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Thread: Maybe i crushed my E2 ?

  1. #1

    Maybe i crushed my E2 ?

    First of all, please don't flame to me. I'm new in the world of steroids.

    Three weeks ago I started my first cycle of Testo Enanth (175mg Testo x2 times a week =350 Testo enanth per week). I did a blood test before starting.

    The first week of testo injections went really good, i felt very well.

    In the second week of the cycle i took 250ui of HCG and 0.5 mg anastrozole both on Tuesday and Wednesday. I know, my bad, i was scared of high estrogen and i maybe paid my inexperience.

    From Wednesday of the second week of the cycle I'm feeling really really bad. In particular, I'm very sleepy, tired all day long (but in the evening I'm better) and with brain fogs, inable to do mental tasks. Is it possible that i crushed my estrogen ? If yes what can I do ? Please don't be dramatic

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    That is not a lot of test, so it’s very possible you crushed your estrogen. Either take the AI out or do .25 mg instead of .5. You can feel like this with too much estrogen also, but in your case, I highly doubt you have too much.

  3. #3
    Thanks so much. This is the 3rd week of the cycle. This morning i injected 175mg of testo enanth and the next injection will be Thursday. Should i stop anastrozole this week ?

    In your opinion, how long does it take for estrogen to improve?
    Last edited by paolorossi; 09-28-2020 at 10:02 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by paolorossi View Post
    Thanks so much. This is the 3rd week of the cycle. This morning i injected 175mg of testo enanth and the next injection will be Thursday. Should i stop anastrozole this week ?

    In your opinion, how long does it take for estrogen to improve?
    Yes, stop the anastrozole. It is all
    Person dependent, but you should see improvement rather soon.
    If you are looking to grow, estrogen is your friend.... obviously to a certain point.
    I do not use AI’s for that very reason and I have gone very high on test. I cannot speak for you, but I think that you should be fine with no AI at that low dose.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Yes, stop the anastrozole. It is all
    Person dependent, but you should see improvement rather soon.
    If you are looking to grow, estrogen is your friend.... obviously to a certain point.
    I do not use AI’s for that very reason and I have gone very high on test. I cannot speak for you, but I think that you should be fine with no AI at that low dose.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    My idea is to use this dosage for TRT if i have no side effects and my bloods test are good. Do you think i could stay without AI for long term at this dosage?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by paolorossi View Post
    My idea is to use this dosage for TRT if i have no side effects and my bloods test are good. Do you think i could stay without AI for long term at this dosage?
    Nothing is guaranteed and this is rather high for TRT... You might wanna bring this down to like 100-150/wk (you shouldn't need any AI)

  7. #7
    350mg/week is not TRT.
    It is a low dose cycle.

  8. #8
    I've been taking 350mg T enant for 3 weeks. Is it possible to simply downgrade to 150 weekly or I have to do some kind of PCT?
    Last edited by paolorossi; 09-28-2020 at 12:03 PM.

  9. #9
    Simply run 75mg twice a week.
    No AI.

    You obviously are here to learn.
    Help us out...

    Why are you even taking test at 25yrs old?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Yes just simply start taking a lower dose and the aas will taper down on its own...keep things simple and don’t overthink things... when you run into trouble just ask us...there are many years of experience here that call this place home...Good luck

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Simply run 75mg twice a week.
    No AI.

    You obviously are here to learn.
    Help us out...

    Why are you even taking test at 25yrs old?
    I have low testosterone, but in my country it's not so low to get a prescription. I'm on trt to increase my mental and physical performance and my libido.

    Do you think that having spent 3 weeks at 350 mg enant and the arimidex that probably crushed my e2 will cause some problems ? Or i can start the new protocol (150 weekly T enant+ 500ui hcg weekly) without worries ?

    I'm here to learn
    Last edited by paolorossi; 09-28-2020 at 12:38 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Simply run 75mg twice a week.
    No AI.

    You obviously are here to learn.
    Help us out...

    Why are you even taking test at 25yrs old?
    Sorry, I did t realize you are 25. I think that DD has a very valid question. You are not going to grow on a TRT dose.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. #13
    just start your new protocol.

    The AI has a short half life and will be out of your system soon.
    Your estrogen (which probably didn't even crash) will rebound sortly.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by paolorossi View Post
    I have low testosterone, but in my country it's not so low to get a prescription. I'm on trt to increase my mental and physical performance and my libido.

    Do you think that having spent 3 weeks at 350 mg enant and the arimidex that probably crushed my e2 will cause some problems ? Or i can start the new protocol (150 weekly T enant+ 500ui hcg weekly) without worries ?

    I'm here to learn
    You are fine. I really don’t agree with you doing your own TRT at this age, but I do TRT on my own because I compete and cant really cycle around the testing.
    I understand your issues because I had them and thought it was old age (at 40).
    I would start with the new protocol without worries.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. #15
    Thanks so much. Is it possible to increase the dosage of the TRT in the future or i should stay at 150 mg wk forever ?

    Some of my friends has been using 350mg wk for years and their blood tests are good. This is the reason i started with 350. They told me that at lower doses you don't feel anything and there is no reason to start trt at this point.
    Last edited by paolorossi; 09-29-2020 at 02:02 AM.

  16. #16
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    La Cocina
    Some of my friends do cocaine every weekend and drink gallons of whiskey every Friday and Saturday night...they’re still alive and kicking too and maybe for a long time.

    You need lab work eventually brother and you need to either be legitimate around hormone therapy or just be cool with cruising on big dosages, just be honest with yourself and call it a cycle.

    If you’re wanting to run long cycles, just call it that and go. The difference between TRT and cycling is vastly different.

    You can’t try and sell me an ostrich and call it a horse. It just isn’t the same thing. Ya dig?

  17. #17
    You said i'm here to learn. I would like to tell you a question, because i might be wrong. Obviously I'm going to switch to 150 mg T enant weekly as you suggest

    I simply recap what happened:

    This was the 3rd week of my very first cycle. 350mg testo enant + 500 ui hcg weekly.

    In the first week, i injected 175mg testo both monday and thursday.

    In the second week, i took also 0.5 mg arimidex both tuesday and wednesday and 250ui hcg wednesday and sunday.

    From the second week i started feeling incredible tired and sleepy, for this reason i immediately stopped taking AI because i thought to have crushed my estro.

    However, on the one hand i felt incredible sleepy and tired but on the other my libido was really high, my erections quite hard and i felt no joint paint.

    Do you think i really crushed my e2 or it’s another issue that caused the sleepyness ?
    Last edited by paolorossi; 09-29-2020 at 03:26 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by paolorossi View Post
    You said i'm here to learn. I would like to tell you a question, because i might be wrong. Obviously I'm going to switch to 150 mg T enant weekly as you suggest

    I simply recap what happened:

    This was the 3rd week of my very first cycle. 350mg testo enant + 500 ui hcg weekly.

    In the first week, i injected 175mg testo both monday and thursday.

    In the second week, i took also 0.5 mg arimidex both tuesday and wednesday and 250ui hcg wednesday and sunday.

    From the second week i started feeling incredible tired and sleepy, for this reason i immediately stopped taking AI because i thought to have crushed my estro.

    However, on the one hand i felt incredible sleepy and tired but on the other my libido was really high, my erections quite hard and i felt no joint paint.

    Do you think i really crushed my e2 or it’s another issue that caused the sleepyness ?

    So hard to tell...if I had to guess. I would think your estrogen would be just fine. Tiredness can be a million things and that’s not that much arimidex. Hard ons and libido is also a good sign.

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