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Thread: 41 yo, Fifth cycle advice

  1. #1

    41 yo, Fifth cycle advice

    I’m 41, 6’2’’, 203lbs

    I have run a few cycles back in my mid 30’s. Last cycle was 5 years ago. I got my home gym together and have a trainer coming 3x a week to train.

    I got my hands on a couple bottles of text cyp 250.
    I’m planning on running 300mg per week for the next 12-14.

    I asked my guy for nolva, but he brought me Arimidex 1mg instead. I don’t think I need an AI with this little gear but I could be wrong. Should I give it back to him for some nolva or is smart to run AI on this cycle and use nolva for pct?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    This may help A little. I don’t run an AI personally.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    any history of gyno? Any history with estrogen sides? Can always keep the Armidex on hand and just break into 1/4’s if needed.

    I’d get the nolva and clomid above and beyond for PCT or consider seeing a TRT specialist at 41 (I’m 45, TRT is a game changer).

    Otherwise may want to consider upping it to 400 a week and running it out to 12 - 16 weeks.

    Have all of your syringes as well.

    Follow Capes advice and there’s a really helpful thread in the last couple of days started by another “old guy” who at 42 or so was getting ready to run a cycle. May be beneficial....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina

  5. #5
    No history of gyno. I ran test e and tren e on all my prior cycles. Def has sides from tren but who doesn’t? It’s good advice. I’ll keep the adex a get some nolva for pct.

    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    any history of gyno? Any history with estrogen sides? Can always keep the Armidex on hand and just break into 1/4’s if needed.

    I’d get the nolva and clomid above and beyond for PCT or consider seeing a TRT specialist at 41 (I’m 45, TRT is a game changer).

    Otherwise may want to consider upping it to 400 a week and running it out to 12 - 16 weeks.

    Have all of your syringes as well.

    Follow Capes advice and there’s a really helpful thread in the last couple of days started by another “old guy” who at 42 or so was getting ready to run a cycle. May be beneficial....

  6. #6
    I was able to get some nolva for my pct. Given the cycle is a lower dose of test, I’m thinking 40/20/20/20 with the nolva? Thoughts

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Dazzle69 View Post
    I was able to get some nolva for my pct. Given the cycle is a lower dose of test, I’m thinking 40/20/20/20 with the nolva? Thoughts
    My thought would be to forget the cycle and look into trt as suggested above.

    Im 36 and it was a”game changer”

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