08-26-2020, 06:41 AM #1
Tendon/Ligament Repair: Safest Cycle for Familial hypercholesterolemia
I have about 5 years of experience with AAS and would consider myself intermediate in dosages and cycles.
40 y/o, excellent athletic condition; however, I’ve lost a bit of muscle with this year’s mountain biking and injuries.
What is the safest cycle for someone in excellent shape; however, at risk due to genetics with Familial hypercholesterolemia?
Extra kudos if said cycle also offers significant ligament and tendon healing and repair; still recovering from partial tear to shoulder.
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08-26-2020, 07:43 AM #2
Supplementing with (any) AAS raises cholesterol because the body normally uses cholesterol to synthesize Testosterone . This is why TRT docs routinely check cholesterol in blood tests. If their is an AAS that doesn't cause shutdown, one would hypothesize that it also wouldn't inadvertantly raise cholesterol through this mechanism.
08-26-2020, 07:52 AM #3
For ligament and tendon repair, the answer would not be AAS anyway, you can avoid hypercholestremia and treat your ligament tendon issue with HGH and BPC 157. However, only the real stuff actually works, water in a vial is as useless as injecting sterile water and burning the money.
Many anti-aging and even some TRT docs now prescribe BPC-157. There is a Tampa doc that does it but I forget the name. The office info came up in a google search I did for "CJC/IPAM Dosage".
As for HGH, it is illegal to be prescribed except for a few medical uses such as pre-pubscent dwarfism and short bowel syndrome. If a doc prescribed that he would jeopardize his license and face criminal prosecution. HGH may be available from a UGL or other source but be wary. In all likelihood, you may receive a PM from someone who may be able to supply, buyer beware.
However, CJC/IPAM is a GHRP/GHRH that instructs the body to create HGH. It can also be attained from an anti-aging or TRT doc.
08-26-2020, 08:05 AM #4
Thanks for the feedback so far.
I was looking at a blend of BPC-157 and TB-500..
Also, I do want to cycle still, just looking for safest options with the familial hypercholesterolimia. I understand the testosterone /cholesterol relationship, and that it is unavoidable with AAS. I’m asking what is the safest out there, in terms of muscle growth with minimal side effects on lipids and such?
Medically, I am solid with an A+ echocardiogram, nuclear stress test, nutrition, and cardiovascular health. I just show undesirable lab values with my cholesterol and lipids.
As such, impacting these values the least (to keep my doc from freaking), what AAS are recommended?
I’m open to low-dose, short duration, etc., just no orals... my liver doesn’t like them
Thanks in advance.
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08-26-2020, 08:11 AM #5
Solid advice. My trt doc prescribes both BPC and ipramorelin (I’m 45). I’ve had more luck with the Ipra and low dose deca added to my trt regime.
I have arthritic shoulders and suffered a serious labrum injury about 8 years ago that still gives me fits.
Have heard plenty of success stories with Bpc though, just didn’t blow me away like I wanted and it’s not cheap (at least through my doc).
Think you’re on the right track though and solid advice from Quester
If I’m looking to add an agent...it would be deca (I run 200 a week alongside 200 test when I add it).
08-26-2020, 08:24 AM #6
Perhaps another will comment about an ideal AAS for Hypercholestremia. I would suggest a cholesterol friendly diet, cardio an AAS that is friendly to cardio, cholesterol and liver values, and just using the awareness and sense that you already have to mitigate the problem on and off cycle. Most of these issues come from not acting responsibly or sacrificing health because one becomes more enamoured with their muscle growth.
You don't seem to have that issue and will probably not be as negatively impacted from a cycle if you use the right substances and do the right things.
Diet tip, Avacado oil is good for cholesterol, substitute it for anything that requires an oil or butter. Also, avoid high blood sugar while you are cycling because when combined with high cholesterol the combo creates a more potent violator of vascular (blood vessel) health.
08-26-2020, 08:31 AM #7
Tough to beat test, deca and some masteron .
Don’t need crazy dosages either, sounds like you’re fit and lean. The mast will help with prolactin and E2 and really shine if you’re sub 12% BF
Somewhere around 400 for each to keep the math simple, could go slightly higher or lower as well.
Assuming lean mass is the goal?
Tren is the only drug that crushed my lipids...as suggested a good diet can help keep things balanced as well along with some fish oil and I like magnesium and taurine supplementation
08-26-2020, 08:43 AM #8
08-26-2020, 09:05 AM #9
Thank you.
I use fish oil, eat clean, and yes, lean muscle mass is the goal.
I am about 12-13% right now.
How long would you advise running the referenced cycle at 400 each? And how long after before you would be good for blood tests by doc?
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08-26-2020, 09:09 AM #10
I had also been recommended this cycle previously, thoughts?
8-12 weeks:
120 Test Cyp weekly
300-350 Masteron weekly
400-600 Primobolan weekly
Optional 10-20 Anavar daily
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08-26-2020, 09:44 AM #11
With long esters, I like 12-16 weeks. Would give myself 30-45 days to get back to baseline levels. Deca can spike test levels for labs for sure.
The primo stack is a great cycle also. Tried and true, just keep in mind Primo is often faked. If you trust your source, that’s a great option as well. I’d probably double that test amount if it was me... 200-250 range
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