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Thread: 4th cycle at 42

  1. #1

    4th cycle at 42

    Hey guys I'm back for another cycle. I've done some research but love your guys input.
    42 year old male, 235lbs 20%bf

    15 week cycle
    Week 1-15 test400 800mg a week
    Week 1-15 Tren Ace 200mg a week
    Week 1-15 Mast Prop 200mg a week
    Week 1-15 HCG 500ui a week
    Week 1-8 Anavar 60mg a day
    Week 1-15 AI??
    2 weeks after last pin start PCT(clomid and novla)

    What would you suggest for AI. I got a pack of ameridex. But prefer to use nolva because it's easier on my joints. And from what I researched tbol might be a better oral to take with this cycle. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Is the test prop?

    15 weeks on a short ester is forever, I’d switch to a long ester if it was me. I’d also drop the AI and double the dose of my mast and keep the AI as needed.

    I’d be just fine with anavar as well

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I would look into hrt before starting this cycle if your going to continue this life style and ditch the pct

  4. #4
    What are your goals for this cycle?

    And 15 weeks of tren is way too long IMO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    What are your goals for this cycle?

    And 15 weeks of tren is way too long IMO.

    I’ve done it, it’s not for the meek. Again, it was long ester and my lipids and BP were a mess. Agreed that TRT would make your recovery much much easier especially in your 40’s. Id have a much higher sensitivity to pulling labs throughout a 4 month run too.

    I’d also think about upping the dose and shortening the cycle. Are you running ace because you’re worried about sides and jumping ship?

  6. #6
    Test 400 is 250mg Testosterone Enanthate, 150mg Testosterone Decanoate and yes you are right I should run tren e and mast e. Copy and pasted wrong stuff. My UGL of choice (pareto, #1 in canada) has a tren mast blend and I copied the wrong blend. But I think I'm gonna just buy mast and tren separate and up the mast like you said. Maybe lower the tren dose to?? I'll admit I'm a lil worried about the tren. From what I hear it can change ya. Hows this?

    15 week cycle
    Week 1-15 test400 800mg a week
    Week 1-10 Tren E 400mg a week
    Week 1-15 Mast E 400mg a week
    Week 1-15 HCG 500ui a week
    Week 1-8 Anavar 60mg a day
    Ameridex on hand
    Pct 2 weeks after last pin

    They also make a TNT blend with 250mg of test e and 150mg of tren E per ml, might use that instead, which would give me 500mg of test e a week and 300 of tren e a week.

  7. #7
    400mg is too much tren for your first go IMO.
    200mg for 8 weeks is plenty.

    As is you are running 2 grams a week of gear. That is a hefty cycle. Not sure it is warranted at your stage of development.

    The most important question is:
    What are your goals?
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 06-06-2020 at 07:52 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    I don't get why you guys are all caught up in running the exact same compounds and dosages for 15 weeks straight.. !!

    its not efficient. heck if your going to be on cycle for 15 weeks then frickin phase cycle and rotate compounds based on various phases. don't just run the same crap and dosages for months on end.
    you really want to run tren for 15 weeks !?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    using the compounds you want to use .. this is a better strategy.

    from weeks 1-5 run your Test at 1000mg
    volumization phase

    from weeks 6-10 you lower the test dose and then add in the var and masteron
    anabolic phase

    from weeks 11-15 you add in the Tren
    androgenic , finishing phase

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I .
    you really want to run tren for 15 weeks !?
    You ought to ask Obs. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I don't get why you guys are all caught up in running the exact same compounds and dosages for 15 weeks straight.. !!

    its not efficient. heck if your going to be on cycle for 15 weeks then frickin phase cycle and rotate compounds based on various phases. don't just run the same crap and dosages for months on end.
    you really want to run tren for 15 weeks !?
    Do you think the same for substânces like nandrolone and boldenone?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    using the compounds you want to use .. this is a better strategy.

    from weeks 1-5 run your Test at 1000mg
    volumization phase

    from weeks 6-10 you lower the test dose and then add in the var and masteron
    anabolic phase

    from weeks 11-15 you add in the Tren
    androgenic , finishing phase
    Ok I'm down for something different

    Week 1-5 1000mg test e/week
    Week 6-10 750mg test e/week
    400mg mast e/weel
    60mg anavar/day
    Week 11-15 750mg test e/week
    400mg mast e/week
    60mg anavar/day ,
    400mg tren e/week
    Week 1-15 10mg nolva/day
    Week 1-20 hcg 500ui/week

    Pct 2 weeks after last pin nolva and clomid

    Hows that?

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