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Thread: Test suspention

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada

    Test suspention

    So as my thread says...I'm going to start a short run of test suspension. Probably between 4 to 8 weeks. I'm not sensitive to test I've used prop and cyp in the past with next to no sides.i was just wondering how everyone here shoots this? What size pin? Are guys using slin pins morons?? I'm thinking every day shots before the gym shot im. Chest and delts. Any advice or interesting stories are welcome.
    Last edited by 2jz_calgary; 09-25-2020 at 06:46 AM. Reason: Misspell

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    I generally use a 25ga unless it is suspended well or goes into suspension.with just a few shakes. Good suspension basically looks like milk and stays that way.

    I never run it solo though. Usually prop or cyp is included at normal injection frequency.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    Thanks a lot. That's kindof what I figured. I'm expirementing with a short run of suspension and dbol/tbol. Havnt used anabolics in a while and always wanted to try this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Houston, TX
    With a halflife of only 2-4 hours this makes the ideal injection amount at least a few times a day. This will make it tough to rotate injection sites properly. Use every site you can and rotate. But even doing this u will be at increased risk of scar tissue formation and infection.

    Is there a reason you are opting for a no ester test suspension? Precontest? Cost? Connects? Why the test suspension?

    With that said and with what little info I have regarding your stats and previous experience I would say you should at minimum switch to test prop or cyp/enanthate depending on how you feel about kick in time and bloat.

    8 weeks is a minimum imo for running a steroid cycle. You are shutting down your body's own production. You need to make it worth it.

    If you were unresponsive to cyp you need to up the dose. Have ancilliaries on hand.

    I would say go with a 10-12 week test WITH ester cycle with first 4 weeks dbol, break of 1-2 weeks and then tbol 4-6 weeks/to end.

    The usual always applies to any steroid cycle, liver support, gyno meds on hand, water retention control if desired, and full pct at the end.

    My 2.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    Because I wanted to run it. I've responded well to cyp and prop. I have pct and everything on hand. I rarely need bloat control however I keep my doses reasonable.i havnt cycled in years I didnt want to do a 12 to 14 week cycle. I'm also using hcg although I doubt I need it. I dont think I even got shut down when I did my 2 longer cycle in the past.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Houston, TX
    You may not have gotten shutdown but I can assure you were suppressed. Also if you use test suspension and inje twice a day this means at MOST you have 8 hours of a 16 hour day with extra test in your body. It may honestly balance out thus producing a net neutral or very minimal effect on your natural test production.

    If you are set on running test suspension I recommend more than twice a day so at least you have the test in your system longer than you dont have it. Otherwise it kind of defeats the purpose. Good luck to you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    calgary alberta canada
    I will see how I respond from the 1 Injection. I may or.may not up it to 2 a day. It's a valid point

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiMyME View Post
    You may not have gotten shutdown but I can assure you were suppressed. Also if you use test suspension and inje twice a day this means at MOST you have 8 hours of a 16 hour day with extra test in your body. It may honestly balance out thus producing a net neutral or very minimal effect on your natural test production.

    If you are set on running test suspension I recommend more than twice a day so at least you have the test in your system longer than you dont have it. Otherwise it kind of defeats the purpose. Good luck to you.
    even though test without an ester has no ester attached to it, the depot of powder left behind in the muscle will elevate level for at least 24 hours. The powder suspended in water is not going to be processed by the body immediately. i have done bloodwork with supension as an add on that showed levels above normal for more than 24 hours. some even speculated it will take up to 72 hours for the powder left behind to be fully absorbed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    calgary alberta canada
    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    even though test without an ester has no ester attached to it, the depot of powder left behind in the muscle will elevate level for at least 24 hours. The powder suspended in water is not going to be processed by the body immediately. i have done bloodwork with supension as an add on that showed levels above normal for more than 24 hours. some even speculated it will take up to 72 hours for the powder left behind to be fully absorbed.
    Thanks for the response. I've read some blogs where once a day was just fine but this is my first run.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    its not really worth it test ace or prop is much better. unless the suspension is made really well with micronized raws. if its not its to much of a pain in the ass.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    calgary alberta canada
    It's not bad at all the stuff I have looks like milk. I'm switching from water based to oil based as well. It does not hurt to shoot this aqueous suspention. Just a bit stiff afterwards which I've gotten with oil based in the past as well.

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