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you should be getting general blood work done 1-2x per year anyhow..
having said that, I personally don't think blood work is at all necessary prior to running a small cycle.
what is blood work going to magically tell you , at all , in regards to running a cycle or not !?
nothing you see on that blood work is likely going to influence you in regards to deciding to jump on some gear or not, let alone would it ever dictate what your cycle should consist of.
yes get bloodwork and doctor check ups multiple times per year and check your health parameters..
but the whole idea of AAS use, and constant chronic blood work all the damn time is totally overblown at this point guys.
that seems to be the answer for anything and everything now days "get bloodwork"..
I have deca dick, get bloodwork . my nips are tender, get bloodwork . my dick is too hard, get bloodwork . my dick isn't hard enough, get bloodwork . I'm going bald, get bloodwork. my wife is ugly, get bloodwork . my pussy hurts, get bloodwork .
whatever, 90% of you guys get blood work and it tells you basically nothing. your numbers are all totally normal anyhow, and if they are off, you don't even know what it means let alone what to do about it.
then you just throw it in a file.. continue on with your life as usual. and then go get more of the same bullshit blood work 4 months later.
its over rated imo. most things can simply be diagnosed by how you feel and how your performing.
if your taking deca and your dick stops working , then obviously the problem is a lack of DHT, lack of estrogen and androgen load, and an elevation of progestin.
do you really need bloodwork to tell you what is already obvious. probably not.
blood work is not the end all be all and is surely not needed for starting a cycle..
ok, thats my morning rant.
I'm sick of seeing "get bloodwork" posted over and over and over again and thats the only advice given and its lazy and doesn't mean shit.. 10 bucks says the people that constantly tell other people "get blood work" probably have not gotten their own blood work done in 5+ years