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Thread: 19nors and pct

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    19nors and pct

    So I am in a level that I know that long esters 19nor will still shut you down even for let’s say 3 month after you finish em.
    But what about short ones like npp.
    I am currently on a 500mg test c 200mg npp and 280mg turinabol cycle also using proviron and I was wondering how to go to pct .
    I have everything on hand.
    Question : i am running npp for 10 weeks , is it preferable to keep injecting trt dose test for another 5-6 weeks and then go pct or I can go straight after my test cyp
    Clears out ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    You mention trt dose, if your on trt pct is not needed.

  3. #3
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    I am
    Not till I have kids

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    So I am in a level that I know that long esters 19nor will still shut you down even for let’s say 3 month after you finish em.
    But what about short ones like npp.
    I am currently on a 500mg test c 200mg npp and 280mg turinabol cycle also using proviron and I was wondering how to go to pct .
    I have everything on hand.
    Question : i am running npp for 10 weeks , is it preferable to keep injecting trt dose test for another 5-6 weeks and then go pct or I can go straight after my test cyp
    Clears out ?

    First of all what are you doing to control prolactin? Do you have any caber? Which ester do you plan to take? And typically if you're doing a PCT with a long ester Test like C or E, you stop all steroids about 2 weeks before you run your PCT. If you lower the dose, you're still putting external testosterone in your body and your body's reaction is going to still be shut down. The ester will still take time for your liver to metabolize so you won't even begin recovery until that's gone.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    First of all what are you doing to control prolactin? Do you have any caber? Which ester do you plan to take? And typically if you're doing a PCT with a long ester Test like C or E, you stop all steroids about 2 weeks before you run your PCT. If you lower the dose, you're still putting external testosterone in your body and your body's reaction is going to still be shut down. The ester will still take time for your liver to metabolize so you won't even begin recovery until that's gone.
    i am already using npp at 200mg , its my first time with a 19nor , i dont have any prl sides yet , my nipps are puffy probably cuz of test or hormonal fluctuation because i cant find a lump and it doesnt hurt and i am using nolva 10mg day to see how it goes and 300mg proviron per week.
    I do have caber on hand , and everything else needed tbh .
    I am not planning to keep injecting test while pct , what i said is after i finish npp , keep injecting low dose test for another 4-5 weeks and then go pct 2 weeks after last pin .
    or how do you pct after a 19nor cycle ??

  6. #6
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    Aug 2005
    I think I see what you're saying.

    Run the Cyp two weeks longer than the Nor, then start PCT two weeks after the Cyp ends.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    i am already using npp at 200mg , its my first time with a 19nor , i dont have any prl sides yet , my nipps are puffy probably cuz of test or hormonal fluctuation because i cant find a lump and it doesnt hurt and i am using nolva 10mg day to see how it goes and 300mg proviron per week.
    I do have caber on hand , and everything else needed tbh .
    I am not planning to keep injecting test while pct , what i said is after i finish npp , keep injecting low dose test for another 4-5 weeks and then go pct 2 weeks after last pin .
    or how do you pct after a 19nor cycle ??
    Be careful with the Nolva. My mother just had a stroke a couple months ago and the doctors think her use of that drug (she had breast cancer) was a major contributing factor.

    But before you start your PCT you need to make sure you're clear of all the steroids. I agree with magic that 2 weeks after you stop the NPP you stop the test and then 2 weeks after that do the pct

    No dark fluids discharging from your nipples when you squeeze them?

  8. #8
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    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    I think I see what you're saying.

    Run the Cyp two weeks longer than the Nor, then start PCT two weeks after the Cyp ends.
    This was exactly what I was looking for , thanx

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Be careful with the Nolva. My mother just had a stroke a couple months ago and the doctors think her use of that drug (she had breast cancer) was a major contributing factor.

