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Yep. If you’re unfamiliar with the word, google it. For anyone else that is familiar, I’m looking for advice on how to move forward with this situation.
Two days ago it hit me. Sharp, deep pain in the lower left side of my abdomen. At first I thought it was one of those cramps everyone knows. The I’m about to die on the toilet stomach cramp from a bowel movement. Nope. After I finished, it got worse. Sweats. Hot af like a fever. Which then turned in to vomiting. Idk if the puking was from the inflammation, or from the pain. It came and went for the remainder of the day, about 8 hours, two different flights and a 3 hour layover. Fucking horrible day. Once I finally got home I ate a yogurt, had some water and a couple stool softeners.
The next day it was gone. Approached eating slowly, only water and carried on with my life. Day two, now today, it’s coming back again. Clearly I need to see my doctor. My dilemma is, from reading and “self diagnosing” myself is that one of the tests for this bullshit is to pull your RBC. Well I’m currently on 500mg of deca and 300 of mast along side my TRT. Lol
Has anyone ever had this condition? Did they draw blood? I also read they can check by doing a CT scan of your intestines. Seems to be if it’s nothing serious, your prescribed antibiotics and on your way. Hopefully someone has some advice? Appreciate it y’all!