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  1. #1
    Sonnie's Avatar
    Sonnie is offline Junior Member
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    Question Please criticise me !!

    Ok this is the cycle I am planning on running within the next couple of months - I'm planning on pure bulk. It will be my first complete cycle but not my first experience with juice (I abused it a little when I was younger).
    My previous experiences with juice, drugs and life in general has caused me to become somewhat of an extremely depressed person and all of my past gains has disappeared (due to not eating and not training). This leaves me drastically underweight. I'm 24, average height (sorry I haven't measured myself yet) and I weigh 130pounds .

    Prop = Test Propionate
    Cyp = Test Cypionate
    Deca = Deca Durabolin
    Diana = Dianabol
    Fina = Finaplix
    Equip = Equipoise
    Pros = Proscar
    Nolv = Nolvadex
    Minocyc = Minocycline (Acne treatment)
    Clomid = Clomid

    Week1: Prop/Cyp.100/400mg Deca500mg Diana30mgED Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week2: Prop/Cyp.100/400mg Deca500mg Diana30mgED Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week3: Prop/Cyp.100/400mg Deca500mg Equip200mg Diana30mgED Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week4: Prop/Cyp.100/400mg Deca500mg Equip200mg Diana30mgED Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week5: Prop/Cyp.100/400mg Deca500mg Equip200mg Diana30mgED Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week6: Prop/Cyp.100/400mg Deca500mg Equip200mg Diana30mgED Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week7: Prop/Cyp.100/ 400mg Deca500mg Equip200mg Fina100mgEOD Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week8: Prop/Cyp.100/ 400mg Deca500mg Equip200mg Fina100mgEOD Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week9: Prop/Cyp.100/ 400mg Deca500mg Equip200mg Fina100mgEOD Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week10: Prop/Cyp.100/ 400mg Deca500mg Equip200mg Fina100mgEOD Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week11: Prop/Cyp.100/ 400mg Deca500mg Equip200mg Fina100mgEOD Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week12: Prop/Cyp.100/ 400mg Deca500mg Equip200mg Fina100mgEOD Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week13: Nolv10mgED Pros2.5mgED Minocyc150mgED

    Week14: Pros2.5mgED Clomid100mgED

    Week15: Pros2.5mgED Clomid50mgED

    Week16: Pros2.5mgED Clomid25mgED

    I'm splitting both the test ethers and the deca into bi weekly shots, and the 100mg of Fina goes in every second day.
    I will have brimocriptine on hand incase the progest from the fina or the deca is causing problems.

    Should I make this cycle longer? I know the EQ is short but I have 10ml of the shit and I want to use it. Will the clomid be enough to restore my natural test or should I look into some HCG ?

    Any suggestions or criticism would be great, because when I get this right I will post before and after pictures - and talk you guys through my progress.

    You guys are all legends

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    How long have u been training again consistanly?
    It sounds like your diet/training has become pretty much none exsistant being that your only 130lbs.
    I hate to see u jump right back into the sauce if your diet and training aren't in check.

  3. #3
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    You hav used gear for 2 years and weigh 130pounds!!!!????

    Wtf have you forgotten to workout!?

  4. #4
    Sonnie's Avatar
    Sonnie is offline Junior Member
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    I have been on and off gear, my weight used to be healthy and I had a great physique. But then I went through depression where I didn't eat and I stopped training. Party drugs did there bit too. I remember how good training made me feel and I need to get back to it - a killer stack would do this for me, otherwise its going to be to hard to get together the modivation and energy that's required to get and stay on track.
    I know everyone will agree with me that when you start training you can't stop or it really messes with your head/health.

    I know I should have everything else in check before I think about the gear, but if I was on track and I wanted to make massive gains - how would you guys change the above cycle.


  5. #5
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Nope if you dont start without the gear as soon as you go off your hormon levels will be so low you will get depressed and consider suicide. Your just making it to an ugly circle! Ive seen it before!
    Stay clean for atleast a year and then maybe your ready to hit it again.

  6. #6
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    IMO you should get your diet right, start training on a regular basis and take creatine adn a weight gainer. And when you have a good base and alot of experence then start AS, but stick around the boards-you will learn alot.

  7. #7
    Lift Chief's Avatar
    Lift Chief is offline Member
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    I wouldn't do that if i were you... how depressed do you think you're going to feel after your cycle is over if you're already prone to depression?

  8. #8
    ripsid's Avatar
    ripsid is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lift Chief
    I wouldn't do that if i were you... how depressed do you think you're going to feel after your cycle is over if you're already prone to depression?
    I agree...I'd wait bro! I think you need to start before you START, if you know what I mean. That low test will f you up and cause deeper depression and when you get way out like that who knows. Running a cycle isn't going to help if you haven't built a base, even if you lifted before. You need to reestablish where you should be, get your diet right, because no matter what you take if you're diet isn't right you might as well give it away! Diet is key!
    Good luck bro, I hope you make the right decision for you. A clean life is good thing so you deciding to get a pump rather than High is great. Start building, getting your diet and routine down then do your cycle.. IMOP ... Good Luck!


  9. #9
    Sonnie's Avatar
    Sonnie is offline Junior Member
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    Yeh thanks for all of your support and feedback guys, really appreciate it

  10. #10
    punk_bbuilder's Avatar
    punk_bbuilder is offline Senior Member
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    I suffer from depression also. Dude just go hit the weights hard and eat right without any of that stuff. Wait it out, unless you do your going to end up in an endless cycle of depression. You have to get your head straight first before you even consider going to AS. I worked out for a good two years and got to a good weight naturally. This really helped my head out alot (another reason lifting is the shit). Work hard build your self esteem then bump it up a notch. Good posts by these other guys

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