    But before you start your PCT you need to make sure you're clear of all the steroids. I agree with magic that 2 weeks after you stop the NPP you stop the test and then 2 weeks after that do the pct

    No dark fluids discharging from your nipples when you squeeze them?
    I never squeeze my boobs for any reason , but now that I did , I could barely see anything coming out , like not even a half a drop of anything , a very very small thing like water but maybe I am wrong cuz it was so little I couldn’t tell .
    This can be many things , I once had nipple discharge cuz of test deficiency , I was on pct .
    You can even get It from high progesterone or high PRL. My dick works wonders , my skin was extremely
    Oily and I had fatigue , that’s why I used arimidex at 0.25 and upped the proviron and now I am
    Fine .
    10mg nolva for 3 days and my left boob where I had the irritation now is perfectly fine .
    I am very patient before I use heavy drugs like adex or caber and I never panic .
    My only concern was how do I pct after a 19nor , but now it’s clearly that I am gonna keep injecting test for 2-3 weeks after npp ends and then go slowly to pct .
    Thanks a lot for your time , it was well appreciated , we learn everyday .
    I hope your mother is well .

  10. #10
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    May 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    First of all what are you doing to control prolactin? Do you have any caber? Which ester do you plan to take? And typically if you're doing a PCT with a long ester Test like C or E, you stop all steroids about 2 weeks before you run your PCT. If you lower the dose, you're still putting external testosterone in your body and your body's reaction is going to still be shut down. The ester will still take time for your liver to metabolize so you won't even begin recovery until that's gone.
    Caber is garbage, masteron is much better at dealing with prolactin. I use it anytime I run a 19 nor

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabhuge14 View Post
    Caber is garbage, masteron is much better at dealing with prolactin. I use it anytime I run a 19 nor
    This is a good option as it is cheaper than caber and also is still an AAS (so it will help you get bigger/stronger), but at 200mg for that short of a duration it’s unlikely you’ll have any issues. And being that it’s phenyl propionate and not Decanoate all you really have to do in a pinch is drop it and it’ll be out of your system in a few days (vs. a few weeks with Decanoate).

    You can drop both compounds on the same day since the long esthers test is going to hang out in your body for another couple weeks. The nandrolone will be out of your system in a few days. So supposing your last injection is on the same day you would wait 14-17 days and then proceed with your PCT.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    This is a good option as it is cheaper than caber and also is still an AAS (so it will help you get bigger/stronger), but at 200mg for that short of a duration it’s unlikely you’ll have any issues. And being that it’s phenyl propionate and not Decanoate all you really have to do in a pinch is drop it and it’ll be out of your system in a few days (vs. a few weeks with Decanoate).

    You can drop both compounds on the same day since the long esthers test is going to hang out in your body for another couple weeks. The nandrolone will be out of your system in a few days. So supposing your last injection is on the same day you would wait 14-17 days and then proceed with your PCT.
    what about the npp metabolites though ?
    Btw caber cost me 20 euros where masteron would cost me 80+ if i wanna run high doses to replace AI or caber.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    what about the npp metabolites though ?
    Btw caber cost me 20 euros where masteron would cost me 80+ if i wanna run high doses to replace AI or caber.
    Oh, that’s weird. Around here caber is hella expensive. Well that’s up to you then. You can certainly use it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Oh, that’s weird. Around here caber is hella expensive. Well that’s up to you then. You can certainly use it.
    Gonna start half a pill Monday / Thursday . Won’t bump it up for 200mg npp , I have difficulty ejaculating during sex , takes hours but really I don’t give a shit if I fuck a bitch or not , I respect the drugs I am using .

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    First of all what are you doing to control prolactin? Do you have any caber? Which ester do you plan to take? And typically if you're doing a PCT with a long ester Test like C or E, you stop all steroids about 2 weeks before you run your PCT. If you lower the dose, you're still putting external testosterone in your body and your body's reaction is going to still be shut down. The ester will still take time for your liver to metabolize so you won't even begin recovery until that's gone.
    Why are you assuming prolactin is raised? Progestins do not always increase prolactin. Often when estrogen is controlled so it prolactin.

    Its also not 2 weeks to start PCT. Its 5 half lifes of the longest ester. Which is about 4-5 weeks if using Enananthate or Cypionate.

