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Thread: My next cycle doses and length questions. Masteron/Deca/Test/EQ

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles

    My next cycle doses and length questions. Masteron/Deca/Test/EQ

    Looking for some experienced opinions on putting together my next cycle which will be ran together with HGH and Mk677

    History on me: 40 years old(look 30) I have done 6 cycles in the last 12 years
    I am a nightclub host out in Las Vegas and with that life cycle its hard to avoid drinking(in the past)..
    I am also in healthcare so understand my labs and keep my health on check even with the drinking in the past.

    I didn't like my labs at end of my last cycle and decided to take a break/detox/etc and they look good now. liver enzimes were elevated/Creatinine was 1.3(didn't like this) and Cholesterol was slightly elevated as expected.

    (Yes. I cut out the drinking mid last year) except for some future occasional celebrations, but wont be a consistent weekend activity as it was in the past.

    l am 6'1 currently down to 189lbs due to the detox then covid/gym closures happened right after pct, I was at 200-204 solid on cycle.
    around 8-10% body fat.
    Last cycle was Test Sust/Tren Ace/NPP. best I ever looked and felt.
    However insomnia from Tren was a nightmare even sleeping pills barely helped.

    This time I cut Tren out and have on hand:
    Test E// Test Prop// Deca// NPP// Masteron E+A// EQ to put together my next cycle.

    Torn between running:
    1-4 Test prop 100mg eod
    1-14 Test E 400 week(possible taper off into pct)
    1-14 EQ 400 week(should I do 500 instead?)
    Masteron Ace or E? which one at what dose and length?
    + HGH for 8 months


    1-4 Test sust
    1-14 Test E
    Masteron/which one and dose.?
    + HGH for 8 months

    are these cycles very different from each other or do they both make sense as they do in my mind?

    I have on hand:Caber/nolva/arimadex/clomid/T-4/HCG for on and post cycle support

    as well as will be doing blood work before/during multiple times..

    Simple clean diet: Rice/Chicken/greens/beans I basically eat that for breakfast/lunch/dinner.( some nuts/granola/oatmeal also)

    I want to get back to top shape and let HGH heal old injury/joint pains and keep it all together "mostly" after pct. This is my first time using HGH and want to keep most of the gains and come off healthier.

    Please Please let me know what info if any I am leaving out, or ask any other questions you may have.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles
    Why is it so hard to get replys? When I started off I made a thread or 2 around 10 years ago and never got answers so gave up lol.. and trying again and same?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2019
    a land far from here.
    Quote Originally Posted by GabeS View Post
    Why is it so hard to get replys? When I started off I made a thread or 2 around 10 years ago and never got answers so gave up lol.. and trying again and same?
    Dont post a thread in the morning. post it late at night, when everyone is on, so it will get seen before it gets pushed too far down.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by GabeS View Post
    Why is it so hard to get replys? When I started off I made a thread or 2 around 10 years ago and never got answers so gave up lol.. and trying again and same?
    I hear ya man. I’ve been in and out myself over 2 decades same reason

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    If your worried about keeping gains at 40 years okd have you considered trt?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles
    Almost one year ago I made this thread and figured I would post results.

    I am gearing this more towards the pct because my primary worry was losing gains during pct
    I did the cycle mentioned above, then I started pct with

    Triptorelin+ at 14 days since last test pin.
    +HCG +clomid+Nolvadex

    My testosterone was super low for 2 months between 60-150 on the 3rd month I reached above 250 lol

    I now know that I did the Triptorelin too early. And also learned that the majority of people have been doing their pcts too early after their last pins also.
    From watching more plates more dates and combined with a couple other sources of actual Drs and scientists who say that the
    2 week after last pin for pct method
    Is way to early to start and will render your meds ineffective I decided to start my next PCT 4 weeks after my last pin.

    So I did a short cycle this year

    2 months of Test 300mg week/EQ500mg week.
    And did test sustenon 500mg/week for the first month as a booster

    And at exactly 4 weeks. ( right around the time I started feeling more tired at the gym and sore the days after workouts) which is usually when my test is at its lowest for the next month or two...

    I did my Triptorelon 100mcg shot and started my HCG and clomid+nolva.
    And after 2 weeks of PCt My test results came back at 390!!

    It could be a spike because of the recent Trip shot, but I will test again in 2 weeks from the last test.
    And compare.

    I really really think I found the sweet spot for the fastest recovery and without losing a single lbs.
    Triptorelin might actually be the magic PCT they say it is. ( if done right 4 weeks after last pin)

    I will post again in 2 weeks to re confirm test levels.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
    Last edited by GabeS; 04-15-2021 at 03:03 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by GabeS View Post

    1-4 Test sust
    1-14 Test E
    Masteron/which one and dose.?
    + HGH for 8 months
    You’re gonna want to run the deca longer than 10 weeks. 14-16 IMO. My past two runs with it, right about 10 weeks was the sweet spot to really notice the whole package.

    Mast, I won’t leave home without it. 3-400mg, little more or less depending on what you’re trying to accomplish with it but that’s a solid dose.

    Test you will want to run longer than the deca. Also, again IMO, as well as the mast. Last run shortly after I stopped the deca and mast (together), I developed a small tiny bump of g. This time I will run mast slightly longer, as well as start to introduce some nolva towards the end of the cycle just in case.

    Sorry if I missed anything, I skipped over the post real quick. Seen something about PCT.. deca is notorious for shutting you tf down. Go TRT and never look back. You will be thankful you did and be pissed you never did sooner. Health, feel goods, and blasting without losing gains are a few benefits to name.

