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Thread: Quick 4 week cycle

  1. #1
    PHunter is offline New Member
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    South Australia.

    Quick 4 week cycle

    100kg, 15%bf, 7 previous cycles, mainly many years ago and 10-16 weeks. (one 8 months ago).
    Since coming off my last cycle early in the year I have plateaued, pretty much sticking at the same weights I finished my cycle on. (slightly down on benches only).
    I had intended to do another 10 week Dbol /Test E/Mast E/Anavar cycle from December, but since work has been slow I just heard I have to take 4 weeks leave starting in 2 weeks.
    With nothing much else to do for this 4 weeks I was thinking off hitting the gym hard and slipping in a quick 4 week cycle with
    Anadrol week 1-2
    Test P weeks 1-4
    Mast P weeks 1-4
    Anavar weeks 2-4
    I know most cycles go for 8 weeks minimum but do you think it is worth giving it a quick 4 week blast with slightly higher doses than my longer term cycles, to try to bust my plateau, while still leaving me able to do my planned 10 week cycle in another 3 months?

    Do you think gains will mainly disappear after a short cycle with fast acting esters?
    I have HCG , Nolvadex , Arimadex on hand already)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    i think its pointless imho just give your body a break and do the next 10 weeks early...i mean do as you please but i think your results will be minimum with just slightly elevated levels of gear and 4 weeks 2 cents

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    All things else being equal...
    The longer you hold onto gains then the easier it is to keep them.

    Meaning that it will be hard to keep any gains off of such a short cycle.

    Sure you may break some plateaus but you will likely drop back down again quickly.

    Same thing with cutting...

    If you cut down to 10% BF and stay there for 2 months...
    Then it is easier to maintain then if you have only been 10% BF for 2 weeks.

    Your body gets accustomed to the new you.
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  4. #4
    PHunter is offline New Member
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    South Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post

    All things else being equal...
    The longer you hold onto gains then the easier it is to keep them.

    Meaning that it will be hard to keep any gains off of such a short cycle.

    Sure you may break some plateaus but you will likely drop back down again quickly.

    Same thing with cutting...

    If you cut down to 10% BF and stay there for 2 months...
    Then it is easier to maintain then if you have only been 10% BF for 2 weeks.

    Your body gets accustomed to the new you.
    OK gotcha, so basically the main issue with short cycles is the gains don't last? Looks like I will hold of the mini cycle and use my 4 weeks off to sleep and recover well between workouts.

  5. #5
    MaxiMyME's Avatar
    MaxiMyME is offline Junior Member
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    I think it is largely a waste of your money to do a 4 week cycle of virtually anything except pct.

    Even with short esters we are talking about a minimum time to start seeing results. This is cause an anabolic state needs to be built up. So say your test kicks in in a short period of time, you want that state held for a time long enough to justify the negative consequences on hormone production putting exogenous substances will have on your body.

    With the cycle you have outlined you will undoubtedly gain mass albeit most will be water weight which as we all know quickly dissipates so I would expect some mass and strength gains but to end up with a net negligible increase in lean long lasting muscle mass.

    Run a proper cycle for at least 8 weeks. Start with your bulkers, have a break if possible (for your liver) and then start your leaning/cutting compounds. Test P throughout is OK but I would rather use long lasting ester in beginning then switch to short ester after the mass building oral.

    Just my 2. Best of luck.

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