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Thread: HCG question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    HCG question

    - Week 1 to 12: Testosterone enanthate 300 mg every 3.5 days
    - Week 1 to 12: hCG 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total)
    so in my country HCG just comes in 1ml tubes of 1500iu or 5000iu with 1ml bac water tube each, so im going with the 1500ui which means i need 250iu every 3,5 days that equals 0.16ml insulin pin
    so my problem is HCG comes in 1 ml tube and just cant throw it away
    so can i restore them mixed with bac water inside insulin pin(will equal 6 pins)and keep them stored safely in refrigerator

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    HCG question

    Just research how to make your own bac water. A simple google search will show you. It’s easy. Then you can mix your hcg to the desired strength per ml.

    I would also run your hcg right up to 3 days prior to starting your pct

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019
    a land far from here.
    just order it online. The bac water is cheap. I order 30 ml bottles and throw away the ampules that come with mine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    can someone explain more in details because have no experience in mixing and calculation of hcg

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Regarding preloading your slin pins, I have heard of others people doing this and in principle I don't see a problem with it as long as there's nothing going on to compromise sterility.

    Before I get to the math, IMHO you need to reconstitute using more than just 1cc of bac water because the graduations on a hypodermic needle do not offer much precision in very small doses. It's not that it makes so much difference to how effective the hCG is but it makes it easier to predict how long a given vial of hCG will last, which reduces the probability of running out unexpectedly. In my case hCG typically takes two weeks to arrive after ordering, give or take, so being able to predict accurately how long my last vial will last makes it less likely that I will run out unexpectedly before my resupply arrives.

    IMHO the 1cc ampule of bac water is only adequate if you intend administering the entire vial in a single dose.

    Since all you have at the moment is the 1cc of bac water, I'll do the math on that. If you want 250IUs out of a 1cc solution containing 1500IUs,

    250 ÷ 1500 = 0.167cc of the solution

    If you want 250IUs out of a 1cc solution containing 5000IUs,

    250 ÷ 5000 = 0.05cc

    From these numbers you can see the problem working with such a small volume and high concentration of hCG. Slin pins are marked in 0.01cc increments and if you're careful you might be able to draw with a precision of +/- 0.01cc, so 0.05cc probably will be somewhere between 0.04 and 0.06ccs. That's an error rate of +/- 20%.

    But if you reconstituted using 5cc of bac water, you would be drawing 0.5cc of solution to get the same 250IUs. The +/- 0.01cc error would be changed but the error rate would decrease significantly to just +/- 2%. Which both would make your administration more precise and the exaustion of your hCG supply more predictable.

    I like to work with tens and tenths because it makes the math easier. I blend bac water in a 100cc vial and reconstitute 5000 IUs of hCG in a 10cc vial. Figuring dosage from a 10cc vial containing 5000IUs is simple.

    5000IUs is to 10cc as 500IUs is to 1cc as 50IUs is to 0.1cc.

    To put that into IUs/CCs:

    5000IUs/10ccs = 500IUs/1cc = 50IUs/0.1cc

    Because I started out with a total volume that was evenly divisible by 10, all I needed to do was just move the decimal one place to the left. Easy-peasy.

    I always reconstitute 5000IUs of hCG using 10ccs of bac water. And I dose 350IUs E3.5D (100IUs per day). At that concentration (5000IUs per 10ccs) 50IUs is 0.1cc so 350IUs is 0.7cc.

    That means I get 14.2 0.7cc doses from each 10ccs of hCG. 14 doses E3.5D makes for 7 weeks (56 days) from each 10cc vial. If refrigerated after reconstitution, hCG doesn't begin to degrade for 60 days and I use up each 10cc vial in just 56 days. So my formula means I finish each vial of reconstituted hCG before it begins to turn. Which is exactly why I choose to reconstitute 5000IUs at a time.

    And +1 to what Bio-Active wrote about blending your own bac water. Not only is it far cheaper, every once in a while there are shortages of commercial bac water. But not if you blend your own.

    Bac water is nothing more than 99% sterile water and 1% benzyl acid. I bought 60ccs of benzyl acid for <$10 and you can buy sterile water at any drugstore a few dollars per liter. 1cc of alcohol goes into each 100ccs of bac water and each 100ccs of bac water lasts me a year and a half so I've got benzyl alcohol enough to meet my bac water needs for the next 90 years or so. The process for making your own is very similar to what you do when reconstituting hCG, as are the sterility precautions. Making your own is so cheap that the sterile glassware costs more than all the other ingredients combined.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    thank you so much for your help

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