    *mast e*

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    So have you kept your muscle with a test level of 390?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles
    Right now I might be 2 lbs lighter than when on cycle, look very nearly identical as when on cycle minus some of the extra hardness in my leaner areas/shoulder mid chest etc.

    Waiting till I retake the blood test in 1.5 weeks to see if it's a stable number or if its all over the place due to the Triptorelin.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
    Last edited by GabeS; 04-18-2021 at 11:25 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by GabeS View Post
    Looking for some experienced opinions on putting together my next cycle which will be ran together with HGH and Mk677

    History on me: 40 years old(look 30) I have done 6 cycles in the last 12 years
    I am a nightclub host out in Las Vegas and with that life cycle its hard to avoid drinking(in the past)..
    I am also in healthcare so understand my labs and keep my health on check even with the drinking in the past.

    I didn't like my labs at end of my last cycle and decided to take a break/detox/etc and they look good now. liver enzimes were elevated/Creatinine was 1.3(didn't like this) and Cholesterol was slightly elevated as expected.

    (Yes. I cut out the drinking mid last year) except for some future occasional celebrations, but wont be a consistent weekend activity as it was in the past.

    l am 6'1 currently down to 189lbs due to the detox then covid/gym closures happened right after pct, I was at 200-204 solid on cycle.
    around 8-10% body fat.
    Last cycle was Test Sust/Tren Ace/NPP. best I ever looked and felt.
    However insomnia from Tren was a nightmare even sleeping pills barely helped.

    This time I cut Tren out and have on hand:
    Test E// Test Prop// Deca// NPP// Masteron E+A// EQ to put together my next cycle.

    Torn between running:
    1-4 Test prop 100mg eod
    1-14 Test E 400 week(possible taper off into pct)
    1-14 EQ 400 week(should I do 500 instead?)
    Masteron Ace or E? which one at what dose and length?
    + HGH for 8 months


    1-4 Test sust
    1-14 Test E
    Masteron/which one and dose.?
    + HGH for 8 months

    are these cycles very different from each other or do they both make sense as they do in my mind?

    I have on hand:Caber/nolva/arimadex/clomid/T-4/HCG for on and post cycle support

    as well as will be doing blood work before/during multiple times..

    Simple clean diet: Rice/Chicken/greens/beans I basically eat that for breakfast/lunch/dinner.( some nuts/granola/oatmeal also)

    I want to get back to top shape and let HGH heal old injury/joint pains and keep it all together "mostly" after pct. This is my first time using HGH and want to keep most of the gains and come off healthier.

    Please Please let me know what info if any I am leaving out, or ask any other questions you may have.
    I'd go with the test deca myself. And push the deca cycle out to at least 12 to 14 weeks.

    Or you could switch to npp and keep it at 10. But run the test all the way out to 14 or so

    At 6-1 and under 200 you could stand a little bulking. I'd ditch the masterone. Not much of a point in using it in a bulking cycle.

    I don't know shit about hgh so I can't comment there.

    But I second the opinion that being over 40, you might as well just cruise or trt and avoid the pct mess.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 04-19-2021 at 09:02 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by GabeS View Post
    Right now I might be 2 lbs lighter than when on cycle, look very nearly identical as when on cycle minus some of the extra hardness in my leaner areas/shoulder mid chest etc.

    Waiting till I retake the blood test in 1.5 weeks to see if it's a stable number or if its all over the place due to the Triptorelin.
    Very interesting results GabeS. Happy to see you posted the results as that is very unusual and super beneficial to other members. Now, if people would also realize there was close to a year between your posts we could get fewer "I would do this posts" :-) Do please post the new blood work in 1.5 weeks, will be very interesting to see.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    Nicely updated GabeS.....

    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Very interesting results GabeS. Happy to see you posted the results as that is very unusual and super beneficial to other members. Now, if people would also realize there was close to a year between your posts we could get fewer "I would do this posts" :-) Do please post the new blood work in 1.5 weeks, will be very interesting to see.
    Agreed with the delayed responses mate

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    "40 years old(look 30) " trying to pick one of us up? Im single ya know.

    Na seriously though, Im also a juicer who works in health care here in Las Vegas.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles
    So yesterday's testosterone test came up at 277.
    Lower than last weeks 399 but expected to be lower I was just hoping for over 250 so I'm in the normal range before the 2month since last pin mark.

    This result is way above last few pcts.
    Of course this is only 1 month and 19 days since last pin.
    So technically 19days into PCT.
    Will do one more in 2 weeks. Just to make sure its climbing and I'll say this was the most successful PCT I ever had.
    I am 195 lbs. 1 lb less than on cycle. My chest looks slightly softer but the size is still there. And definition also.

    Following this cycle I'm going on permanent TRT low dose with some random cycles as I see fit.

    Now its more of a health and staying young game for me than anything.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles
    These tests are being done at 8am just FYI. I know afternoon comes up much higher i would think my afternoon test is around 450

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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by GabeS View Post
    These tests are being done at 8am just FYI. I know afternoon comes up much higher i would think my afternoon test is around 450

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
    "For one thing, total testosterone fluctuates quite a bit during the day. Testosterone levels are highest in the morning, although this effect is less pronounced in older men. To get the best result, physicians generally draw blood for testosterone lab tests between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m."

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    "For one thing, total testosterone fluctuates quite a bit during the day. Testosterone levels are highest in the morning, although this effect is less pronounced in older men. To get the best result, physicians generally draw blood for testosterone lab tests between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m."
    Oops yes I got it backwards. I meant to subtract about 15-20% lol and say its probably lower haha.
    Brain fart

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

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