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Thread: Is Dbol really that bad for those who start a cycle with a not so lean physique?

  1. #1
    TheDreamer is offline Associate Member
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    Is Dbol really that bad for those who start a cycle with a not so lean physique?

    I ask because I'm about to start my first cycle ever and I should be around 20% of bf.

    This is it:

    Test C twice a week for 12 weeks at least. Each those it will be 250-300 mg. I am just thinking in adding Dianabol during the first four.

    I don't have a solid muscle base but I'm not too skinny neither. I've been working out since like 2013.

  2. #2
    TheDreamer is offline Associate Member
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    Stats are 175 pounds, 5'10.5 and like 20% of bf

  3. #3
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dbol is quick to convert to estrogen which can be an issue for guys with higher BF%’s.

    Not going to say it’s bad but certainly something to be aware of with that high of a BF %.

    There are other orals that can be used to bridge until the test kicks in that aren’t as notorious for causing estrogen related sides as Dbol

  4. #4
    TheDreamer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Dbol is quick to convert to estrogen which can be an issue for guys with higher BF%’s.

    Not going to say it’s bad but certainly something to be aware of with that high of a BF %.

    There are other orals that can be used to bridge until the test kicks in that aren’t as notorious for causing estrogen related sides as Dbol
    Thanks for responding!

    I thought Dbol was the indicated for someone like me since this is going to be my first cycle. Any other product you can recommend? I don't want my chest to be a mess. Another thing I've noticed is that my belly has a problem in trying to lose fat. No matter how I tried I've never been able to get rid of it entirely, not even when I was in my late 20s (I'm in my mid 30's right now).
    Last edited by TheDreamer; 09-16-2020 at 07:12 PM.

  5. #5
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDreamer View Post
    Thanks for responding!

    I thought Dbol was the indicated for someone like me since this is going to be my first cycle. Any other product you can recommend? I don't want my chest to be a mess. Another thing I've noticed is that my belly has a problem in trying to lose fat. No matter how I tried I've never been able to get rid of it entirely, not even when I was in my late 20s (I'm in my mid 20's right now).

    Honestly brother, if you’re hell bent on running anabolics you should stick with a test only cycle. That way if shit goes haywire you’ll know what is causing it. You’d be amazed what a test only cycle can do. I’m walking proof (check my post history).

    You’ll need to be cognizant of dealing with estrogen as it is (due to BF% and not knowing how you’ll respond) the last thing you want is another compound to accelerate that or to cause confusion as to which product is causing the issue. It would be wise to have both Armidex and Nolvadex on hand and have solid understanding of the difference between a SERM and an AI.

    I would establish what your goals are and how are you’re going to diet to accomplish them.

    By your stats I’ll guess you want the almighty “recomp” (build lean muscle and drop belly fat). Most of that is going to be accomplished through your diet and exercise. You have to understand nutrition and caloric intake as well as micronutrients. The juice alone isn’t enough. I would also look into “carb cycling”.

    I would really spend time understanding PCT as well as you don’t want to crush your HPTA in your mid 20’s.

    Sound like a lot? Good, because it is.

    That being said, you’re going to do what you’re going to do. So stick to a test only cycle and if you want to rush the process, I would “front load” your test or start with test P and bridge to a long ester.

    Clear as mud?

  6. #6
    TheDreamer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Honestly brother, if you’re hell bent on running anabolics you should stick with a test only cycle. That way if shit goes haywire you’ll know what is causing it. You’d be amazed what a test only cycle can do. I’m walking proof (check my post history).

    You’ll need to be cognizant of dealing with estrogen as it is (due to BF% and not knowing how you’ll respond) the last thing you want is another compound to accelerate that or to cause confusion as to which product is causing the issue. It would be wise to have both Armidex and Nolvadex on hand and have solid understanding of the difference between a SERM and an AI.

    I would establish what your goals are and how are you’re going to diet to accomplish them.

    By your stats I’ll guess you want the almighty “recomp” (build lean muscle and drop belly fat). Most of that is going to be accomplished through your diet and exercise. You have to understand nutrition and caloric intake as well as micronutrients. The juice alone isn’t enough. I would also look into “carb cycling”.

    I would really spend time understanding PCT as well as you don’t want to crush your HPTA in your mid 20’s.

    Sound like a lot? Good, because it is.

    That being said, you’re going to do what you’re going to do. So stick to a test only cycle and if you want to rush the process, I would “front load” your test or start with test P and bridge to a long ester.

    Clear as mud?
    Yes is clear!

    Thanks for so much information. I'll follow your advise!!

  7. #7
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Holler if you have any questions, that’s what this place is about. Hopefully someone else will jump in as well and offer their .02

  8. #8
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    My first cycle a long time ago, I was about 15% bf at 5'11 and right around 190lbs. If understand wanting to cycle at higher BF% and lower lean muscle. However I would advise against it. Even at the stats i was at, i was no where near my natural potential. Id set a goal of adding 5 to 10lbs of lean mass to my frame first and then revisit the cycle idea. I've seen a lot of guys over the years run first cycles and swell up and at the end of 12 weeks deflate like a baloon in 2 months time.
    Lurk around in the diet and training forums for a while. Learn a little of what your body can do naturally first. Thats my .02

    But if you decide to continue with the cycle S&D already gave you some solid advice

  9. #9
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    ^^^^^ that .02 is priceless

    Would echo that wholeheartedly as a first line

  10. #10
    Cuz's Avatar
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    20% bodyfat and 175 lbs bro i dont think you need steroids right now no offense you have room to grow naturally

  11. #11
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    I agree with Cuz. .8 * 175 = 140 lbs without bodyfat. At 5'10 that means you have very little muscle. You're certainly nowhere near your natural limits.