  16. #16
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    Dont use caber unless you need it. There is no reason to use it from the start, you may not have any prolactin problems at all. I can run tren, and decca with zero prolactin issues.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Oh, that’s weird. Around here caber is hella expensive. Well that’s up to you then. You can certainly use it.
    Yep same here. If you want sealed pharmaceutical Dostinex it's the same price as 3x 10mL bottles of Masteron. That's an easy 300mg Mast E for 20 weeks

    I'll take the Mast please.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  18. #18
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    Anyone can still answer to how much time it takes for nandrolone metabolites to clear out of your system so you can pct properly?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    Anyone can still answer to how much time it takes for nandrolone metabolites to clear out of your system so you can pct properly?
    Metabolites do not equate to active drug. Nandrolone metabolites can be detected at elevated levels (there are always some baseline, as small amounts of nandrolone are endogenously produced) for over a year after dose ends.
    Essentially though, the active drug from NPP would be low enough as to be completely insignificant after about 10 days. For Decanoate though, you’re looking at more like ~30 days, depending on how you metabolize. The terminal half life has been shown to vary from 7-12 days, depending upon the individual.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Metabolites do not equate to active drug. Nandrolone metabolites can be detected at elevated levels (there are always some baseline, as small amounts of nandrolone are endogenously produced) for over a year after dose ends.
    Essentially though, the active drug from NPP would be low enough as to be completely insignificant after about 10 days. For Decanoate though, you’re looking at more like ~30 days, depending on how you metabolize. The terminal half life has been shown to vary from 7-12 days, depending upon the individual.
    So I can have a normal pct after a month from last pin(npp week 1-10 and continue turi anavar test week 10-16) without worrying of npp not letting me
    Recover , correct ?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    So I can have a normal pct after a month from last pin(npp week 1-10 and continue turi anavar test week 10-16) without worrying of npp not letting me
    Recover , correct ?
    NPP is far less than 30 days. Less than two weeks, essentially.
    The 30 days was for Decanoate.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    NPP is far less than 30 days. Less than two weeks, essentially.
    The 30 days was for Decanoate.
    ok that was i was looking for , thanks man

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getsomehate View Post
    Anyone can still answer to how much time it takes for nandrolone metabolites to clear out of your system so you can pct properly?
    it doesn't matter . its not a drugs metabolites themselves that are directly suppressive but the effects that come from such drugs.

    you don't just inject 500mg of test into your shoulder then your body magically says 'oh shit I have lots of test here I should shut down my balls' ..
    its the downstream effects that cause the shut down, not the presence of the drug or its metabolites itself.

    things take time . it takes time for your body to use proteins and build more aromatase enzyme to accommodate higher test levels so it can make more estrogen.. it takes time for nandrolone to bind to progestin receptors and then for that to cause estrogen sensitivity and thus for that to then signal the pituitary to stop production of luteinizing hormone and then ultimately shut your test production down.

    its the same on the back end .. the timing of when a drug clears your system and then you immediately need to start PCT is really not that relevant (unless your just trying to pct as fast as possible so you can jump on cycle again , in which case your better off just blasting and cruising)

    so when you come off your cycle. just give it time and let all the processes down regulate and start your pct whenever you feel is the right time .. there is no text book start pct at thus and thus time based on what drugs you ran.
    heck half the time I don't think guys even need a pct , but thats a whole other topic

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    it doesn't matter . its not a drugs metabolites themselves that are directly suppressive but the effects that come from such drugs.

    you don't just inject 500mg of test into your shoulder then your body magically says 'oh shit I have lots of test here I should shut down my balls' ..
    its the downstream effects that cause the shut down, not the presence of the drug or its metabolites itself.

    things take time . it takes time for your body to use proteins and build more aromatase enzyme to accommodate higher test levels so it can make more estrogen.. it takes time for nandrolone to bind to progestin receptors and then for that to cause estrogen sensitivity and thus for that to then signal the pituitary to stop production of luteinizing hormone and then ultimately shut your test production down.

    its the same on the back end .. the timing of when a drug clears your system and then you immediately need to start PCT is really not that relevant (unless your just trying to pct as fast as possible so you can jump on cycle again , in which case your better off just blasting and cruising)

    so when you come off your cycle. just give it time and let all the processes down regulate and start your pct whenever you feel is the right time .. there is no text book start pct at thus and thus time based on what drugs you ran.
    heck half the time I don't think guys even need a pct , but thats a whole other topic
    i can see your point GH and it sounds really realistic and normal , i ll just cruise for a month after or two and go slowly into pct . BnC is not an option at the moment , maybe in 9 years at 35yrs old.

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