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Thread: Injecting in the Pecs--can you do Pec / Chest Exercises the same day or right after?

  1. #1

    Injecting in the Pecs--can you do Pec / Chest Exercises the same day or right after?

    Title: Injecting in the Pecs--can you do Pec / Chest Exercises the same day or right after?

    Hi, I inject Test E. into the Pecs 1x per week at 1.5 ml / cc in 1 pec at 1 sitting with a 1 inch, 23 gauge needle; that's not too much into 1 pec from my research since the Pec is a big muscle like the quad / glute

    My question is after slowly injecting into the pec, with the 1 inch needle then pushing on the injection site thereafter and maybe massaging it around (my Pec Site injection is like 2 inches above the nipple); never had any problems in years from Pec injections-- can't say the same for glutes where I had an abcess once-- *here's my question: "How soon after a Pec Injection of 1.5 mL of 250 mgs/per ML of Test E., which amounts to 375 mL of Test E. into the Pec in 1 sitting (1x per week) can I start to do Chest Exercises like a bench press or incline bench presses?

    The Concern is that the Test E. oil might Leak out if I start to do chest exercises after my IM Pec Injection even if I wait hours, that's why I've been waiting until the next day a full 24 hours....but, I feel like I'm missing out

    If the Test E. does leak out due to my squeezing the Pec muscles during a Pec Exercise like cable crossover rows, then that liquid can seep into subcutaneous tissue out from the Pec muscle and lead to a Sterile Abcess if it lays dormant under the skin and leaked out of the muscle

    Anyone have any idea on how long I should wait before I do chest exercises after my weekly Pec injection? 2 hours? 4 hrs? 6 hrs? or what I'm doing now to err on the side of playing it safe--a full 24 hours after the Pec Im injection?

    Also, Can I do other exercises like barbell biceps curls which might in an Incidental or Ancillary way,....also work the chest muscles leading to the possibility of the Test E. oil leaking out from the Pec muscle subcutaneous like and lead to a sterile abcess

    Thanks in advance for your help, I want to get the most of my workouts and since I did have an abcess in the glute several years ago, i'm worried that working a newly injected muscle might cause the Testesterone E. to leak out and cause a sterile abcess

    Thanks, again

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I inject directly into the muscle that I am going to work for the day. I backfill a slin pin. You would need two slin pins at .75 ml each- assuming a 1 cc pin. The needle is much smaller and doubtful it will leak out.
    The problem may be the size of your needle. I use a 25 g needle when using a regular needle. I draw with a 23 and pin with a 25.
    I would try to squeeze the area up or push down inject it. It is called the z track method. Look it up on the internet. That should stop the leakage even with a 23 g

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I inject directly into the muscle that I am going to work for the day. I backfill a slin pin. You would need two slin pins at .75 ml each- assuming a 1 cc pin. The needle is much smaller and doubtful it will leak out.
    The problem may be the size of your needle. I use a 25 g needle when using a regular needle. I draw with a 23 and pin with a 25.
    I would try to squeeze the area up or push down inject it. It is called the z track method. Look it up on the internet. That should stop the leakage even with a 23 g
    Oh, ok. Thank you. Squeezing the area up and simultaneously pushing down would use of both my hands working with 1 of them free to aspirate, and might cause bruising, but it's better than some of it leaking out and leading to a sterile abcess. Right now, with pinning with 2 hands and have 1 free hand to pull out easily in order to aspirate.

    I will look up what you wrote. thanks...

  4. #4
    So, I'm guessing this is potentially an issue.

    Nowhere on the internet is there anything written about proximity of workouts post injection and if that poses a problem of leaking Testostrerone E. oil subcutaneous and potentially lead to a sterile abcess just laying dormant under the skin and turning infected.

    The closest thing is you should inject in the morning after a shower.

    Thanks again and if anyone else wants to add, please feel free to do so.

