energy drink)
    So what does he do ? Take primo, Var
    So what does he do ? Take time and rest
    So what does he do ? Speak to his doc , get some simple bloods and see from there ?

  15. #15
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    a land far from here.
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yep , I think its totally over blown,, I respect Stan Efferding,, but why the heck he has gotten supposedly 10,000 blood tests in his life is beyond me.

    look we already know that the hormones we take are going to likely lower HDL, raise Hematocrit, raise androgen levels.. this is a given. why the heck do we need to see it printed out of a piece of paper every other month

    So, testing is overrated? WHere have I heard that lately?

  16. #16
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yep , I think its totally over blown,, I respect Stan Efferding,, but why the heck he has gotten supposedly 10,000 blood tests in his life is beyond me.

    look we already know that the hormones we take are going to likely lower HDL, raise Hematocrit, raise androgen levels.. this is a given. why the heck do we need to see it printed out of a piece of paper every other month
    Agree to a point. As you get older, things change and values change. I have found that I need to be more careful than I did younger.
    Yes, when blasting 700 mg tren, my cholesterol is going to show bad and a lot of other things are going to be bad. Believe me, I have had my share of blood work. To GH’s point, I do not do it like I used to, especially not on cycle. I started refusing tests in ER just before a competition because I knew they were going to be bad. I had already taken too many that just raised questions.
    Dr couldn’t believe how quickly I could lower my cholesterol. LOL. It’s called going off cycle.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  17. #17
    Thanks for the constructive ranting and the positive advice.

    I have gotten test-e and Arimidex. From what I have read I could benefit from some Mast as well seeing it has anti-estrogenic properties(?)Will likely have that next week.

    TRT is not very common in Norway, as far as I know. And not a topic my regular doctor has any knowledge about.

    I am looking to find a doctor with some insight and an open mind in this area first.

    I am not overly patient in regards to waiting for blood works, so I am considering 125mg twice per week. Uncertain if I have to start with the Arimidex from the start?
    One advice I received was to not start taking them before my nipples hurt ....

    My biggest concern is for it to be overly noticeable for wife, coworkers etc. But quality of life can’t be dictated by the opinion of others.

  18. #18
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    im not sure what you look like now but I don't think 125 twice a week will change you drastically enough for your wife or coworkers to get suspicious. You will gain some water weight initially and your skin may break out, but you wont blow up overnight.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo_Might View Post
    Thanks for the constructive ranting and the positive advice.

    I have gotten test-e and Arimidex. From what I have read I could benefit from some Mast as well seeing it has anti-estrogenic properties(?)Will likely have that next week.

    TRT is not very common in Norway, as far as I know. And not a topic my regular doctor has any knowledge about.

    I am looking to find a doctor with some insight and an open mind in this area first.

    I am not overly patient in regards to waiting for blood works, so I am considering 125mg twice per week. Uncertain if I have to start with the Arimidex from the start?
    One advice I received was to not start taking them before my nipples hurt ....

    My biggest concern is for it to be overly noticeable for wife, coworkers etc. But quality of life can’t be dictated by the opinion of others.
    From what I gather....

    you are lookinhg for an energy boost.
    Testosterone will not boost your energy unless you are deficient.
    I would get bloodwork.
    If you are low then I would run 80-100mg of test a week no AI.

    Anything you do long term should be healthy.
    I would not advise more than 200mg for long term. AI probably wouldn't be needed.

    I wouldn't recommmend anything besides test for "energy".
    Diet, stress management, and exercise are the best fixes for lack of energy. Drugs aren't.

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