    Here's what I'd do, if I were you. I'd take a week right now and write down everything you eat during that week. Write down the portion sizes, how you prepared it, and the macros for each item. Then come back on here with that and you'll find somebody who can give you advice on changes to make so that your body is more inclined to putting muscle on or leaning out (whatever your goals are).

    Until you quantify it, by writing it down, you don't really know how much or what exactly you're eating. Skinny people tend to think they eat more than they really do. Fat people tend to think the opposite. If you want to take it further, don't just stop with writing down what you eat. Write down everything you did in your workouts. Include the weights for each set, the number of sets and the number of reps. In fact, you shouldn't just use this for working out. You should apply this technique to everything you want to be successful at.

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Agree with above. Would be best to get to around 15% BG before you cycle. I am only 5”4 and have 5 lbs on you. I’m 49 and been at this a long time but trust me when I say you will be much happier with your results the leaner you are

  13. #13
    TheDreamer is offline Associate Member
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    I'm giving up. I already diet for 6 weeks and at this point I'm just frustrated. I did intermittent fasting and still didn't lose as much weight as I wanted to. I dieted the whole September and the first 2 weeks of October, from 186 pounds I went to 181 and now I'm back to 184. I am so tired... sad...

    Conclusion, I will start my cycle at 20% bf starting on November the 1st. Since 2016 I've been trying to lose this body fat from my abdomen and it's just ridiculous at this point. Unless I really get a lipo I won't be able to get rid of it.

  14. #14
    TheDreamer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    20% bodyfat and 175 lbs bro i dont think you need steroids right now no offense you have room to grow naturally
    I was 188 at 20% bodyfat. But stopped working out on 2018 and lost a lot of mass (or most of it). I am 37 already... it's a no.

  15. #15
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Run your cycle then, just be smart about it. Lower abdominal fat is the toughest for men to lose, genetics play such a vital role. You’re a grown man and know what you’re up against. Just be smart about it and set realistic goals and expectations. I’m sure you can recomp and get closer to where you would like to be.

    Wishing you the best
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  16. #16
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    Wanted to add that maybe you should post your diet for critique as well. I get fasting, but starving yourself can force the body to hold fat. Feeding it consistently and stoking your natural metabolism encourages the body not to hold visceral fat. Are you carb cycling? Macro splits? Tailoring lifting vs resting days? Just some other ideas to help get you to your goals.
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  17. #17
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    Good luck just remember this stuff takes time.

  18. #18
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Almost my identical stats when I decided to get juiced(I went from 170 at 5’10” & 17%bf to what I am now - 215 at about 12%)

    Juice away - I don’t preach abstinence

    But - your diet will be more important than the juice. That’s not a lot of test + you’ll need to be on for a long time to see changes from 175 20% - a lot longer than you think
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 10-14-2020 at 08:13 AM.

  19. #19
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    Steroids are not going to make you lose body fat.
    Diet will.

    If you have been lifting for 7 years and have 20% body fat then your diet is lacking.

    Also, you stated earlier that you dieted for 6 weeks and stopped.
    In order to be a leaner you you must adopt a permanent lifestyle change.
    Diets don't stop, meaning you always need to have a good diet...
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 10-14-2020 at 08:43 AM.

  20. #20
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Steroids are not going to make you lose body fat.
    Diet will.

    If you have been lifting for 7 years and have 20% body fat then your diet is lacking.

    Also, you stated earlier that you dieted for 6 weeks and stopped.
    In order to be a leaner you you must adopt a permanent lifestyle chaange.
    Diets don't stop, meaning you always need to have a good diet...
    This really sums it up, really

    Roids will actually promote “all” growth

    But - yes, a permanent lifestyle change. . . . If let’s say you just add in roids, you won’t change. . . I pretty much break it down into 3rds,

    diet is #1
    roids are #2
    Working out is #3

    To change yourself, you’ll need all 3 - you can relax on 1 while the other 2 are still in effect, after you get where you wanna be

    Shit, it took me about 2-3 years of juicing, lifting like hell & working out best diets for myself to gain about 30 pounds of Lbm & lose about 20 pounds of fatness - then another 1-3 to gain another 10-15 pounds of Lbm

    Daum - I was small. . . Lol

  21. #21
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Diets don't stop.

    Sums it up right there.
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  22. #22
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    The OP is one of those who comes to the forum wanting someone to tell him what he wants to hear. Someone to tell him its ok to run his cycle. He'll do it regardless of what anyone tells him. Probably make a little bit of progress then lose it all, then will either come back to learn how to eat and how to train or will give and find an excuse to be average. Its unfortunate but some people only learn from mistakes. Good luck man I'm rooting for ya

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