  5. #5
    I inject the chest before I workout chest. Pumps are so good. Love it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    So, I'm guessing this is potentially an issue.

    Nowhere on the internet is there anything written about proximity of workouts post injection and if that poses a problem of leaking Testostrerone E. oil subcutaneous and potentially lead to a sterile abcess just laying dormant under the skin and turning infected.

    The closest thing is you should inject in the morning after a shower.

    Thanks again and if anyone else wants to add, please feel free to do so.
    I’m more worried about it leaking out then I am the abscess. He’s losing good test. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    So, I'm guessing this is potentially an issue.

    Nowhere on the internet is there anything written about proximity of workouts post injection and if that poses a problem of leaking Testostrerone E. oil subcutaneous and potentially lead to a sterile abcess just laying dormant under the skin and turning infected.

    The closest thing is you should inject in the morning after a shower.

    Thanks again and if anyone else wants to add, please feel free to do so.

    There may be something to this. Last time I injected my shoulder and did shoulders, I ended up with a sterile abscess. I still have it a little. I don't see how causing physical damage to the muscle through an injection and then further aggravating the site with a workout could be beneficial. I don't believe that site injection has any muscle building benefits, other than short term swelling (if you consider that a benefit).

  8. #8
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    Sep 2015
    Not here.
    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    Title: Injecting in the Pecs--can you do Pec / Chest Exercises the same day or right after?

    Hi, I inject Test E. into the Pecs 1x per week at 1.5 ml / cc in 1 pec at 1 sitting with a 1 inch, 23 gauge needle; that's not too much into 1 pec from my research since the Pec is a big muscle like the quad / glute

    My question is after slowly injecting into the pec, with the 1 inch needle then pushing on the injection site thereafter and maybe massaging it around (my Pec Site injection is like 2 inches above the nipple); never had any problems in years from Pec injections-- can't say the same for glutes where I had an abcess once-- *here's my question: "How soon after a Pec Injection of 1.5 mL of 250 mgs/per ML of Test E., which amounts to 375 mL of Test E. into the Pec in 1 sitting (1x per week) can I start to do Chest Exercises like a bench press or incline bench presses?

    The Concern is that the Test E. oil might Leak out if I start to do chest exercises after my IM Pec Injection even if I wait hours, that's why I've been waiting until the next day a full 24 hours....but, I feel like I'm missing out

    If the Test E. does leak out due to my squeezing the Pec muscles during a Pec Exercise like cable crossover rows, then that liquid can seep into subcutaneous tissue out from the Pec muscle and lead to a Sterile Abcess if it lays dormant under the skin and leaked out of the muscle

    Anyone have any idea on how long I should wait before I do chest exercises after my weekly Pec injection? 2 hours? 4 hrs? 6 hrs? or what I'm doing now to err on the side of playing it safe--a full 24 hours after the Pec Im injection?

    Also, Can I do other exercises like barbell biceps curls which might in an Incidental or Ancillary way,....also work the chest muscles leading to the possibility of the Test E. oil leaking out from the Pec muscle subcutaneous like and lead to a sterile abcess

    Thanks in advance for your help, I want to get the most of my workouts and since I did have an abcess in the glute several years ago, i'm worried that working a newly injected muscle might cause the Testesterone E. to leak out and cause a sterile abcess

    Thanks, again
    Man, I don’t want to jinx myself, but I love injecting my pecs. For me it’s the easiest site as I have restricted movement in one shoulder.

    Bury the 5/8” pin, never a problem. Have injected a couple hours after a pec workout without issue.

    Now watch, next injection, I’m f’d, lol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Man, I don’t want to jinx myself, but I love injecting my pecs. For me it’s the easiest site as I have restricted movement in one shoulder.

    Bury the 5/8” pin, never a problem. Have injected a couple hours after a pec workout without issue.

    Now watch, next injection, I’m f’d, lol.
    After wouldn’t be a problem. Before is the problem.

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